Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 99:4

The King is mighty, he loves justice— You have established equity... ~ Psalm 99:4 (NIV)


Humanity seems to cry out for fairness and equity. We have the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). Companies pride themselves on being equal-opportunity employers, giving everyone a chance at getting a job, without discrimination, and we applaud this justice and fairness! It is the right thing to do to be fair, to be just, to be equitable...

Why, then, does the world condemn God when He's just and fair?

Man rebels after being warned not to eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden. Yet, he cries, "Unfair!" when he receives the just reward for his actions; that is, death.

God's laws apply to all. Yet, somehow, we want special treatment when we sin, and we want the judge's gavel to be thrown in the face of others when they sin. Is this fair? Is this true justice?

Fairness and justice must go "across the board". That is their essence. If God was wishy-washy, with His hand of justice looking like a squiggly line, how could He be a holy God? Subjectiveness and privilege don't mesh with justice. The reality is that we are selfish, and we want justice for the causes we believe in, for the efforts we support. But when something doesn't suit us, we want vindication...or conversely, clemency.

God must be just -- that is His nature. But He is also merciful, and for that, believers in Christ are truly grateful. Mercy provided our salvation for all who believe through Jesus' work on the cross. Mercy provides opportunity after opportunity for people to consider and embrace God and His ways. He does not treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10); otherwise, we would all be dust in the wind.

We have a tough time understanding God's justice and mercy and how they blend together. Our flesh is so subjective, and our minds are so limited. All I know is that God is God, and I am not. I may not understand why He carries things out the way He does, but I believe that He is just and fair. I believe that He offers grace and mercy. If He didn't, I would be toast. And so would you.

I pray that we can be examples to the world of what our God is like, removing our subjective filters, and seek fairness and justice for the oppressed...and give grace and mercy to the oppressors. God walks a divine line between justice and mercy. Ask Him to help you do the same...


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