Sunday, July 13, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 32:10

Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him. ~ Psalm 32:10 (NIV)


...the woes of the wicked...

What, or who, do you think of when you hear the word 'wicked'? Evil fictional characters, like the Wicked Witch of the West, from The Wizard of Oz? Or serial killers, like Jeffrey Dahmer?

But isn't wickedness simply the absence of God? If we don't have God in us, we are ungodly. Wicked. And those without God leave themselves to their own devices...what a lot of woe that brings...

A lot of people think they don't need God, that they're doing just fine without Him. But if they take an honest, reflective look at themselves, they've just got to see the ill effects of sinful living, of living outside of a dependent relationship with God...

~ What good can greed bring? It brings thoughts and actions of getting, getting, getting, to the exclusion of most everything else. We even break the law, potentially putting oneself (and others) in danger, in order to get what we want. It brings distrust of our friends when we do get what we want, because we wonder if they're really our friends, or just trying to steal our stuff. Talk about stress...!

~ We want people to give us attention, and so we break our moral compass and head off into ungodly parts unknown, searching for people to love us, in all the wrong places. That leads to no end of heartache and residual pain, long after "the lovin's gone..."

~ Death is usually a very scary thing for those who choose to ignore or reject God. We strive for health and that eternal fountain of youth, trying desperately to avoid the inevitable thoughts of our mortal decay. Funerals are avoided at all costs, because of the uncomfortable emotions they bring, with all their fear and uncertainty.

Woes? An understatement, really.

The flipside of that is a life with God. A life of submission to the One Who is love revealed, Who desires a relationship with us, on godly terms. Godly terms, because His terms are perfect, and right, and good. And His word says that He wraps His arms of loving-kindness around those who come to Him desiring that kind of relationship. When you are in God's arms, you are embraced with all that He is about...completely.

When you look at the two sides of this coin, doesn't it seem like a no-brainer as to which we would choose? One would think so, but the reality is that so many choose the way of woe over the way of wonderful. Rebellion is a relentless addiction, and many choose this poison over and over again.

Which one are you?

A choice is set before you now

living or dying, blessing or cursing
You know, the time has come around
to turn from your fighting
and rest in his mercy

Choose life, that you might live
the life that He gives
He gives you forever
Choose life, the way that is true
from the one who chose you
your father in Heaven
Choose life

Trust the Lord with all your heart
all of your soul and all of your being
Hold on, listen and obey
surrender your life into His keeping


And the weight you're under
will be lifted away
And the world will wonder
what happened here today
then you'll stand right here and say
Choose life...
~Choose Life, by Big Tent Revival


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