Thursday, July 3, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 40:3

He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many people will see this and worship him. Then they will trust the Lord. ~ Psalm 40:3 (NCV)


I've been walking the American River bike trail for a number of years, and it's very interesting to catch snippets of conversation as serious cyclists pass by. Often, they're in pairs (which is a good idea for safety, as well as helpful in staying motivated in an exercise regimen), and with the speed they're traveling, I may hear one or two sentences -- that's all. But I can tell some of what's on their minds with this brief encounter. If it's on a weekday, more than likely, it will be office/corporate-driven conversation, and I can tell they work together. So-and-so in the office said this, can you believe such-and-such happened on that project. If it's on the weekend, topics might be on retirement and investments, or personal relationship issues. Even in a cardio workout session like cycling, people talk! They want to verbalize what's on their heart and mind.

The Bible says that out of the overflow of a man's heart, his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). So, what we say is what's on our heart. What we think is usually what we verbalize. So, what are we thinking? What's in our heart?

Those who don't know Jesus, who have not yet given themselves to Him, will not normally speak of Him in regular conversation...unless used as an expletive. The flavor of their conversation will tend toward earthly pursuits and problems, seasoned with pride and selfishness. Go to a mall sometime, and just hang out on a bench, listening as people pass by. You will be amazed, and perhaps saddened, by what you hear. Where is the Lord in the mouths of people? Is anyone singing a new song to the Lord?

Christ followers are great about "singing a new song" to the Lord on worship days. We share testimony with brothers and sisters in Christ, we sing songs about and to the Lord, we pray silently and aloud to the Rock of our Salvation. And that is pleasing to God and a blessing to our spirits. But what song are we singing the rest of the week? Does anyone in our weekday circle of influence hear "a new song to the Lord"? Are our lips singing the praises of God, or are we stuck in the complaining mud or the boasting sludge, like so much of the world?

If you have submitted your life to Christ, He has given you new life in Him. The old life is gone, and you are brand new...not the same, ever again (2 Corinthians 5:17). And if we are disciplining ourselves under His direction through prayer and absorbing His Word on a regular basis, our hearts and minds are going to be more consumed with Him than with other things. If that's true, we will verbalize it. What's in your heart comes our of your mouth, right?

So, two things:

1) Be diligent in conversation with God, and in getting into His Word. Make your relationship with Him of utmost value and importance, and work toward letting the Holy Spirit have complete control in your thoughts and actions.

2) Practice talking about God with others, and not just your Christian cronies, either. We are to sing His praises, so we need to get busy and do that -- not obnoxiously or intrusively, but conversationally. Give Him the glory for the blessings that someone else tells you is happening in their life. They need to know that "every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights..." (James 1:17). When someone mentions a concern in their life, tell them that God cares about them deeply and wants to help them carry their burdens (1 Peter 5:7), if they will let Him.

Believers in Jesus are called to be "salt and light" to this dying world (Matthew 5:13-14). As has been said before, we have to get out of the salt shaker if we're ever going to season anyone! And a flashlight doesn't do any good to anyone who's in the dark, just sitting in a junk drawer. We have to get out and get used by God. Turn on the switch...tip over the shaker. Sing praises to our God! Let there be "a new song" on our lips! Less of the trivial, and more of the triumphal!

Our God is all in all. He is everything. Without Him, the earth would cease to be. And He is the source of love. So many people are so unaware of who He is, and how much He loves them. The song they hear in the world is dismal and gray, and reeks of evil and death. They need to hear "a new song" -- one of life and love...of God.

Today can be the start of a new way of communicating for us, where the song of God's praises is what is heard loudest from our lips. It takes purpose and practice, but it is our privilege to praise Him -- openly and often!


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