Sunday, May 18, 2008

Verse of the Day - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)


Have you ever had a problem and, when you shared it with someone, you found out they had the same issue? They could relate to what you were going through and offer some moral support and possible suggestions for help, right? It happens all the time! And that is God at work, so says this passage, so says life in action.

~ It is no coincidence that two strangers sitting next to each other on a plane strike up a conversation and end up encouraging each other in their cancer recovery.

~ It is not happenstance that a co-worker of yours shares a story of their negative childhood that mirrors your own, and how they survived.

We think we're alone in the trials we face, but we're not. God sees and knows and loves people so much -- He is the source of all compassion and comfort! And He ministers to people with the healing bandages of other people. And no bandage works as well as the one that fits your wound perfectly.

People often question God when they're going through the mud of difficulties. Why, God? Why me? It's a rather selfish, but very natural, reaction. But look at the big picture...God is building character in us, and creating a healing system for humanity. There's more, so much more, to God's plan than meets the eye.

People who go through a particular trial divinely have a soft spot for others in the same situation -- they've "been there, done that". They can truly understand what that person is going through -- not from head knowledge, but from life experience.

~ The compassion level is far higher in a recovering alcoholic when talking to someone just entering an alcohol recovery program, than someone who's never been tempted with alcohol.

~ How can you know what it's really like to feel sicker than a dog and lose all your hair from chemo treatments, unless you also were stuck at home, throwing up, and putting handfulls of hair into the trash as you looked in the mirror at a person you hardly recognize?

~ A person who has waded through the sludge of clinical depression can probably spot another in person in depression a mile away. They know all the signs, because they've been there. They can offer encouragement and understanding that speaks volumes to someone going through depression, because their testimony has validity. It is authentic.

God's plan is that we receive and give His comfort and compassion through a complex network that only He can fathom. It is amazing how He puts people together who are perfectly matched to bring comfort and encouragement. And from the the most unlikely places, too!

Never underestimate my Jesus

Your tellin' me that there's no hope
I’m tellin' you you're wrong
Never underestimate my Jesus
When the world around you crumbles
He will be strong, He will be strong
~ from Never Underestimate My Jesus, by Relient K

If you're in the midst of a trial right now, please know that God is loving you through it. He sends people -- just the right ones who've been there -- to those in need. Don't despair, but keep clinging to Him. His ways are higher than our ways, but His love is closer than our next breath.

If you've already been through the fire of trials, be ready for an assignment from God to help someone else. There's no time for you to keep your hurtful experiences locked away in your heart closet. As God helped you through the mud to the other side, He will ask you to help someone else through the mud. Pray for strength to help another's healing and, in the process, you will glean the blessing of ministering to another hurting soul.

Never underestimate my Jesus...


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