Sunday, May 25, 2008

Verse of the Day - Matthew 25:23

“The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’ ~ Matthew 25:23 (NLT)


Matthew 25 shares two of Jesus' parables and His words on the final judgment. I encourage you to read through this chapter. (

The second parable is where today's VOTD comes from, and in the King James version, what the master gave to the servants was "talents". Those not familiar with ancient times might not know, but a talent was a unit of money (not the abilities that God gives us). So other translations convert that to pieces or bags of silver. Which could lead us to believe that God is only talking about where we invest our money for His kingdom advancement. I just don't think so.

In reading further in the chapter regarding the final judgment, God separates out the "sheep" from the "goats", those going to eternal life with Him being those who cared for Jesus when they cared for the needy, reaching out in compassion to the hurting, being a friend to the ostracized, being the hand of God to others. Those destined for destruction are those who didn't lift a finger to help someone else, didn't shed any tears for the hurting, didn't do anything to give comfort to the downcast, wasn't the hand of God to others.

So, what are the talents, or silver coins, that the Master gives us to watch over while He's gone? And do you think He expects us to invest them to increase His Kingdom before He returns?

If you tithe regularly to God's work, but sit on your porch drinking lemonade and refuse to help your neighbor while he sweats bullets digging a trench, what does that say to God about your heart for people, who make up His Kingdom? If you sing in the church choir and people praise you for your beautiful voice, but you think your low-income neighbors are a waste of good real estate, are you a "good and faithful servant"?

Jesus says if you show kindness and compassion to people, you show it to Him. He takes very personally how we invest the currency of the heart.

I think all the resources God gives us are to be used! We usually think of our finances and our abilities as the only tools God gives us to advance His Kingdom. But if you are His child, then His Holy Spirit gives you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Are you investing these resources for God's kingdom?

Today and every day, give Jesus the honor and glory He is due, by using all that He gives you to bless Him by blessing others.


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