The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." ~ Psalm 14:1 (NIV)
Our famous (some would say infamous) Sacramento atheist is at it again. Michael Newdow is trying to get the word "God" out of the presidential inaugural vows...for the 3rd time. (He went to court in '01 and '05, but it was thrown out both times.)
It's truly amazing to see his consistent efforts to minimize and/or obliterate God. But he is a fool. Even if he succeeded in his attempts to strike God's name from U.S. practices (e.g. printed money, Pledge of Allegiance, inaugural vows), Mr. Newdow would have succeeded in nothing with regard to deactivating the God of the universe. You can't kill God or eradicate His existence. Only fools believe He doesn't exist and that, by removing His name, you remove Him. Sheer foolishness.
I heard recently that the hottest growing religious trend is to declare oneself an atheist. Wow. I wish they knew the extent of their foolishness in embracing such a ridiculous notion. Have they really thought this through, or are they just jumping on the trendy bandwagon?
In the latter part of the book of Job (Job 38-41), God lets Job have it with both barrels. For four long chapters, God lays out the reality of His existence and His superiority over all things, especially the puny mind of man. For those who have an ear, they need to hear what God has to say about Himself, and what the world He created has to say, which bears witness to the truth about Him.
Although some lay claim to atheism simply because it's trendy, seemingly not having thought through what they're really standing on or standing for, that is very dangerous ground. God's word says that they have thought it through and aren't simply ignorant of God's existence -- they have seen Him but have chosen to reject Him.
...since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. ~ Romans 1:21-22 (NIV)
So perhaps there is no such thing as atheism -- believing God doesn't exist -- but rather antagotheism -- choosing against God. Whatever people choose to call it, it is a foolish and dangerous stance to take, because there will be a Day of Reckoning, a final day of judgment for all people, where God will open the books, and call people to account (Revelation 20:11-15). At that time, no one will be able to run from Him or say He doesn't exist.
We need to pray for those whose thinking has become futile and whose hearts have become darkened--Michael Newdow, for one, and I'm sure there are others in your circle of influence who have taken an atheistic stance, as well. Pray that their eyes will be opened and that God's light of truth will shine in their darkened hearts and minds. For your part, be ready to give the reason for the hope that you have in Jesus (1 Peter 3:15), and always let your conversation be full of flavor and grace (Colossians 4:6).
God is God, and He shall not be moved. No lawsuit will dethrone the King of Kings. No protest will eradicate the Creator from His creation. I am proud to lay claim to God -- I stand firmly on His existence, and His righteousness through Jesus Christ my Lord. I pray you can stand firmly on these facts, as well.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 34:14
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. ~ Psalm 34:14 (NIV)
The latest fighting in Israel against the Hamas in Palestine splashes across the news headlines, as an ancient war continues to spew violence and hatred. And we shake our heads and say, "What a shame -- how awful...", as if we don't have our own share of warpaint that we put on, as needed.
Many family gatherings during the holidays are anything but peaceful. Aunt Francie shows up late and brings her yapping dog -- Irritant #1. Cousin Sophie talks non-stop about her bitter divorce that was over and done with 5 years ago -- Irritant #2. Brothers Frank and George sit across from each other but don't speak a word because of their joint business venture that went belly up, and they blame each other for the failure. And then there's Great Aunt Flo, who's been standing in the kitchen, telling the ones cooking all the things wrong with how they're preparing this or that. (Did you happen to see a meat thermometer sail past Aunt Flo's head, or was I imagining?!)
Peace? For some, it's a pipe dream, not even close to coming true.
And what about in our everyday lives, apart from holiday family events? Do we seek peace, or stir up evil? When you're running late and traffic is bad, how easy is it to stir up evil in your heart toward other drivers who don't "do it right"? When you are passed up for a promotion at work, do you lay down evil and pursue peace with your boss and the one who did get promoted, or do you gossip behind their back and potentially connive to sabotage the promotee?
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. ~ Romans 12:18 (NIV)
Life is a testing ground, and every day we have opportunity to turn the tide, to change the course. If divisiveness is a problem in your family, you can be a change-maker! Refuse to enter into backbiting conversations but, instead, saturate your loved ones with peace. If you feel offended or irritated, choose to lay it down for the sake of peace, because this pleases God and is in keeping with His character and kingdom. If your neighbor gets on your nerves, choose to be kind in tangible ways, seeking peace instead of war. And if you are peaceable, and others cannot accept that, don't stress. You are only accountable for yourself, and when you seek peace, you're being obedient to God, and that is what matters most.
It's so easy to let self reign and stir up war in our hearts toward others, which is evil in God's eyes. He says, Seek peace and pursue it. In order for that to be possible, self has to step down off the throne and give God His rightful place. Surely today, you will be challenged at some point to stir up war or make peace -- it may be very visible while you engage with others or undetectable to the human eye, in the privacy of your own heart.
Be a change-maker, and choose peace.
The latest fighting in Israel against the Hamas in Palestine splashes across the news headlines, as an ancient war continues to spew violence and hatred. And we shake our heads and say, "What a shame -- how awful...", as if we don't have our own share of warpaint that we put on, as needed.
Many family gatherings during the holidays are anything but peaceful. Aunt Francie shows up late and brings her yapping dog -- Irritant #1. Cousin Sophie talks non-stop about her bitter divorce that was over and done with 5 years ago -- Irritant #2. Brothers Frank and George sit across from each other but don't speak a word because of their joint business venture that went belly up, and they blame each other for the failure. And then there's Great Aunt Flo, who's been standing in the kitchen, telling the ones cooking all the things wrong with how they're preparing this or that. (Did you happen to see a meat thermometer sail past Aunt Flo's head, or was I imagining?!)
Peace? For some, it's a pipe dream, not even close to coming true.
And what about in our everyday lives, apart from holiday family events? Do we seek peace, or stir up evil? When you're running late and traffic is bad, how easy is it to stir up evil in your heart toward other drivers who don't "do it right"? When you are passed up for a promotion at work, do you lay down evil and pursue peace with your boss and the one who did get promoted, or do you gossip behind their back and potentially connive to sabotage the promotee?
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. ~ Romans 12:18 (NIV)
Life is a testing ground, and every day we have opportunity to turn the tide, to change the course. If divisiveness is a problem in your family, you can be a change-maker! Refuse to enter into backbiting conversations but, instead, saturate your loved ones with peace. If you feel offended or irritated, choose to lay it down for the sake of peace, because this pleases God and is in keeping with His character and kingdom. If your neighbor gets on your nerves, choose to be kind in tangible ways, seeking peace instead of war. And if you are peaceable, and others cannot accept that, don't stress. You are only accountable for yourself, and when you seek peace, you're being obedient to God, and that is what matters most.
It's so easy to let self reign and stir up war in our hearts toward others, which is evil in God's eyes. He says, Seek peace and pursue it. In order for that to be possible, self has to step down off the throne and give God His rightful place. Surely today, you will be challenged at some point to stir up war or make peace -- it may be very visible while you engage with others or undetectable to the human eye, in the privacy of your own heart.
Be a change-maker, and choose peace.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Verse of the Day - Deuteronomy 8:5
Think about it: Just as a parent disciplines a child, the Lord your God disciplines you for your own good. ~ Deuteronomy 8:5 (NLT)
We often think of discipline as punishment, probably because when little Johnny hits his sister or little Suzie sticks the hamster in the toilet bowl, they get 'punished' with a spanking, or a time out, or a good talking to, or all of the above. Inflicting consequences for bad behavior is usually regarded as punishment. But discipline is a teaching tool, and although the method may be the same, the motive is so very different.
We do want to teach our children about right conduct and good attitudes. But when they misbehave, sometimes we just get plain mad, and what should be discipline just becomes punishment. Parents sometimes lose sight of the teaching when anger reaches the boiling point. You may spank your child for hitting a sibling, but if you're spanking out of anger, what you end up teaching them is how an adult gives an apology, rather than teaching them to respect others (especially their siblings) and how to deal effectively with anger.
Yet, God never has wrong motives when correcting His children...
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
~ Proverbs 3:11-12 (NIV)
Many people think that when bad things happen to them that God must be punishing them. Well, the truth is that God makes the sun and rain to shine on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45), and with a sin-sick world, evil has its day for all people. But the beauty of being in relationship with God is that He uses all circumstances to instruct and guide His children to be more like His Son, Jesus. God can't let His kids get away with hitting their siblings or sticking the hamster in the toilet. He loves us and wants us to mature in righteousness and grace and love. And so He disciplines us -- correcting, training, instructing, and yes, sometimes spanking. It can be painful at times, but oh, so necessary.
If you are willing, you can see the loving hand of God instructing you through life events and experiences. If you believe you're getting a spanking from Him for wrong behavior, then take your licking with a repentant heart, and learn from that lesson. If you can't identify sinful behavior, then get your internal notepad out and start taking notes from your Instructor. Because, believe me, we have a LOT to learn from Him -- it'll take us a lifetime to learn in full the things of God, and to make them an integral part of our daily fabric.
Happy learning, my friends!
We often think of discipline as punishment, probably because when little Johnny hits his sister or little Suzie sticks the hamster in the toilet bowl, they get 'punished' with a spanking, or a time out, or a good talking to, or all of the above. Inflicting consequences for bad behavior is usually regarded as punishment. But discipline is a teaching tool, and although the method may be the same, the motive is so very different.
We do want to teach our children about right conduct and good attitudes. But when they misbehave, sometimes we just get plain mad, and what should be discipline just becomes punishment. Parents sometimes lose sight of the teaching when anger reaches the boiling point. You may spank your child for hitting a sibling, but if you're spanking out of anger, what you end up teaching them is how an adult gives an apology, rather than teaching them to respect others (especially their siblings) and how to deal effectively with anger.
Yet, God never has wrong motives when correcting His children...
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
~ Proverbs 3:11-12 (NIV)
Many people think that when bad things happen to them that God must be punishing them. Well, the truth is that God makes the sun and rain to shine on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45), and with a sin-sick world, evil has its day for all people. But the beauty of being in relationship with God is that He uses all circumstances to instruct and guide His children to be more like His Son, Jesus. God can't let His kids get away with hitting their siblings or sticking the hamster in the toilet. He loves us and wants us to mature in righteousness and grace and love. And so He disciplines us -- correcting, training, instructing, and yes, sometimes spanking. It can be painful at times, but oh, so necessary.
If you are willing, you can see the loving hand of God instructing you through life events and experiences. If you believe you're getting a spanking from Him for wrong behavior, then take your licking with a repentant heart, and learn from that lesson. If you can't identify sinful behavior, then get your internal notepad out and start taking notes from your Instructor. Because, believe me, we have a LOT to learn from Him -- it'll take us a lifetime to learn in full the things of God, and to make them an integral part of our daily fabric.
Happy learning, my friends!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Verse of the Day - Genesis 50:20
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
~ Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
Well, 2008 is drawing to a close, and a new year -- 2009 -- is almost upon us. If you're like me, I tend to get rather reflective during this week between Christmas and New Years, taking stock of what's been and wondering of what's to come.
I'm sure as you look back in review, there were things that took you by surprise, roads you traveled that were unexpected -- some not-so-pleasant. Maybe you got laid off this year. Maybe you lost your home. Maybe you had a health crisis. Maybe you lost a loved one. So many roads, so many emotions. And, perhaps you wonder, Where's the sense in all this, God? I don't see a good outcome here! What about Romans 8:28, huh, about how all things work together for good to them that love God? Is that just a sham...?
Joseph of the Old Testament certainly had cause to question the events of his life. Although he was his father's favorite son, he fell into the hands of his brothers, who hated him. Initially left for dead in a dry well, he was instead sold to Egyptian travelers to line his brother's pockets, forced into slavery in a foreign country where he knew no one, nor the language. Do you think at this point, he was questioning God? Perhaps he did, though Scripture doesn't tell us. And despite his rising in rank with his owner, he was accused falsely of rape and sent to prison -- for over two years! Ever feel like things are going from bad to worse? Joseph could certainly sympathize with you.
But if you read the story in Genesis, and I hope you will, you'll discover that through God's bigger picture, God had it all under control, and that He had plans -- big plans -- for Joseph. And Egypt. And Israel. But if Joseph had never gone to Egypt in the first place, he and his family might've died in the famine in Israel, which would've changed the course of world history as we know it. See, God does know what He's doing, even when it looks like evil is winning.
Reading the biographies of believers down through the ages is so encouraging, because we are given the big picture, and we can see how God uses negative circumstances in people's lives in order to bring out amazing results for God. I encourage you to check out the biography/autobiography section at your local Christian bookstore. Some are small and inexpensive, and will give you a great glimpse into our great God, and how busy He is in the lives of His people.
Oh believer, I ask you to take your eyes from the microscope and, instead, look into the magnifying glass at your life. You many not understand the roads you've traveled, and maybe the unknown of 2009 seems like a scary proposition, all things considered. But I beg of you to trust God -- He truly does have the whole world in His hands, and that includes you and your life path. Even when evil people do things that affect your life, sometimes in huge ways, if you are a child of God, you can be sure that your Father in heaven has allowed it. And not only allowed it, but has woven it into a plan for good. God is good, and everything He touches is good. He has a plan for you, and it is good.
I pray that as you look toward 2009, you can rest in the goodness of your God, and remember His goodness when your paths get bumpy. See His big picture, knowing that you are part of His big plan, and expect great things from your life for His kingdom. I know He does...
~ Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
Well, 2008 is drawing to a close, and a new year -- 2009 -- is almost upon us. If you're like me, I tend to get rather reflective during this week between Christmas and New Years, taking stock of what's been and wondering of what's to come.
I'm sure as you look back in review, there were things that took you by surprise, roads you traveled that were unexpected -- some not-so-pleasant. Maybe you got laid off this year. Maybe you lost your home. Maybe you had a health crisis. Maybe you lost a loved one. So many roads, so many emotions. And, perhaps you wonder, Where's the sense in all this, God? I don't see a good outcome here! What about Romans 8:28, huh, about how all things work together for good to them that love God? Is that just a sham...?
Joseph of the Old Testament certainly had cause to question the events of his life. Although he was his father's favorite son, he fell into the hands of his brothers, who hated him. Initially left for dead in a dry well, he was instead sold to Egyptian travelers to line his brother's pockets, forced into slavery in a foreign country where he knew no one, nor the language. Do you think at this point, he was questioning God? Perhaps he did, though Scripture doesn't tell us. And despite his rising in rank with his owner, he was accused falsely of rape and sent to prison -- for over two years! Ever feel like things are going from bad to worse? Joseph could certainly sympathize with you.
But if you read the story in Genesis, and I hope you will, you'll discover that through God's bigger picture, God had it all under control, and that He had plans -- big plans -- for Joseph. And Egypt. And Israel. But if Joseph had never gone to Egypt in the first place, he and his family might've died in the famine in Israel, which would've changed the course of world history as we know it. See, God does know what He's doing, even when it looks like evil is winning.
Reading the biographies of believers down through the ages is so encouraging, because we are given the big picture, and we can see how God uses negative circumstances in people's lives in order to bring out amazing results for God. I encourage you to check out the biography/autobiography section at your local Christian bookstore. Some are small and inexpensive, and will give you a great glimpse into our great God, and how busy He is in the lives of His people.
Oh believer, I ask you to take your eyes from the microscope and, instead, look into the magnifying glass at your life. You many not understand the roads you've traveled, and maybe the unknown of 2009 seems like a scary proposition, all things considered. But I beg of you to trust God -- He truly does have the whole world in His hands, and that includes you and your life path. Even when evil people do things that affect your life, sometimes in huge ways, if you are a child of God, you can be sure that your Father in heaven has allowed it. And not only allowed it, but has woven it into a plan for good. God is good, and everything He touches is good. He has a plan for you, and it is good.
I pray that as you look toward 2009, you can rest in the goodness of your God, and remember His goodness when your paths get bumpy. See His big picture, knowing that you are part of His big plan, and expect great things from your life for His kingdom. I know He does...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Verse of the Day - Titus 2:14
...[Jesus] gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. ~ Titus 2:14 (NIV)
Magnets are pretty incredible little gizmos. These metals attract other metals and make for a myriad of refrigerator paraphernalia -- a great use of physics! That is, if you are using magnets with metals of opposing poles. Ever try to take two magnets and put them together? That's frustrating entertainment, huh? It's nearly impossible, because like poles are opposed to one another, and they simply repel each other. And even if you actually got them together, depending on the strength of the magnetic force, as soon as you release your grip, they are GONE! Scrammed, like two fighting alley cats that get a spotlight shined on them. (Again, these are physics principles that boggle my mind so, therefore, I simply accept them without understanding them in the least. The magnets, that is...not the cats.)
Without the transforming work of Jesus Christ in our lives, we're like magnets to a refrigerator. We cling to selfish, sinful thoughts and attitudes with great force; in fact, compelled to stick to these things -- just like that Chip Clip magnet on your frig is compelled to stick! But Jesus can turn that sin attraction and compulsion in us into absolute repelling, so that we simply cannot latch on to sin and self as we once did. Even if we, with some effort on our part, force ourselves or allow ourselves to be pushed toward evil thoughts and deeds, the attraction is not the same. When the pressure is removed, we don't just sit there, clinging to the sin ways, like a refrigerator magnet. God's Holy Spirit is that opposing force that causes us to scram from evil, because our composition has changed. Praise God -- our composition has changed!
So the next time you use a magnet on your frig, stop and thank Jesus for changing you from a sin magnet to a sin repellent. And may we continue to rely on the opposing force of the Holy Spirit, so that our hearts and minds repel against selfish and malicious thoughts and gravitate toward godly things -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Magnets are pretty incredible little gizmos. These metals attract other metals and make for a myriad of refrigerator paraphernalia -- a great use of physics! That is, if you are using magnets with metals of opposing poles. Ever try to take two magnets and put them together? That's frustrating entertainment, huh? It's nearly impossible, because like poles are opposed to one another, and they simply repel each other. And even if you actually got them together, depending on the strength of the magnetic force, as soon as you release your grip, they are GONE! Scrammed, like two fighting alley cats that get a spotlight shined on them. (Again, these are physics principles that boggle my mind so, therefore, I simply accept them without understanding them in the least. The magnets, that is...not the cats.)
Without the transforming work of Jesus Christ in our lives, we're like magnets to a refrigerator. We cling to selfish, sinful thoughts and attitudes with great force; in fact, compelled to stick to these things -- just like that Chip Clip magnet on your frig is compelled to stick! But Jesus can turn that sin attraction and compulsion in us into absolute repelling, so that we simply cannot latch on to sin and self as we once did. Even if we, with some effort on our part, force ourselves or allow ourselves to be pushed toward evil thoughts and deeds, the attraction is not the same. When the pressure is removed, we don't just sit there, clinging to the sin ways, like a refrigerator magnet. God's Holy Spirit is that opposing force that causes us to scram from evil, because our composition has changed. Praise God -- our composition has changed!
So the next time you use a magnet on your frig, stop and thank Jesus for changing you from a sin magnet to a sin repellent. And may we continue to rely on the opposing force of the Holy Spirit, so that our hearts and minds repel against selfish and malicious thoughts and gravitate toward godly things -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
Friday, December 26, 2008
Verse of the Day - John 1:4-5
In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
~ John 1:4-5 (NIV)
Yesterday, while at my step-sister's house for Christmas, my brother-in-law asked me if I had looked through the "angel" glasses yet. I'd seen these 3-D glasses sitting on the coffee table and watched my son put them on and flick them up and down, but curiosity hadn't killed this cat (me). But while others were eating pie, I thought I'd give it a whirl. So I put on the glasses and looked at the Christmas tree. Lo, and behold! There were angels all over the tree, and their wings were really fluttering! It was actually very incredible. Though not meant for regular light bulbs, it worked great on Christmas lights!
So, I ask you: what 3-D glasses does humanity need to put on in order to see the Light of the World? Why do they not recognize Him for who He is? They look at Him and think He's a good teacher or a wise man, but not the Savior of the world -- but, see, they're using plain glasses made by man. To see the glory of God in this Son of Man, they need spiritual 3-D glasses...a submissive heart to the Supreme Authority, an acknowledgment of their sin condition, a desire to do things by God's way, God's truth, God's life.
...that life was the light of men.
How can we help people realize that they need to walk over to the proverbial coffee table and put on the glasses that will enable them to see what appears to be just a good man, but is in reality the Creator of the universe, and the Savior of the world? What can we do to shine light on The Light, when the darkness seems so dark?
God has given us two basic tools in order to be light-bearers on Jesus: words and deeds...
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? ~ Romans 10:14 (NIV)
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)
But we must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, so that we are effective where we are placed. Tying someone down to a Starbucks couch and strapping spiritual 3-D glasses to their face while you shout, "Do you see it the light?! Do you see the light?!" just isn't gonna cut it. Filling up someone's mailbox with 4,000 pairs of glasses may not do the trick. We think we know best how to help people see Jesus, but the reality is that the Holy Spirit knows best. And we need to be listening to Him as we go about magnifying the Lord, the Great Light of the World.
Please don't be discouraged if/when those you come in contact with don't want to put the glasses on, or somehow don't see His light when they do first put them on. Pray for God's intervention in their lives, that He will open their eyes so that Christ's light will be revealed, in all His glory.
May God bless you richly as you help spark humanity's curiosity about Jesus, the Light of the world. Seek to help the unseeing see with new glasses...
~ John 1:4-5 (NIV)
Yesterday, while at my step-sister's house for Christmas, my brother-in-law asked me if I had looked through the "angel" glasses yet. I'd seen these 3-D glasses sitting on the coffee table and watched my son put them on and flick them up and down, but curiosity hadn't killed this cat (me). But while others were eating pie, I thought I'd give it a whirl. So I put on the glasses and looked at the Christmas tree. Lo, and behold! There were angels all over the tree, and their wings were really fluttering! It was actually very incredible. Though not meant for regular light bulbs, it worked great on Christmas lights!
So, I ask you: what 3-D glasses does humanity need to put on in order to see the Light of the World? Why do they not recognize Him for who He is? They look at Him and think He's a good teacher or a wise man, but not the Savior of the world -- but, see, they're using plain glasses made by man. To see the glory of God in this Son of Man, they need spiritual 3-D glasses...a submissive heart to the Supreme Authority, an acknowledgment of their sin condition, a desire to do things by God's way, God's truth, God's life.
...that life was the light of men.
How can we help people realize that they need to walk over to the proverbial coffee table and put on the glasses that will enable them to see what appears to be just a good man, but is in reality the Creator of the universe, and the Savior of the world? What can we do to shine light on The Light, when the darkness seems so dark?
God has given us two basic tools in order to be light-bearers on Jesus: words and deeds...
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? ~ Romans 10:14 (NIV)
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)
But we must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, so that we are effective where we are placed. Tying someone down to a Starbucks couch and strapping spiritual 3-D glasses to their face while you shout, "Do you see it the light?! Do you see the light?!" just isn't gonna cut it. Filling up someone's mailbox with 4,000 pairs of glasses may not do the trick. We think we know best how to help people see Jesus, but the reality is that the Holy Spirit knows best. And we need to be listening to Him as we go about magnifying the Lord, the Great Light of the World.
Please don't be discouraged if/when those you come in contact with don't want to put the glasses on, or somehow don't see His light when they do first put them on. Pray for God's intervention in their lives, that He will open their eyes so that Christ's light will be revealed, in all His glory.
May God bless you richly as you help spark humanity's curiosity about Jesus, the Light of the world. Seek to help the unseeing see with new glasses...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:31-32
You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. ~ Luke 2:31-32 (NIV)
I think every parent would love to hear that their child will be great in this life. We have goals and dreams for our kids, hoping they'll do more and better than we did. Desiring them to be successful in whatever their aim is in life -- to strive for greatness. We even daydream sometimes of our kids in lofty places -- the Oval Office, the Senate floor, the Space Shuttle. We rarely think it "great" if our kids end up working in a homeless shelter or eeking out a living as a substitute kindergarten teacher.
Perhaps Mary was misled like so many other Jews regarding Jesus' greatness. Maybe she thought her son would rise to earthly greatness and overthrow the Roman government and kick King Herod out on his ear. Her ponderings may have turned to daydreams as she envisioned her son, Jesus, leading the righteous revolt against Jewish oppression.
But when he finally ventured out among the people, there wasn't the great pomp and flair. He wasn't making a political name for himself. The people he gathered to himself weren't soldiers, but rather sinners. In fact, he was the antithesis of a politician, who attempts to cut all ties to folks who could give him/her a bad name. He embraced the poor, the wretched, the sick and the lonely. Prostitutes? Sure! Money-grubbing tax collectors? Let them come! This is greatness?
And then the rumors began to rumble through the villages: there was a plot to kill Jesus. But why? What had he done?
Great men who do and say great things are often squelched by their enemies, snuffed out to keep them quiet. Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr. But Jesus was different. Although His enemies plotted to kill Him and did slay Him on a cross, He chose that path Himself as God's sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. As Mary looked at her firstborn son bleeding on the cross, did she think, Where is the greatness in this, God?
Humanity sees only what's in front of them. The here and now. What they can see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. Jesus was among them, and He said and did some amazing things. But it turned to tragedy on a cross, and the greatness seemed gone. Is that how many today feel about Jesus? Is it possible that they view Him as just another altruistic martyr who died for a cause, so let's honor Him with His picture on a postage stamp? Is that the extent of the greatness of Jesus in some peoples' eyes? Perhaps so.
But let me pull back the curtain and give you a glimpse of the greatness of Jesus...
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang:
"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing:
"To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped. ~ Revelation 5:11-14
He was not an ordinary man. In fact, He was not a great man. He was God become man, and He was and is great! His greatness knows no boundaries, with height and depth and breadth and length of His character and deeds being far above mortal man! What the angel told Mary was so true, even though she and many others could not grasp it. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.
With all the disparaging and minimizing that the world does toward Jesus, please don't despair, my friends. The greatness of the Lord isn't diminished by man's puny attempt to make Him less than He is. He is great, and greatly to be praised! I hope you recognize the greatness of your Creator today, whose birth we celebrate on Christmas Day.
I think every parent would love to hear that their child will be great in this life. We have goals and dreams for our kids, hoping they'll do more and better than we did. Desiring them to be successful in whatever their aim is in life -- to strive for greatness. We even daydream sometimes of our kids in lofty places -- the Oval Office, the Senate floor, the Space Shuttle. We rarely think it "great" if our kids end up working in a homeless shelter or eeking out a living as a substitute kindergarten teacher.
Perhaps Mary was misled like so many other Jews regarding Jesus' greatness. Maybe she thought her son would rise to earthly greatness and overthrow the Roman government and kick King Herod out on his ear. Her ponderings may have turned to daydreams as she envisioned her son, Jesus, leading the righteous revolt against Jewish oppression.
But when he finally ventured out among the people, there wasn't the great pomp and flair. He wasn't making a political name for himself. The people he gathered to himself weren't soldiers, but rather sinners. In fact, he was the antithesis of a politician, who attempts to cut all ties to folks who could give him/her a bad name. He embraced the poor, the wretched, the sick and the lonely. Prostitutes? Sure! Money-grubbing tax collectors? Let them come! This is greatness?
And then the rumors began to rumble through the villages: there was a plot to kill Jesus. But why? What had he done?
Great men who do and say great things are often squelched by their enemies, snuffed out to keep them quiet. Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr. But Jesus was different. Although His enemies plotted to kill Him and did slay Him on a cross, He chose that path Himself as God's sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. As Mary looked at her firstborn son bleeding on the cross, did she think, Where is the greatness in this, God?
Humanity sees only what's in front of them. The here and now. What they can see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. Jesus was among them, and He said and did some amazing things. But it turned to tragedy on a cross, and the greatness seemed gone. Is that how many today feel about Jesus? Is it possible that they view Him as just another altruistic martyr who died for a cause, so let's honor Him with His picture on a postage stamp? Is that the extent of the greatness of Jesus in some peoples' eyes? Perhaps so.
But let me pull back the curtain and give you a glimpse of the greatness of Jesus...
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang:
"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing:
"To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped. ~ Revelation 5:11-14
He was not an ordinary man. In fact, He was not a great man. He was God become man, and He was and is great! His greatness knows no boundaries, with height and depth and breadth and length of His character and deeds being far above mortal man! What the angel told Mary was so true, even though she and many others could not grasp it. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.
With all the disparaging and minimizing that the world does toward Jesus, please don't despair, my friends. The greatness of the Lord isn't diminished by man's puny attempt to make Him less than He is. He is great, and greatly to be praised! I hope you recognize the greatness of your Creator today, whose birth we celebrate on Christmas Day.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:16-18
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. ~ Luke 2:16-18 (NIV)
When you've gone to a store and found a really great sale on something, you'll probably tell everyone you talk to about it, so they too can get in on the deal. When you've seen a really great movie, you'll probably spread the news (without spoiling the plot) to others so they too can see it and be moved to laughter or tears or whatever.
We tend to share what moves us. What thrills us. What benefits us. We want others to know what we know, and experience what we experience. Good news is worth sharing and hard to keep under your hat! Or under your tunic, as it were, for the shepherds.
They had seen angelic beings come out of the sky and make a fantastic prediction -- which, by itself, could seem like a dream or "a fragment of underdone potato" as Ebenezer Scrooge told the ghost of his dead partner, Jacob Marley. But instead, they believed and decided to find out for themselves the reality of the angels' proclamation -- that the Messiah, the long-awaited one, had finally been born, right in their home town! And, they were not disappointed. They found it to be just like the angels said -- right down to the manger, of all things! They'd been given a sign, and they found it -- the Messiah had been born!
Do you think Mishael, the shepherd, said with a yawn, "Gee, that was exciting, but we better get back to the sheep. And I'm hungry -- let's get something eat...." The Scriptures say they SPREAD THE WORD! They couldn't keep it under wraps! The fulfillment of the highest Jewish prophesy had come -- how can you not blab to every breathing individual you come into contact with?! I think maybe the sheep just had to fend for themselves that night, 'cuz the shepherds were too busy banging on doors and shouting from the street corners!
Ever wonder what became of those shepherds 30 years later? What did they think when a man named Jesus came into their town and healed the lame and the blind and the sick? I'm sure they were among the throngs of people who believed and followed Him. What special joy they must've felt, knowing they had been there in the beginning and were part of God's history in the making...
As believers in Jesus here in the 21st century, we are like those shepherds. We have heard the proclamation about Jesus, and we have seen with our own eyes -- our spiritual eyes -- the reality of who He is...God become man for the salvation of the world. Humanity is not left to the stench of our sin and the insufficiency of our own devices to escape the inescapable. God has reached down and offered a way out -- that is GOOD NEWS! It's better than a 2-for-1 sale at Macy's . . . it's better than the newest blockbuster film . . . it's the greatest story ever told, and we need to be telling it!
I speak to myself today, folks -- I need to be more on fire for the message of hope through Jesus Christ. I pray that the joy and excitement of seeing and knowing Jesus will overflow into my conversation with others. And if you find yourself feeling like me, I hope you are prompted to ask God for boldness, too. The shepherds couldn't contain themselves -- may we not be able to put a lid on ourselves, either...
When you've gone to a store and found a really great sale on something, you'll probably tell everyone you talk to about it, so they too can get in on the deal. When you've seen a really great movie, you'll probably spread the news (without spoiling the plot) to others so they too can see it and be moved to laughter or tears or whatever.
We tend to share what moves us. What thrills us. What benefits us. We want others to know what we know, and experience what we experience. Good news is worth sharing and hard to keep under your hat! Or under your tunic, as it were, for the shepherds.
They had seen angelic beings come out of the sky and make a fantastic prediction -- which, by itself, could seem like a dream or "a fragment of underdone potato" as Ebenezer Scrooge told the ghost of his dead partner, Jacob Marley. But instead, they believed and decided to find out for themselves the reality of the angels' proclamation -- that the Messiah, the long-awaited one, had finally been born, right in their home town! And, they were not disappointed. They found it to be just like the angels said -- right down to the manger, of all things! They'd been given a sign, and they found it -- the Messiah had been born!
Do you think Mishael, the shepherd, said with a yawn, "Gee, that was exciting, but we better get back to the sheep. And I'm hungry -- let's get something eat...." The Scriptures say they SPREAD THE WORD! They couldn't keep it under wraps! The fulfillment of the highest Jewish prophesy had come -- how can you not blab to every breathing individual you come into contact with?! I think maybe the sheep just had to fend for themselves that night, 'cuz the shepherds were too busy banging on doors and shouting from the street corners!
Ever wonder what became of those shepherds 30 years later? What did they think when a man named Jesus came into their town and healed the lame and the blind and the sick? I'm sure they were among the throngs of people who believed and followed Him. What special joy they must've felt, knowing they had been there in the beginning and were part of God's history in the making...
As believers in Jesus here in the 21st century, we are like those shepherds. We have heard the proclamation about Jesus, and we have seen with our own eyes -- our spiritual eyes -- the reality of who He is...God become man for the salvation of the world. Humanity is not left to the stench of our sin and the insufficiency of our own devices to escape the inescapable. God has reached down and offered a way out -- that is GOOD NEWS! It's better than a 2-for-1 sale at Macy's . . . it's better than the newest blockbuster film . . . it's the greatest story ever told, and we need to be telling it!
I speak to myself today, folks -- I need to be more on fire for the message of hope through Jesus Christ. I pray that the joy and excitement of seeing and knowing Jesus will overflow into my conversation with others. And if you find yourself feeling like me, I hope you are prompted to ask God for boldness, too. The shepherds couldn't contain themselves -- may we not be able to put a lid on ourselves, either...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
~ Psalm 19:14 (NIV)
Yesterday morning, I headed to the laundry room to get some wash done. I put my quarters in the machine and pushed. After the water ran for a just a little while, I lifted the lid so I could put the soap in. ARGH! Someone else's towels were in there, and getting all wet! Well, I couldn't very well attempt to put them in the dryer like that -- they were too wet. So I lost $1.25 to let their load go through the cycle so it could spin out the excess water.
The dryer is $1.00 and takes an hour. So, knowing it was the right thing to dry these towels and not just let them sit there for who-knows-how-long to possibly get moldy, I dried them. Now I'm out $2.25 for someone else's laundry. I'm a little irked, but not badly. It's just taking FOREVER for me to just get this one blanket washed, not to mention using up all my precious quarters.
An hour goes by, and when I went to put my blanket in the dryer, would you believe those towels weren't even halfway dried!?! Oooohhh, now I'm getting peeved. But, alas, the right thing to do is to put yet another $1.00 into the dryer to get these towels dry. (btw, I don't even know which of my two neighbors owns these towels -- the new guy upstairs, or the family downstairs...). I've done the right thing, but my heart isn't right. I'm irked, and just wishing people wouldn't be rude and leave their stuff in the laundry room when other people (like me!) want to use it. grumble...grumble...grumble...
So, finally -- another hour has passed and, surely, those towels should be done by now, which they were. But a funny thing happened to me when I began to fold those towels -- the Lord seemed to soften my heart, prompting me to be gracious about the whole thing. As if the Holy Spirit was saying, So what, so you lost $3.25. Consider it a Christmas gift to one of your neighbors. You're not so broke that this is really hurting you financially, and you're on vacation, so you have no real timetable. Give up the irk. Be gracious and kind.
So I folded the towels with a whole new attitude -- gone was the internal grumbling and in it's place was just love and good will. And not one minute later, my neighbor (with the large family) came to the laundry room door! She saw me folding her towels and greatly apologized for one of her teens who was in charge of that load. One of the teenagers looked toward me and said, "I love this lady!" When I explained that they were left in the washer and needed double drying, my neighbor put her hand out to me, full of quarters. The Lord gave me grace to gently refuse the quarters with a smile on my face and wish her a Merry Christmas. I finished folding the towels, and she gave them to the teen to put in the house. We chatted briefly and then I went home, with a smile on my face and a smile in my heart.
God spoke, and I listened. I recognized my selfish heart and did an about-face, by the power of the Holy Spirit. And I think I made an impact on a few people yesterday that, I believe, needed to see love in action. Yesterday was a great day!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord...
Every day, we are given opportunities to give love and grace, to shine God's light. Sometimes, we're not where we should be in our attitudes, but if we're attuned to God, we can make right what is going wrong inside of us. I can sure testify to that! So, be aware of your words and the meditations of your heart, and let God make changes as necessary, because being Christ-centered is an amazing blessing, and it pleases God's heart very much.
~ Psalm 19:14 (NIV)
Yesterday morning, I headed to the laundry room to get some wash done. I put my quarters in the machine and pushed. After the water ran for a just a little while, I lifted the lid so I could put the soap in. ARGH! Someone else's towels were in there, and getting all wet! Well, I couldn't very well attempt to put them in the dryer like that -- they were too wet. So I lost $1.25 to let their load go through the cycle so it could spin out the excess water.
The dryer is $1.00 and takes an hour. So, knowing it was the right thing to dry these towels and not just let them sit there for who-knows-how-long to possibly get moldy, I dried them. Now I'm out $2.25 for someone else's laundry. I'm a little irked, but not badly. It's just taking FOREVER for me to just get this one blanket washed, not to mention using up all my precious quarters.
An hour goes by, and when I went to put my blanket in the dryer, would you believe those towels weren't even halfway dried!?! Oooohhh, now I'm getting peeved. But, alas, the right thing to do is to put yet another $1.00 into the dryer to get these towels dry. (btw, I don't even know which of my two neighbors owns these towels -- the new guy upstairs, or the family downstairs...). I've done the right thing, but my heart isn't right. I'm irked, and just wishing people wouldn't be rude and leave their stuff in the laundry room when other people (like me!) want to use it. grumble...grumble...grumble...
So, finally -- another hour has passed and, surely, those towels should be done by now, which they were. But a funny thing happened to me when I began to fold those towels -- the Lord seemed to soften my heart, prompting me to be gracious about the whole thing. As if the Holy Spirit was saying, So what, so you lost $3.25. Consider it a Christmas gift to one of your neighbors. You're not so broke that this is really hurting you financially, and you're on vacation, so you have no real timetable. Give up the irk. Be gracious and kind.
So I folded the towels with a whole new attitude -- gone was the internal grumbling and in it's place was just love and good will. And not one minute later, my neighbor (with the large family) came to the laundry room door! She saw me folding her towels and greatly apologized for one of her teens who was in charge of that load. One of the teenagers looked toward me and said, "I love this lady!" When I explained that they were left in the washer and needed double drying, my neighbor put her hand out to me, full of quarters. The Lord gave me grace to gently refuse the quarters with a smile on my face and wish her a Merry Christmas. I finished folding the towels, and she gave them to the teen to put in the house. We chatted briefly and then I went home, with a smile on my face and a smile in my heart.
God spoke, and I listened. I recognized my selfish heart and did an about-face, by the power of the Holy Spirit. And I think I made an impact on a few people yesterday that, I believe, needed to see love in action. Yesterday was a great day!
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord...
Every day, we are given opportunities to give love and grace, to shine God's light. Sometimes, we're not where we should be in our attitudes, but if we're attuned to God, we can make right what is going wrong inside of us. I can sure testify to that! So, be aware of your words and the meditations of your heart, and let God make changes as necessary, because being Christ-centered is an amazing blessing, and it pleases God's heart very much.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Verse of the Day - Micah 5:2
Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity. ~Micah 5:2 (Holman)
...His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.
Usually when a baby is born, we consider that to be their birthday...their day of origin. And although I do believe that the origin of life begins at conception, typically it is their birthday that begins the marker of their life. Not so with Jesus.
No one in all of history has had markers of origin before their birth -- except Jesus. Why? Because He was not human like you and me. He was God become human. Here are a few more verses that spotlight His eternal existence...
"...Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
"You are not yet fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!"
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" ~ John 8:56-58 (Holman)
Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, 'Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, O God.' ~ Hebrews 10:5-7 (Holman)
I came from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.
~ Jesus, in John 16:28 (Holman)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.
~ John 1:1-3 (Holman)
Does that really sink in for us when we think about and talk about Jesus, that He really is God in the flesh, and has been before all we can see, and will continue to be after all we see is no more? Or do we get caught up in the false belief that the manger was the origin of His existence?
Bethlehem may have been Jesus' human birthplace, but His existence is from eternity. May we worship Him this Christmas for the eternal God that He is.
...His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.
Usually when a baby is born, we consider that to be their birthday...their day of origin. And although I do believe that the origin of life begins at conception, typically it is their birthday that begins the marker of their life. Not so with Jesus.
No one in all of history has had markers of origin before their birth -- except Jesus. Why? Because He was not human like you and me. He was God become human. Here are a few more verses that spotlight His eternal existence...
"...Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
"You are not yet fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!"
"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" ~ John 8:56-58 (Holman)
Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, 'Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, O God.' ~ Hebrews 10:5-7 (Holman)
I came from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.
~ Jesus, in John 16:28 (Holman)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.
~ John 1:1-3 (Holman)
Does that really sink in for us when we think about and talk about Jesus, that He really is God in the flesh, and has been before all we can see, and will continue to be after all we see is no more? Or do we get caught up in the false belief that the manger was the origin of His existence?
Bethlehem may have been Jesus' human birthplace, but His existence is from eternity. May we worship Him this Christmas for the eternal God that He is.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:6-7
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
~ Luke 2:6-7 (NIV)
I'm constantly amazed at prophesy and how God orchestrates its fulfillment! It's like, "Which came first? the chicken or the egg?"
The angel told the shepherds that the sign that the baby they found was the Christ was that he would be wrapped in cloths ("swaddling clothes") and lying in a manger. So, my question is this: Did God make sure there was no room for them in the inn, so that they'd be forced to lodge in a stable and lay the baby in something that was up off the cold ground, so that what the shepherds found would be completely unconventional and an obvious sign? Or did God simply allow the cramped lodging conditions of a town in the middle of a taxation census dictate the course of events for Mary and Joseph, and the angels simply spoke what had just happened? See how complicated it can get to understand the complex workings of our God?
Or think about this: when we humans are compared to sheep (which, btw, is not a compliment), did he simply use this animal as a comparison because they were rather dumb, OR did he create the sheep to be dumb, to give us such a vivid, living example of humanity?
Oh, our God is a mighty and complex God! How He orchestrates things, we will never be able to unravel. But know this: when He speaks, you can be sure it's the truth -- whether He speaks about the future or about the past. What He says has happened, has happened. What He says will come true, will come true -- no matter how outlandish it sounds! Like finding a baby in a manger, of all things...
I hope you can put your full faith in the God who spoke to the shepherds about the baby in the manger....and the God who was the baby in the manger.
~ Luke 2:6-7 (NIV)
I'm constantly amazed at prophesy and how God orchestrates its fulfillment! It's like, "Which came first? the chicken or the egg?"
The angel told the shepherds that the sign that the baby they found was the Christ was that he would be wrapped in cloths ("swaddling clothes") and lying in a manger. So, my question is this: Did God make sure there was no room for them in the inn, so that they'd be forced to lodge in a stable and lay the baby in something that was up off the cold ground, so that what the shepherds found would be completely unconventional and an obvious sign? Or did God simply allow the cramped lodging conditions of a town in the middle of a taxation census dictate the course of events for Mary and Joseph, and the angels simply spoke what had just happened? See how complicated it can get to understand the complex workings of our God?
Or think about this: when we humans are compared to sheep (which, btw, is not a compliment), did he simply use this animal as a comparison because they were rather dumb, OR did he create the sheep to be dumb, to give us such a vivid, living example of humanity?
Oh, our God is a mighty and complex God! How He orchestrates things, we will never be able to unravel. But know this: when He speaks, you can be sure it's the truth -- whether He speaks about the future or about the past. What He says has happened, has happened. What He says will come true, will come true -- no matter how outlandish it sounds! Like finding a baby in a manger, of all things...
I hope you can put your full faith in the God who spoke to the shepherds about the baby in the manger....and the God who was the baby in the manger.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Verse of the Day - Romans 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. ~ Romans 12:15 (NIV)
Christmastime is always filled with excitement and festivities. We have parties, open presents, laugh, eat, and generally have a great time. Many Christmas cards say something like, "May the spirit of the season stay with you all year long..." For many, this time of year is about a spirit of love and good cheer, of happy times and being with friends and family, because so much of the rest of the year is difficult, where we wear toil like a heavy set of armor.
And yet, there are those that can't even set aside their sadness during this brief season of respite from trials and tribulations. I was talking with my small group this week about how tragedy is no respecter of seasons. So many are slammed with tragic circumstances during the holidays -- mourning is the tinsel in their hair...grief is the mistletoe hung over the door. In the news recently, we have heard so much in the way of domestic violence turning to tragedy just here in Sacramento, and it just sickens the soul. And those of us not directly affected may want to just turn off the TV and go about wrapping gifts and drinking egg nog like nothing ever happened. But to those who are touched by tragedy, especially at the holiday season, it feels impossible to do anything festive, with such a heavy weight of grief slung on their shoulders.
The untouched want to enjoy the gaiety of the season; they don't want to get dragged down in sadness. But who will help the mourning to get through the terrible time of grief, huh? Who will be there to weep when they weep, when presents sit under the tree with a tag marked for a loved one who just died? For them, the season may be marked for years to come with sadness, not joy; with mourning, not rejoicing. Who will be there to help them get through it, to come alongside and cry with them?
Believers in Jesus are called to set aside their desire for happiness and extend the arms of comfort to those who need it. And during this season when everyone wants to feel happy, there are many who are far from it. May we lay ourselves down and pick up the burdens of those who are laying in a heap of tears this season. May we give them hope by letting them know they are not alone. Letting them know you love them and so does God.
If Jesus were here in the flesh right now, I know He would not shy away from the grieving...
Christmastime is always filled with excitement and festivities. We have parties, open presents, laugh, eat, and generally have a great time. Many Christmas cards say something like, "May the spirit of the season stay with you all year long..." For many, this time of year is about a spirit of love and good cheer, of happy times and being with friends and family, because so much of the rest of the year is difficult, where we wear toil like a heavy set of armor.
And yet, there are those that can't even set aside their sadness during this brief season of respite from trials and tribulations. I was talking with my small group this week about how tragedy is no respecter of seasons. So many are slammed with tragic circumstances during the holidays -- mourning is the tinsel in their hair...grief is the mistletoe hung over the door. In the news recently, we have heard so much in the way of domestic violence turning to tragedy just here in Sacramento, and it just sickens the soul. And those of us not directly affected may want to just turn off the TV and go about wrapping gifts and drinking egg nog like nothing ever happened. But to those who are touched by tragedy, especially at the holiday season, it feels impossible to do anything festive, with such a heavy weight of grief slung on their shoulders.
The untouched want to enjoy the gaiety of the season; they don't want to get dragged down in sadness. But who will help the mourning to get through the terrible time of grief, huh? Who will be there to weep when they weep, when presents sit under the tree with a tag marked for a loved one who just died? For them, the season may be marked for years to come with sadness, not joy; with mourning, not rejoicing. Who will be there to help them get through it, to come alongside and cry with them?
Believers in Jesus are called to set aside their desire for happiness and extend the arms of comfort to those who need it. And during this season when everyone wants to feel happy, there are many who are far from it. May we lay ourselves down and pick up the burdens of those who are laying in a heap of tears this season. May we give them hope by letting them know they are not alone. Letting them know you love them and so does God.
If Jesus were here in the flesh right now, I know He would not shy away from the grieving...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 31:24
So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord! ~ Psalm 31:24 (NLT)
The strength of David over Goliath...
The confidence of Stephen over the stones...
The nonchalance of Paul and Silas over the prison chains...
Do we simply read these Bible stories and say, "Yeah, great...but that was then...", or "Yeah, great...but those were superheroes of the faith..."? Can we realize the strength and courage today for ourselves by putting our full hope in God? I say without a doubt, "YES!"
Life is hard. It has been hard, since the fall of man. But God offers us His mighty strength to fight the battles we face, to rest in His arms when the world is going crazy, and to stand firm in the knowledge of His eternal care for us. That is His offer. Do we take it, or do we take something or someone else?
Hanging your hat on people is a dangerous thing. Humanity will fail you, at one time or another. No matter how glowing someone appears, please know they are fallen just like you and me. Hoping in other human beings to be your salvation causes anxiety and insecurity. But hoping in God -- really trusting Him -- gives us the strength and courage that heroes are made of.
And don't think that relying on yourself is any better. The saying goes, If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. Well, let me tell you: you are as human as the rest of mankind, and you will fall short, too. Pride will cause you to come crashing down like a melting iceberg. Reliance on self is a very slippery path.
Superheroes of the faith are just people, like you and me. But they have taken their God seriously and stand on Him full force. Are we willing to step down hard on Him and begin trusting Him like heroes do? I believe that in all circumstances, we can do what we need to do and stand strong through Christ's strength (Philippians 4:13). There is great liberation when we understand and believe wholly in the Almighty God! He is great and greatly to be praised! There is none other who is stronger, higher, and more trustworthy! So why do we give Him so little credit in our daily living?
Be a faith superhero today and every day by putting your full confidence and hope in the Lord!
The strength of David over Goliath...
The confidence of Stephen over the stones...
The nonchalance of Paul and Silas over the prison chains...
Do we simply read these Bible stories and say, "Yeah, great...but that was then...", or "Yeah, great...but those were superheroes of the faith..."? Can we realize the strength and courage today for ourselves by putting our full hope in God? I say without a doubt, "YES!"
Life is hard. It has been hard, since the fall of man. But God offers us His mighty strength to fight the battles we face, to rest in His arms when the world is going crazy, and to stand firm in the knowledge of His eternal care for us. That is His offer. Do we take it, or do we take something or someone else?
Hanging your hat on people is a dangerous thing. Humanity will fail you, at one time or another. No matter how glowing someone appears, please know they are fallen just like you and me. Hoping in other human beings to be your salvation causes anxiety and insecurity. But hoping in God -- really trusting Him -- gives us the strength and courage that heroes are made of.
And don't think that relying on yourself is any better. The saying goes, If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. Well, let me tell you: you are as human as the rest of mankind, and you will fall short, too. Pride will cause you to come crashing down like a melting iceberg. Reliance on self is a very slippery path.
Superheroes of the faith are just people, like you and me. But they have taken their God seriously and stand on Him full force. Are we willing to step down hard on Him and begin trusting Him like heroes do? I believe that in all circumstances, we can do what we need to do and stand strong through Christ's strength (Philippians 4:13). There is great liberation when we understand and believe wholly in the Almighty God! He is great and greatly to be praised! There is none other who is stronger, higher, and more trustworthy! So why do we give Him so little credit in our daily living?
Be a faith superhero today and every day by putting your full confidence and hope in the Lord!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:49-51
"Why were you searching for me?" [Jesus] asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" But they did not understand what he was saying to them. Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. ~ Luke 2:49-51 (NIV)
I don't know if men spend alot of time pondering, since I'm not one, but I know that women do. I think it's part of how God made us. Sometimes it gets us in trouble, when we over-analyze and over-think things to death. But we do tend to take things deep into our hearts and minds, and wrestle with the complexities of relational life and the emotions that follow. And Mary was not unlike most women. And, boy, did she have complexities to wrestle with!
When Jesus was born, the shepherds visited Mary and Joseph and the baby. I'm sure they communicated to them the reason they were barging into the stable -- the amazing sight they saw in the heavens as the angel declared the birth of the Messiah. And the Word of God says that Mary treasured and pondered all the things in her heart (Luke 2:19). Now, 12 years later, when Jesus is found in the temple by His parents after three days' of looking for Him and they return to their home in Nazareth, we're told that she treasures these things in her heart. Mary is thinking. Mary is pondering.
Moms want the best for their kids, and they will usually do most anything for them, sometimes to their detriment. We tend to coddle, placate and indulge more than we should. We don't want to see them hurt or afraid or sick or lonely. We just want to protect them like our mother hen and mother bear instincts tell us. I'm sure Mary was just like any other mother. But, her firstborn was not like any other child. And she knew it.
As His life unfolded, the ponderings in her heart confirmed what the angel had told her at the beginning, what Elizabeth had shared with her, what the prophets had foretold for centuries. He was the long-awaited Messiah, the Anointed One, Immanuel. And I'm sure it pierced her heart with bitter-sweet emotions, knowing that her son was destined for fame and fatality -- a whole set of mixed up emotions as she realized the truth about Jesus, and yet hoped against hope that it wasn't to be as the Scriptures foretold.
Mary had a special and dreadful cross to bear as the mother of Jesus. It came with so many mixed blessings. But, ultimately, when she saw her son dying on the cross, she saw not just her son, but her Savior also. He was born to her, but born for the whole world, including her. The Savior of the world was born in a manger, died on a cross and rose alive from the grave. How great must her ponderings have been, as she treasured these life experiences in her heart!
Do you ponder and treasure Jesus in your heart, the manifestation of God in the flesh? Do you meditate on who He is and the reality of His Messiahship? Perhaps we all need to do more pondering on Him today.
I don't know if men spend alot of time pondering, since I'm not one, but I know that women do. I think it's part of how God made us. Sometimes it gets us in trouble, when we over-analyze and over-think things to death. But we do tend to take things deep into our hearts and minds, and wrestle with the complexities of relational life and the emotions that follow. And Mary was not unlike most women. And, boy, did she have complexities to wrestle with!
When Jesus was born, the shepherds visited Mary and Joseph and the baby. I'm sure they communicated to them the reason they were barging into the stable -- the amazing sight they saw in the heavens as the angel declared the birth of the Messiah. And the Word of God says that Mary treasured and pondered all the things in her heart (Luke 2:19). Now, 12 years later, when Jesus is found in the temple by His parents after three days' of looking for Him and they return to their home in Nazareth, we're told that she treasures these things in her heart. Mary is thinking. Mary is pondering.
Moms want the best for their kids, and they will usually do most anything for them, sometimes to their detriment. We tend to coddle, placate and indulge more than we should. We don't want to see them hurt or afraid or sick or lonely. We just want to protect them like our mother hen and mother bear instincts tell us. I'm sure Mary was just like any other mother. But, her firstborn was not like any other child. And she knew it.
As His life unfolded, the ponderings in her heart confirmed what the angel had told her at the beginning, what Elizabeth had shared with her, what the prophets had foretold for centuries. He was the long-awaited Messiah, the Anointed One, Immanuel. And I'm sure it pierced her heart with bitter-sweet emotions, knowing that her son was destined for fame and fatality -- a whole set of mixed up emotions as she realized the truth about Jesus, and yet hoped against hope that it wasn't to be as the Scriptures foretold.
Mary had a special and dreadful cross to bear as the mother of Jesus. It came with so many mixed blessings. But, ultimately, when she saw her son dying on the cross, she saw not just her son, but her Savior also. He was born to her, but born for the whole world, including her. The Savior of the world was born in a manger, died on a cross and rose alive from the grave. How great must her ponderings have been, as she treasured these life experiences in her heart!
Do you ponder and treasure Jesus in your heart, the manifestation of God in the flesh? Do you meditate on who He is and the reality of His Messiahship? Perhaps we all need to do more pondering on Him today.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Verse of the Day - Joshua 22:5
But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul. ~ Joshua 22:5 (NIV)
Parting words to friends and loved ones who are moving away usually come with some advice...
~ Drive careful...
~ Watch your back...
~ Write when you can...
But Joshua's advice when the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manassah's tribe returned to the land given to them was very pointed and got right to the heart of the spiritual matter: Remember God and all He has commanded you. Love Him completely and serve Him with all that you have. Their relationship and responsibility to God and their spiritual growth was of great importance to Joshua, who was sending his Jewish brothers back to their own part of the world. You see, it's very easy to slide down the incline of spiritual complacency and stagnation when you leave your spiritual support system. Some even throw in the spiritual towel completely and walk away from the God they once knew.
I recently had a friend move across country to Florida, to be with her senior adult parents and get a fresh start on life. Although I will miss her, I realize that this is a great opportunity and experience for her, and I feel God has led her there. My advice to her was to get plugged into a local church, to connect with Christian brothers and sisters there and continue her spiritual growth through Bible study and worship. And let me tell you: she is taking her God with her on her journey! While on the road, she witnessed to a waitress about how the Lord is leading her on this journey, and the woman was so thankful and open to talk about God! And last Sunday, my friend headed off to a local church to start embracing her new community, all the while holding hands with her God. Amen!!!
They say the world is flat now, and I understand that concept. People are shifting at great speeds, with opportunities to transplant themselves almost anywhere on the globe. These are exciting times! But I pray that we can help our brothers and sisters in the Lord be mindful and accountable to God and cling to their commitment to Him when they leave our side for whatever reason.
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength needs to be our primary focus wherever God sends us, because without Him, we're lost and will fall into many a trap. Stay connected to God and encourage others to, also -- He's our lifeline!
Parting words to friends and loved ones who are moving away usually come with some advice...
~ Drive careful...
~ Watch your back...
~ Write when you can...
But Joshua's advice when the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manassah's tribe returned to the land given to them was very pointed and got right to the heart of the spiritual matter: Remember God and all He has commanded you. Love Him completely and serve Him with all that you have. Their relationship and responsibility to God and their spiritual growth was of great importance to Joshua, who was sending his Jewish brothers back to their own part of the world. You see, it's very easy to slide down the incline of spiritual complacency and stagnation when you leave your spiritual support system. Some even throw in the spiritual towel completely and walk away from the God they once knew.
I recently had a friend move across country to Florida, to be with her senior adult parents and get a fresh start on life. Although I will miss her, I realize that this is a great opportunity and experience for her, and I feel God has led her there. My advice to her was to get plugged into a local church, to connect with Christian brothers and sisters there and continue her spiritual growth through Bible study and worship. And let me tell you: she is taking her God with her on her journey! While on the road, she witnessed to a waitress about how the Lord is leading her on this journey, and the woman was so thankful and open to talk about God! And last Sunday, my friend headed off to a local church to start embracing her new community, all the while holding hands with her God. Amen!!!
They say the world is flat now, and I understand that concept. People are shifting at great speeds, with opportunities to transplant themselves almost anywhere on the globe. These are exciting times! But I pray that we can help our brothers and sisters in the Lord be mindful and accountable to God and cling to their commitment to Him when they leave our side for whatever reason.
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength needs to be our primary focus wherever God sends us, because without Him, we're lost and will fall into many a trap. Stay connected to God and encourage others to, also -- He's our lifeline!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Verse of the Day - John 12:3
Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard. It was an expensive perfume. She poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the sweet smell of the perfume. ~ John 12:3 (NIrV)
Macy's perfume and cologne counters are filled with very nice fragrances, and this time of year, you might find some good sales -- but they're still pricey. The bottles are usually small, and people are very careful how they use them, because to replace them will cost them a pretty penny. So they smell good -- in small quantities.
But good perfume doesn't have to be splashed on like you're taking a bath in it, either. A little goes a very long way, because of how it's made. It's true that you get what you pay for. If you pay for the good stuff, it'll last a long time. That is, unless you're Mary...
An entire pint -- that's two cups, folks -- of Macy's-type perfume came out of her bedroom and onto Jesus' feet. It's no wonder the fragrance filled the whole house! A little dab'll do ya, Mary! What was she thinking? Why so much?
I think she simply gave what was beautiful and precious to her -- and she gave it lavishly. She didn't just put a drop of Dior on Jesus' feet -- she poured the whole bottle out -- an expression of complete and total giving. Not just a tad. The whole thing. The whole sweet-smelling, expensive thing. And then she wiped His feet with her hair, partaking in the offering, so that she smelled like He did. That's total immersion.
Are we chintzy with what we offer Jesus? Do we give just a drop of the Dior of our hearts, or are we pouring the whole bottle onto His feet? Do we really immerse ourselves in the communion of fellowship with Him so that we smell sweet like He does, or do we hold back for whatever reason?
Mary gave lavishly to her Lord. Cost was immaterial, and public perception was of no account. She gave the "good stuff" to Jesus without reservation. May we evaluate our lives and see if we're pouring out the good stuff to Him, giving the best of our hearts to Him in complete surrender.
Macy's perfume and cologne counters are filled with very nice fragrances, and this time of year, you might find some good sales -- but they're still pricey. The bottles are usually small, and people are very careful how they use them, because to replace them will cost them a pretty penny. So they smell good -- in small quantities.
But good perfume doesn't have to be splashed on like you're taking a bath in it, either. A little goes a very long way, because of how it's made. It's true that you get what you pay for. If you pay for the good stuff, it'll last a long time. That is, unless you're Mary...
An entire pint -- that's two cups, folks -- of Macy's-type perfume came out of her bedroom and onto Jesus' feet. It's no wonder the fragrance filled the whole house! A little dab'll do ya, Mary! What was she thinking? Why so much?
I think she simply gave what was beautiful and precious to her -- and she gave it lavishly. She didn't just put a drop of Dior on Jesus' feet -- she poured the whole bottle out -- an expression of complete and total giving. Not just a tad. The whole thing. The whole sweet-smelling, expensive thing. And then she wiped His feet with her hair, partaking in the offering, so that she smelled like He did. That's total immersion.
Are we chintzy with what we offer Jesus? Do we give just a drop of the Dior of our hearts, or are we pouring the whole bottle onto His feet? Do we really immerse ourselves in the communion of fellowship with Him so that we smell sweet like He does, or do we hold back for whatever reason?
Mary gave lavishly to her Lord. Cost was immaterial, and public perception was of no account. She gave the "good stuff" to Jesus without reservation. May we evaluate our lives and see if we're pouring out the good stuff to Him, giving the best of our hearts to Him in complete surrender.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 56:4
In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust... ~ Psalm 56:4 (NIV)
In this day and age, we tend to give high praise to the words of celebrities and other notables. Forget E.F. Hutton -- when Oprah speaks, people listen! Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Rush Limbaugh, and many other talk show hosts and celebrities get lauded almost as demi-gods...their words held onto with the highest praise. Gee, if so-and-so said it, it MUST be true!
And yet God's word is somewhere down the line, like a cookbook you only reference occasionally when you can't think of anything else to make for dinner. Certainly not something you consider invaluable for your everyday life. But boy, do we value the words of the talking heads on TV or radio! Their words seem like GOLD to us, and we can end up modeling our life after their advice and philosophies.
Trouble is, that is what they have to offer -- advice and philosophy. Not necessarily truth. God offers truth -- always. We need to seek Him and His words always, because what He has to say is always good, always right, always in our best interest.
Man's words are inherently flawed...unless they are backed by God's word. So check 'em out -- check what people say against God's word. If they don't line up, guess who you need to be listening to? That's right...God. Because no matter how much money Oprah makes or how convincing Dr. Phil sounds, they're just hot air if they veer off track from the truth. And truth is always and only found in God and His word.
Trust His word. Trust Him.
In this day and age, we tend to give high praise to the words of celebrities and other notables. Forget E.F. Hutton -- when Oprah speaks, people listen! Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Rush Limbaugh, and many other talk show hosts and celebrities get lauded almost as demi-gods...their words held onto with the highest praise. Gee, if so-and-so said it, it MUST be true!
And yet God's word is somewhere down the line, like a cookbook you only reference occasionally when you can't think of anything else to make for dinner. Certainly not something you consider invaluable for your everyday life. But boy, do we value the words of the talking heads on TV or radio! Their words seem like GOLD to us, and we can end up modeling our life after their advice and philosophies.
Trouble is, that is what they have to offer -- advice and philosophy. Not necessarily truth. God offers truth -- always. We need to seek Him and His words always, because what He has to say is always good, always right, always in our best interest.
Man's words are inherently flawed...unless they are backed by God's word. So check 'em out -- check what people say against God's word. If they don't line up, guess who you need to be listening to? That's right...God. Because no matter how much money Oprah makes or how convincing Dr. Phil sounds, they're just hot air if they veer off track from the truth. And truth is always and only found in God and His word.
Trust His word. Trust Him.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Verse of the Day - Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~ Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)
I've always thought it interesting in this verse that Jesus would be called both Father, who is King in royal families, and Prince, who is a son in royal families. But that is because of His uniqueness as God, who manifests Himself in the mystery of the trinity -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I don't have real answers to explain it, but I believe it.
Jesus is often referenced in the Bible as the initiator and completer of circles. Hebrews 12:2 says He is the author and perfecter of our faith. Jesus called Himself the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14) and yet He was identified as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was the healer (Matthew 9:35) and the afflicted (Isaiah 53:7). He is the priest and the sacrifice (Hebrews 10:12).
One could say that these are contradictions, that the Bible is mixed up and confused, and therefore not believable or reliable. Or one could simply say that it is the mystery of God, who is all things for all people, and accept Him for all that He is, mystery and all. How Jesus could be God in human form is the mystery of Christmas. How Jesus could be broken on the cross and buried in a tomb, only to rise from the dead three days later, is the mystery of Easter. How Jesus can wash our sin-sick souls by faith in Him so that we are able to stand righteous before a holy God is the mystery of Christianity.
Do you believe the mysteries of God? Is Jesus the author and completer of your faith? I pray you embrace Him for all that He is, and stand in awe today of the magnitude and complexity of His Being.
I've always thought it interesting in this verse that Jesus would be called both Father, who is King in royal families, and Prince, who is a son in royal families. But that is because of His uniqueness as God, who manifests Himself in the mystery of the trinity -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I don't have real answers to explain it, but I believe it.
Jesus is often referenced in the Bible as the initiator and completer of circles. Hebrews 12:2 says He is the author and perfecter of our faith. Jesus called Himself the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14) and yet He was identified as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was the healer (Matthew 9:35) and the afflicted (Isaiah 53:7). He is the priest and the sacrifice (Hebrews 10:12).
One could say that these are contradictions, that the Bible is mixed up and confused, and therefore not believable or reliable. Or one could simply say that it is the mystery of God, who is all things for all people, and accept Him for all that He is, mystery and all. How Jesus could be God in human form is the mystery of Christmas. How Jesus could be broken on the cross and buried in a tomb, only to rise from the dead three days later, is the mystery of Easter. How Jesus can wash our sin-sick souls by faith in Him so that we are able to stand righteous before a holy God is the mystery of Christianity.
Do you believe the mysteries of God? Is Jesus the author and completer of your faith? I pray you embrace Him for all that He is, and stand in awe today of the magnitude and complexity of His Being.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Verse of the Day - John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ~ John 10:10 (NIV)
Have you seen those TV shows that highlight dumb criminals? Like the guy who had to call 911 because he was caught in the ceiling while trying to rob a store?!? Or the guy that took pictures of himself with a stolen camera and then left the camera at the crime scene? I know crime is no laughing matter, but these kind of criminals are rather hysterical -- what dummies!
But there is a criminal who is no dummy. This thief is very sly and crafty. On top of his thievery, he is a killer. Diabolical and hungry for a killing. Beyond that, he thrives on destruction, enjoying immensely when lives are simply left in ruins, where tears of pain, loss and sadness run like rivers. He is a criminal beyond all criminals. He is the devil.
No one in his right mind would willingly allow a thief to saunter into their home and steal their plasma TV, their jewelry, and their car. No one with breath in their body would allow a thief to steal their children. No one with any fight within them would allow a thief to simply stick a gun to their head and pull the trigger. That's insane! They would recognize the criminal for who they are, and protect the right, right?
Yet Satan, in his craftiness, dupes the masses with his ploys and schemes. He pulls the wool over their eyes and leads the sheep to slaughter. Many have no idea the stealing, death and destruction that awaits them as they swallow what he feeds them. Like a cyanide cocktail.
Jesus stands up and says, I have come that you may have LIFE, not death! I want righteousness for you, not wickedness, which leads to death. Please listen to Me -- I am the God who can save you. Turn your back on the deceiver of your soul, the devil. Don't listen to him and his pack of lies -- believe Me, he is not interested in your welfare. He is the Great Malevolent; I am the Great Benevolent. The difference is clear; don't be deceived.
Yet, so many are deceived. They run after false righteousness, false teachings, false gods. They believe that earthly pleasure is the highest goal . . . that materials make the man . . . that it doesn't matter what you do in this life, because after this, there's nothing but cosmic nothingness.
...stealing...killing...destroying. Do you see it?
Read for yourself in the Gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and see what Jesus says about Himself, mankind, and the devil. Do you see the life He offers, which so clearly contrasts the death that the devil deals? If you are seeking, I pray you can see with objective eyes at reality.
The devil plays dirty and will cheat you out of all that you have. His cards are marked and his die are weighted. Walk away from that cheater's game and embrace Jesus, who will NEVER deal you a bad hand or try to send you to the spiritual poor house.
The devil = death
Jesus = life
Choose life -- choose Jesus!
Have you seen those TV shows that highlight dumb criminals? Like the guy who had to call 911 because he was caught in the ceiling while trying to rob a store?!? Or the guy that took pictures of himself with a stolen camera and then left the camera at the crime scene? I know crime is no laughing matter, but these kind of criminals are rather hysterical -- what dummies!
But there is a criminal who is no dummy. This thief is very sly and crafty. On top of his thievery, he is a killer. Diabolical and hungry for a killing. Beyond that, he thrives on destruction, enjoying immensely when lives are simply left in ruins, where tears of pain, loss and sadness run like rivers. He is a criminal beyond all criminals. He is the devil.
No one in his right mind would willingly allow a thief to saunter into their home and steal their plasma TV, their jewelry, and their car. No one with breath in their body would allow a thief to steal their children. No one with any fight within them would allow a thief to simply stick a gun to their head and pull the trigger. That's insane! They would recognize the criminal for who they are, and protect the right, right?
Yet Satan, in his craftiness, dupes the masses with his ploys and schemes. He pulls the wool over their eyes and leads the sheep to slaughter. Many have no idea the stealing, death and destruction that awaits them as they swallow what he feeds them. Like a cyanide cocktail.
Jesus stands up and says, I have come that you may have LIFE, not death! I want righteousness for you, not wickedness, which leads to death. Please listen to Me -- I am the God who can save you. Turn your back on the deceiver of your soul, the devil. Don't listen to him and his pack of lies -- believe Me, he is not interested in your welfare. He is the Great Malevolent; I am the Great Benevolent. The difference is clear; don't be deceived.
Yet, so many are deceived. They run after false righteousness, false teachings, false gods. They believe that earthly pleasure is the highest goal . . . that materials make the man . . . that it doesn't matter what you do in this life, because after this, there's nothing but cosmic nothingness.
...stealing...killing...destroying. Do you see it?
Read for yourself in the Gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and see what Jesus says about Himself, mankind, and the devil. Do you see the life He offers, which so clearly contrasts the death that the devil deals? If you are seeking, I pray you can see with objective eyes at reality.
The devil plays dirty and will cheat you out of all that you have. His cards are marked and his die are weighted. Walk away from that cheater's game and embrace Jesus, who will NEVER deal you a bad hand or try to send you to the spiritual poor house.
The devil = death
Jesus = life
Choose life -- choose Jesus!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 21:3
The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices. ~ Proverbs 21:3 (NLT)
Formalities are the stuff that black tie affairs are made of. Ceremonies become grand displays of pomp and circumstance. Everything is scripted to meet the formal criteria of the event. Weddings, graduations, and coronations all have their rituals.
How about our worship of God? How ritualized is our time in His house? Are we more concerned with pomp than personal devotion? Does the condition of our heart get overshadowed by our "sacrifice" of showing up and going through the scripted motions?
God wants our hearts. He wants them to be like His. He frankly couldn't give a hoot if we have bulletins or not, if we start on time and end on time, if we sing two songs or twenty. He is looking for worshipers who have given Him everything -- the sacrifice of their heart, to do and be like Him. Right and just.
The greatest sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. God, you will gladly accept a heart that is broken because of sadness over sin. ~ Psalm 51:17 (NIrV)
You may feel that because you pray before meals, go to church once a week, and put a $20 bill in the offering plate as it passes by, you are giving of yourself to God. I challenge you to dig deeper, and get at the heart of the matter -- what is on the inside of you. Forget pomp and circumstance, forget ritual. Get real with God and allow Him rights to your heart and mind -- let Him transform you from a ritualist to a realist. Then your life as a whole will become your sacrifice -- righteousness and justice in how you live will be your offering to the Lord, instead of a once-a-week nod to God.
He is worthy of our heart. May we give it to Him fully.
Formalities are the stuff that black tie affairs are made of. Ceremonies become grand displays of pomp and circumstance. Everything is scripted to meet the formal criteria of the event. Weddings, graduations, and coronations all have their rituals.
How about our worship of God? How ritualized is our time in His house? Are we more concerned with pomp than personal devotion? Does the condition of our heart get overshadowed by our "sacrifice" of showing up and going through the scripted motions?
God wants our hearts. He wants them to be like His. He frankly couldn't give a hoot if we have bulletins or not, if we start on time and end on time, if we sing two songs or twenty. He is looking for worshipers who have given Him everything -- the sacrifice of their heart, to do and be like Him. Right and just.
The greatest sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. God, you will gladly accept a heart that is broken because of sadness over sin. ~ Psalm 51:17 (NIrV)
You may feel that because you pray before meals, go to church once a week, and put a $20 bill in the offering plate as it passes by, you are giving of yourself to God. I challenge you to dig deeper, and get at the heart of the matter -- what is on the inside of you. Forget pomp and circumstance, forget ritual. Get real with God and allow Him rights to your heart and mind -- let Him transform you from a ritualist to a realist. Then your life as a whole will become your sacrifice -- righteousness and justice in how you live will be your offering to the Lord, instead of a once-a-week nod to God.
He is worthy of our heart. May we give it to Him fully.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:11
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ [a] the Lord.
~ Luke 2:11 (NIV)
~ Luke 2:11 (NIV)
Here is the footnote to this verse, as written in the NIV:
a. Luke 2:11 Or Messiah. "The Christ" (Greek) and "the Messiah" (Hebrew) both mean "the Anointed One"; also in verse 26.
If you were to do an Old Testament study on "the Anointed One", you would understand that these shepherds were hearing the words that they and countless generations had longed to hear -- the Anointed One is here! He's finally here! Just as the Hebrew children, held in Egyptian slavery for 400 years, longed for a savior from their bondage, so too the Jews longed for a savior from their current taskmaster -- Rome. God had not forgotten them -- they were finally being rescued! I wonder how many could grasp the spiritual implications of this Savior . . .
The angel Gabriel told Mary in the previous chapter of Luke that the child she would bear would be called the Son of David. Huge Messianic implications there if you study the Old Testament. When she wonders how she can bear a child with her being a virgin, the angel declares that the Holy Spirit (God) will descend and overshadow her, so that the child will be called the Son of God. This confirms His divinity, His Lordship. He is Christ, the Lord; that is, the Anointed One sent by God, who is Himself God. Again, how many were really able to wrap their arms around the spiritual mystery that is Jesus?
I have a friend who, many years ago, was struck by this knowledge through a verse that became very significant to her, which God used to open her eyes to the truth about who Jesus is. She first read it in the King James version and it has stuck with her to this very day, especially the phrase "the mystery of godliness"...
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. ~ 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
Mary heard it and believed. The shepherds heard it and believed. Andrew (John 1:41) heard it and believed. All Christ followers down the ages have heard it and believed. Jesus is the Christ -- the Messiah -- the Anointed One from God who is God. The Savior of the world was born, and His name is Jesus.
Are you listening? Do you hear it? Do you believe?
a. Luke 2:11 Or Messiah. "The Christ" (Greek) and "the Messiah" (Hebrew) both mean "the Anointed One"; also in verse 26.
If you were to do an Old Testament study on "the Anointed One", you would understand that these shepherds were hearing the words that they and countless generations had longed to hear -- the Anointed One is here! He's finally here! Just as the Hebrew children, held in Egyptian slavery for 400 years, longed for a savior from their bondage, so too the Jews longed for a savior from their current taskmaster -- Rome. God had not forgotten them -- they were finally being rescued! I wonder how many could grasp the spiritual implications of this Savior . . .
The angel Gabriel told Mary in the previous chapter of Luke that the child she would bear would be called the Son of David. Huge Messianic implications there if you study the Old Testament. When she wonders how she can bear a child with her being a virgin, the angel declares that the Holy Spirit (God) will descend and overshadow her, so that the child will be called the Son of God. This confirms His divinity, His Lordship. He is Christ, the Lord; that is, the Anointed One sent by God, who is Himself God. Again, how many were really able to wrap their arms around the spiritual mystery that is Jesus?
I have a friend who, many years ago, was struck by this knowledge through a verse that became very significant to her, which God used to open her eyes to the truth about who Jesus is. She first read it in the King James version and it has stuck with her to this very day, especially the phrase "the mystery of godliness"...
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. ~ 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
Mary heard it and believed. The shepherds heard it and believed. Andrew (John 1:41) heard it and believed. All Christ followers down the ages have heard it and believed. Jesus is the Christ -- the Messiah -- the Anointed One from God who is God. The Savior of the world was born, and His name is Jesus.
Are you listening? Do you hear it? Do you believe?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Verse of the Day - Malachi 3:1-2
"See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says the LORD Almighty. But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner's fire or a launderer's soap. ~ Malachi 3:1-2 (NIV)
The Jews were looking for a Messiah that would vindicate their earthly enemies and re-establish them as the elite people of God. But God let them know that their Messiah was much more than a dealer in a governmental card game. He is a refiner of men's souls. A launderer of the heart.
God needed them to be prepared, because Jesus was going to shake up the Hebrew nation and the world, from the religious leaders right on down to the beggar in the street. And, indeed He did, and many were not ready -- not prepared for the depth of this Messiah, who had no intention of overthrowing the Roman government, but had every intention of overthrowing evil in men's hearts.
How prepared are people today for this kind of God? It seems like many want a fluffy, "feel good" kind of God, who makes them feel warm and fuzzy and happy. Conviction of sin? Not so warm and fuzzy. Challenged to give up selfish pride and ambition? Not so "feel good". And so they often make up their own God, who gives them that "feel good" feeling, without the painful process of letting go of sin and self, without the hard work of turning over habits and hangups to God in exchange for healing and wholeness.
Many non-believers can embrace the manger. It's a sweet scene that graces the cover of Christmas cards and tree ornaments. A baby is so cute and cuddly, right? But cute and cuddly gives way to a divider of soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12), and many people shy away, or walk away. What they don't understand is that Jesus loves them too much to allow them to be eternally separated from Him. He has to get at the heart of the matter, so that spiritual healing can take place. He says, Forget about "warm and fuzzies"! If you could only see what your soul looks like without Me, you would flee in horror! You are rotten and dead on the inside, and I came here to rescue you from spiritual death! I want My love to make you feel warm and fuzzy, but getting past self won't feel good. In fact, it will be hard and painful. But your soul is at stake, and I give My life in death for you. That is the essence of the manger.
Do you embrace the Messiah -- the Christ -- for who He really is? Or do you shy away toward a false version of Him, one who doesn't tap into your selfish heart and sinful ways, one who speaks only of love and good cheer and happiness and balloon hearts? Almost gives me a vision of a parade clown. Many church-goers choose a church that makes them feel good. But as soon as the pastor begins to preach the Word where conviction is felt, they are "outta there". They just can't stand the cutting of the sword of the Word of God. Jesus is that Word. He is that sword.
So, are you willing to submit to the Word, to the Christ? It's not for the faint at heart, because your heart and mind will be pushed and pulled, prodded and poked -- getting down to the nitty-gritty of sin and self. But an amazing thing happens when you fully submit to His Messiahship . . . you know experientially the deep spiritual joy of a relationship with God Himself and the peace that comes with obedience to Him.
No pain, no gain. Fluffy gets you nothing but futile. Make your choice.
The Jews were looking for a Messiah that would vindicate their earthly enemies and re-establish them as the elite people of God. But God let them know that their Messiah was much more than a dealer in a governmental card game. He is a refiner of men's souls. A launderer of the heart.
God needed them to be prepared, because Jesus was going to shake up the Hebrew nation and the world, from the religious leaders right on down to the beggar in the street. And, indeed He did, and many were not ready -- not prepared for the depth of this Messiah, who had no intention of overthrowing the Roman government, but had every intention of overthrowing evil in men's hearts.
How prepared are people today for this kind of God? It seems like many want a fluffy, "feel good" kind of God, who makes them feel warm and fuzzy and happy. Conviction of sin? Not so warm and fuzzy. Challenged to give up selfish pride and ambition? Not so "feel good". And so they often make up their own God, who gives them that "feel good" feeling, without the painful process of letting go of sin and self, without the hard work of turning over habits and hangups to God in exchange for healing and wholeness.
Many non-believers can embrace the manger. It's a sweet scene that graces the cover of Christmas cards and tree ornaments. A baby is so cute and cuddly, right? But cute and cuddly gives way to a divider of soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12), and many people shy away, or walk away. What they don't understand is that Jesus loves them too much to allow them to be eternally separated from Him. He has to get at the heart of the matter, so that spiritual healing can take place. He says, Forget about "warm and fuzzies"! If you could only see what your soul looks like without Me, you would flee in horror! You are rotten and dead on the inside, and I came here to rescue you from spiritual death! I want My love to make you feel warm and fuzzy, but getting past self won't feel good. In fact, it will be hard and painful. But your soul is at stake, and I give My life in death for you. That is the essence of the manger.
Do you embrace the Messiah -- the Christ -- for who He really is? Or do you shy away toward a false version of Him, one who doesn't tap into your selfish heart and sinful ways, one who speaks only of love and good cheer and happiness and balloon hearts? Almost gives me a vision of a parade clown. Many church-goers choose a church that makes them feel good. But as soon as the pastor begins to preach the Word where conviction is felt, they are "outta there". They just can't stand the cutting of the sword of the Word of God. Jesus is that Word. He is that sword.
So, are you willing to submit to the Word, to the Christ? It's not for the faint at heart, because your heart and mind will be pushed and pulled, prodded and poked -- getting down to the nitty-gritty of sin and self. But an amazing thing happens when you fully submit to His Messiahship . . . you know experientially the deep spiritual joy of a relationship with God Himself and the peace that comes with obedience to Him.
No pain, no gain. Fluffy gets you nothing but futile. Make your choice.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 2:1-4
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. ~ Luke 2:1-4 (NIV)
Don't you hate it when you're forced to do something you don't want to do, something that really takes a bite out of your schedule? We can grumble and complain, kick our shoes in the dirt, and throw quite a fit, actually. It's always inconvenient or tedious or time-consuming or uncomfortable. We just don't want to do it! But when a mandate from up-top comes down, you just do what ya gotta do, right?
What if the government forced you to take an unpaid leave of absence and travel to the home of your Dad or Grandpa's birthplace, so you could be counted as part of a taxation census? How would that grab you? My dad was born in Iowa. His dad was born who knows where, and before that, ancestors came from Germany. I couldn't afford not to work, nor could I afford the travel expenses. And all for what -- to be sure I'm not a tax-evader? Can't I just show you my latest tax returns?!?!
Do we ever think mandates are God's will? Or, do we just assume it's man's attempt to drive us crazy?
Many things in life hit us broadside that can throw us for a loop. And since they're uncomfortable or inconvenient or scary, we are quick to assume they can't be part of God's plan. But God has proved Himself time and again. God spoke through a prophet (Micah 5:2) about the Messiah's birth in Bethlehem at least 400 years before it happened. Now, whether Caesar was prompted by God to mandate the census in order to get Joseph to Bethlehem, or whether God's omniscience simply knew what would happen 400 years down the road is a mystery to me. The bottom line is that Joseph and Mary were inconvenienced by the government; yet, God was in complete control of the situation. He was there all along.
What are you going through right now that seems an inconvenience or trial put on you by others? Are you grumbling at man's attempt to send you to the asylum, or are you grasping God's vision for your life? Do you see yourself as thrown to the winds of whim, or specifically directed by the wind of God's spirit?
Joseph and Mary couldn't see the reason for their inconvenience. And neither can we. But we have a God who sees the reason for all things, and He is trustworthy to make perfect sense of what seems nonsensical.
Believer, you are in the hand of God. Don't be thrown off course by the winds of change. If you are being challenged by mandates and forces beyond your control, remember that God saw all the days of your life before you were born. He has determined your life experiences to work for His good. So, take heart -- and trust Him and His plan.
Don't you hate it when you're forced to do something you don't want to do, something that really takes a bite out of your schedule? We can grumble and complain, kick our shoes in the dirt, and throw quite a fit, actually. It's always inconvenient or tedious or time-consuming or uncomfortable. We just don't want to do it! But when a mandate from up-top comes down, you just do what ya gotta do, right?
What if the government forced you to take an unpaid leave of absence and travel to the home of your Dad or Grandpa's birthplace, so you could be counted as part of a taxation census? How would that grab you? My dad was born in Iowa. His dad was born who knows where, and before that, ancestors came from Germany. I couldn't afford not to work, nor could I afford the travel expenses. And all for what -- to be sure I'm not a tax-evader? Can't I just show you my latest tax returns?!?!
Do we ever think mandates are God's will? Or, do we just assume it's man's attempt to drive us crazy?
Many things in life hit us broadside that can throw us for a loop. And since they're uncomfortable or inconvenient or scary, we are quick to assume they can't be part of God's plan. But God has proved Himself time and again. God spoke through a prophet (Micah 5:2) about the Messiah's birth in Bethlehem at least 400 years before it happened. Now, whether Caesar was prompted by God to mandate the census in order to get Joseph to Bethlehem, or whether God's omniscience simply knew what would happen 400 years down the road is a mystery to me. The bottom line is that Joseph and Mary were inconvenienced by the government; yet, God was in complete control of the situation. He was there all along.
What are you going through right now that seems an inconvenience or trial put on you by others? Are you grumbling at man's attempt to send you to the asylum, or are you grasping God's vision for your life? Do you see yourself as thrown to the winds of whim, or specifically directed by the wind of God's spirit?
Joseph and Mary couldn't see the reason for their inconvenience. And neither can we. But we have a God who sees the reason for all things, and He is trustworthy to make perfect sense of what seems nonsensical.
Believer, you are in the hand of God. Don't be thrown off course by the winds of change. If you are being challenged by mandates and forces beyond your control, remember that God saw all the days of your life before you were born. He has determined your life experiences to work for His good. So, take heart -- and trust Him and His plan.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Verse of the Day - Isaiah 7:14
All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’). ~ Isaiah 7:14 (NLT)
Although today, with modern medical technology, it is possible for a virgin to conceive a child through invitro fertilization, this prophecy would've been astounding to the ancient world. No woman gets pregnant without having sexual relations with a man. Never. That's the way God ordained procreation in the Garden of Eden, and that is just the way it is. A virgin will give birth? C'mon -- get real! Yet, when God needs to get a point across, He does the unreal. When God needs to make sure you understand that it is He who is involved, He does the impossible. That's called a miracle.
And please don't forget that these words that Isaiah the prophet spoke to King Ahaz came over 600 years before the events recorded in the New Testament. 600 years! Couple that prophecy with others proclaimed about this miracle, such as the where (Bethlehem) and how (manger) He'd be born, and you have the incalculable and uncontrivable by human will. This was God's doing and none other!
Son of the Living God. Immanuel. The virgin birth, declared centuries before, is a sign. King Ahaz was long gone in the grave when Jesus was born, but the Scripture lives on to validate the truth. The sign is for those who were there...Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and townspeople, the wise men...and for all those down the ages who have read the Scriptures, up through this very day.
Jesus' birth is a sign of divine intervention in our lives. He is Immanuel -- God is with us, today and forever. Have you believed the sign? Is He the divine Christ child in your heart and mind? I pray that truth is secure within you as you look forward to celebrating Christmas this year.
Although today, with modern medical technology, it is possible for a virgin to conceive a child through invitro fertilization, this prophecy would've been astounding to the ancient world. No woman gets pregnant without having sexual relations with a man. Never. That's the way God ordained procreation in the Garden of Eden, and that is just the way it is. A virgin will give birth? C'mon -- get real! Yet, when God needs to get a point across, He does the unreal. When God needs to make sure you understand that it is He who is involved, He does the impossible. That's called a miracle.
And please don't forget that these words that Isaiah the prophet spoke to King Ahaz came over 600 years before the events recorded in the New Testament. 600 years! Couple that prophecy with others proclaimed about this miracle, such as the where (Bethlehem) and how (manger) He'd be born, and you have the incalculable and uncontrivable by human will. This was God's doing and none other!
Son of the Living God. Immanuel. The virgin birth, declared centuries before, is a sign. King Ahaz was long gone in the grave when Jesus was born, but the Scripture lives on to validate the truth. The sign is for those who were there...Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and townspeople, the wise men...and for all those down the ages who have read the Scriptures, up through this very day.
Jesus' birth is a sign of divine intervention in our lives. He is Immanuel -- God is with us, today and forever. Have you believed the sign? Is He the divine Christ child in your heart and mind? I pray that truth is secure within you as you look forward to celebrating Christmas this year.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 1:32-33
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end. ~ Luke 1:32-33 (NIV)
Our church choir has been preparing for a few months to present a Christmas musical, called, "Joy, Joy, Joy!" And there are a lot of songs that have just really been speaking to me as I practice in the car, both musically and lyrically. One concept is this truth that Jesus is my King.
My King. The One who wears a crown and holds a scepter. Who commands armies and dispenses provisions. Who presides over His people, that they will follow His precepts and ideologies. Who gives all He has for the sake of His Kingdom. That's my King. That's Jesus.
Not only is He my spiritual King, but He's also my physical King. Because, you see, in the book of Revelation, we are given a video of the new physical realm to come. And one day, we will see the King on His throne. We will see His glory and live under His reign, along with all those who choose to be subject to His monarchy. And of His Kingdom, there shall be no end.
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And His kingship in our individual lives begins when we submit to His authority and depend on Him for our protection, provision, and purpose in the "here and now". That is the essence of the Christian life. And we live under His reign and follow His precepts, even though we can't see Him now in the physical realm. Yet, we wait expectantly for that Great Day, when we shall see Him in all His glory! That day will come as surely as all other prophecy in Scripture has been fulfilled since the dawn of time.
If you are a Christ follower, are you practicing now for your eventual Kingdom residence in the monarchy of God? Are you looking to Him, believing that He is willing and able to protect and provide for you? Are you submitting yourself to His precepts and ideologies? Is He truly the monarch of your heart and mind?
The One who was sitting on the throne said, "Look! I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted." The One on the throne said to me, "It is finished. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give free water from the spring of the water of life to anyone who is thirsty. Those who win the victory will receive this, and I will be their God, and they will be my children. ~ Revelation 21:5-7 (NCV)
I believe there is no greater joy than knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the Good King, and being willing to submit to His reign. He is alive and active now, and in the age to come. So let's be good citizens of the Kingdom, and lovingly devote ourselves 100% to our King with all our heart, soul, mind and strength! That's what I call, "Joy, Joy, Joy!"
Our church choir has been preparing for a few months to present a Christmas musical, called, "Joy, Joy, Joy!" And there are a lot of songs that have just really been speaking to me as I practice in the car, both musically and lyrically. One concept is this truth that Jesus is my King.
My King. The One who wears a crown and holds a scepter. Who commands armies and dispenses provisions. Who presides over His people, that they will follow His precepts and ideologies. Who gives all He has for the sake of His Kingdom. That's my King. That's Jesus.
Not only is He my spiritual King, but He's also my physical King. Because, you see, in the book of Revelation, we are given a video of the new physical realm to come. And one day, we will see the King on His throne. We will see His glory and live under His reign, along with all those who choose to be subject to His monarchy. And of His Kingdom, there shall be no end.
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And His kingship in our individual lives begins when we submit to His authority and depend on Him for our protection, provision, and purpose in the "here and now". That is the essence of the Christian life. And we live under His reign and follow His precepts, even though we can't see Him now in the physical realm. Yet, we wait expectantly for that Great Day, when we shall see Him in all His glory! That day will come as surely as all other prophecy in Scripture has been fulfilled since the dawn of time.
If you are a Christ follower, are you practicing now for your eventual Kingdom residence in the monarchy of God? Are you looking to Him, believing that He is willing and able to protect and provide for you? Are you submitting yourself to His precepts and ideologies? Is He truly the monarch of your heart and mind?
The One who was sitting on the throne said, "Look! I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted." The One on the throne said to me, "It is finished. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give free water from the spring of the water of life to anyone who is thirsty. Those who win the victory will receive this, and I will be their God, and they will be my children. ~ Revelation 21:5-7 (NCV)
I believe there is no greater joy than knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the Good King, and being willing to submit to His reign. He is alive and active now, and in the age to come. So let's be good citizens of the Kingdom, and lovingly devote ourselves 100% to our King with all our heart, soul, mind and strength! That's what I call, "Joy, Joy, Joy!"
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Verse of the Day - Deuteronomy 8:10-11, 17-18
When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God . . . You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth... ~ Deuteronomy 8:10-11, 17-18 (NIV)
This week, one of my co-workers was mentioning a book she'd bought and was looking forward to reading, about Warren Buffett. I said, "Who's Warren Buffett?" She was astounded that I didn't know who he was. Come to find out, he is considered the richest man in the world, with a net worth of $62 billion! Gee, I guess my subscription to The Wall Street Journal hasn't done me much good, has it? .... oh, wait, I forgot -- I don't subscribe to The Wall Street Journal. I feel better now. :-)
She was particularly impressed by the man, rather than his millions (or his billions). He lives in the same modest home he bought in Omaha, Nebraska in 1958 (for $31,500), drives his own 2003 Cadillac (not chauffeurred), and his actual annual salary is about $100,000. He gives vast sums to charity and has no plans to bequeath vast sums to his children, stating, "I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing."
This guy has good business sense, and good parenting sense. Unfortunately, he doesn't have good God sense. You see, Warren Buffett claims to be an agnostic. He gives no credit to his Maker for the great economic mind God gave him, the ingenuity for creating wealth, the drive and ability to work hard at what he does. God gave Warren Buffett all that he has . . . his talents, his family and friends, his wealth. I am sorry that Warren doesn't know the God who loves him. I am sorry that he doesn't understand and appreciate the blessings that have been poured out on him by the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
At a charity on-line auction, Mr. Buffett auctioned off a luncheon with him for a whopping $2.1 million. An Asian businessman and up to seven companions paid handsomely to have a "power lunch" with the great financier. That's pretty impressive, wouldn't you say? Yet, more impressive is the fact that Jesus paid with his blood on the cross, so that Warren could dine with Him forever at the feast table in heaven. Yet, Warren hasn't RSVP'd saying he'll come. In fact, he doesn't even know about the invitation. Who will tell him? I pray that the Holy Spirit will use believers in Mr. Buffet's life to awaken his spirit to the presence of God, and that he can accept the truth about God and His redemption plan through Jesus Christ. Because no matter how much money he has made throughout his life and how good of a person he is toward others, without Jesus, he is without hope and without life.
May we all remember to thank God for the blessings He gives us. The roof over our heads, the jobs we hold, the food we eat, the family we belong to. He is our Good King -- may we be humbly grateful for His beautiful reign and provision, and may we honor Him through holy living and active personal witness.
This week, one of my co-workers was mentioning a book she'd bought and was looking forward to reading, about Warren Buffett. I said, "Who's Warren Buffett?" She was astounded that I didn't know who he was. Come to find out, he is considered the richest man in the world, with a net worth of $62 billion! Gee, I guess my subscription to The Wall Street Journal hasn't done me much good, has it? .... oh, wait, I forgot -- I don't subscribe to The Wall Street Journal. I feel better now. :-)
She was particularly impressed by the man, rather than his millions (or his billions). He lives in the same modest home he bought in Omaha, Nebraska in 1958 (for $31,500), drives his own 2003 Cadillac (not chauffeurred), and his actual annual salary is about $100,000. He gives vast sums to charity and has no plans to bequeath vast sums to his children, stating, "I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing."
This guy has good business sense, and good parenting sense. Unfortunately, he doesn't have good God sense. You see, Warren Buffett claims to be an agnostic. He gives no credit to his Maker for the great economic mind God gave him, the ingenuity for creating wealth, the drive and ability to work hard at what he does. God gave Warren Buffett all that he has . . . his talents, his family and friends, his wealth. I am sorry that Warren doesn't know the God who loves him. I am sorry that he doesn't understand and appreciate the blessings that have been poured out on him by the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
At a charity on-line auction, Mr. Buffett auctioned off a luncheon with him for a whopping $2.1 million. An Asian businessman and up to seven companions paid handsomely to have a "power lunch" with the great financier. That's pretty impressive, wouldn't you say? Yet, more impressive is the fact that Jesus paid with his blood on the cross, so that Warren could dine with Him forever at the feast table in heaven. Yet, Warren hasn't RSVP'd saying he'll come. In fact, he doesn't even know about the invitation. Who will tell him? I pray that the Holy Spirit will use believers in Mr. Buffet's life to awaken his spirit to the presence of God, and that he can accept the truth about God and His redemption plan through Jesus Christ. Because no matter how much money he has made throughout his life and how good of a person he is toward others, without Jesus, he is without hope and without life.
May we all remember to thank God for the blessings He gives us. The roof over our heads, the jobs we hold, the food we eat, the family we belong to. He is our Good King -- may we be humbly grateful for His beautiful reign and provision, and may we honor Him through holy living and active personal witness.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Verse of the Day - Romans 5:19
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
~ Romans 5:19 (NIV)
The ripple effect is pretty amazing. I was watching a TV show where a chemical factory had caught fire in the Nevada desert. An amateur cameraman caught the video from atop a hill above it, as it burned. Then all of a sudden...BOOM! The factory exploded. It was incredible! And not only was there a big mushroom cloud above, but the shock waves from the explosion rippled along the ground at tremendous speed. A moving car was even noted in the video to have gone through the shock wave; fortunately, the car continued on and the driver was not injured.
Not so for the victims of the deadly atomic bomb drops in WWII. Talk about fall-out and ripple effect! Those not killed instantly by the sheer force of the explosion were left with the agonizing ripple effect of radiation poisoning. One bomb (actually, two) affected the many in deadly ways. Just like Adam.
Simply amazing how one act could cause so much chaos and mayhem in our lives and the world. That is the ripple effect of sin. It has devastated and decimated us and our world! How can we recover from that? We can't on our own. We're like the leveled lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- laid waste by the act of the one, with no way to correct the death and poisoning.
And yet, there is One who can right the wrongs. Miraculously, Jesus is able to fix the unfixable! He can bring the spiritually dead to life and rid us of the poison of sin! That shouts a "Hallelujah" in my spirit! When He gave His life -- freely, I might add -- on the cross to pay the death penalty for our sins, He cut our chains to sin and set us free. He opened the door to new life, where right overtakes wrong.
Can you testify that you are one of those who've been through the explosion of grace from Jesus Christ? Has the act of the One, with His cleansing blood, turned your heart and mind from death to life? If so, let it be known! Become a part of the great ripple effect, sending shock waves through your family and your community, so they too can see and experience the explosion of grace -- a miraculous rebirth of their spirits. For the many, what was devastated can be restored. Through the One. Amen!
~ Romans 5:19 (NIV)
The ripple effect is pretty amazing. I was watching a TV show where a chemical factory had caught fire in the Nevada desert. An amateur cameraman caught the video from atop a hill above it, as it burned. Then all of a sudden...BOOM! The factory exploded. It was incredible! And not only was there a big mushroom cloud above, but the shock waves from the explosion rippled along the ground at tremendous speed. A moving car was even noted in the video to have gone through the shock wave; fortunately, the car continued on and the driver was not injured.
Not so for the victims of the deadly atomic bomb drops in WWII. Talk about fall-out and ripple effect! Those not killed instantly by the sheer force of the explosion were left with the agonizing ripple effect of radiation poisoning. One bomb (actually, two) affected the many in deadly ways. Just like Adam.
Simply amazing how one act could cause so much chaos and mayhem in our lives and the world. That is the ripple effect of sin. It has devastated and decimated us and our world! How can we recover from that? We can't on our own. We're like the leveled lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- laid waste by the act of the one, with no way to correct the death and poisoning.
And yet, there is One who can right the wrongs. Miraculously, Jesus is able to fix the unfixable! He can bring the spiritually dead to life and rid us of the poison of sin! That shouts a "Hallelujah" in my spirit! When He gave His life -- freely, I might add -- on the cross to pay the death penalty for our sins, He cut our chains to sin and set us free. He opened the door to new life, where right overtakes wrong.
Can you testify that you are one of those who've been through the explosion of grace from Jesus Christ? Has the act of the One, with His cleansing blood, turned your heart and mind from death to life? If so, let it be known! Become a part of the great ripple effect, sending shock waves through your family and your community, so they too can see and experience the explosion of grace -- a miraculous rebirth of their spirits. For the many, what was devastated can be restored. Through the One. Amen!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 146:5
But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. ~ Psalm 146:5 (NLT)
This is a sit-down talk with all believers in Jesus, okay.
I read this verse and then think about the church and wonder, Where is the joy? Where is the hope?
Yeah, we say we believe in Jesus, that we have faith in God. Hmm...I just really wonder how strong that belief is, how deep that faith is.
If you only trust Jesus to save you from your sins, but don't trust Him for your life situations and the world at large, do you really trust Him at all? Do you think His power ended at the empty tomb, or that He's up in heaven playing cards with Moses, and just doesn't have time to take care of world concerns?
How different are we really than all the unbelievers walking the streets, who are stressed to the max over everything--the war, inflation, terrorism, Christmas? Where is our joy in the Lord and the hope that comes from trusting -- really trusting -- in Him?
I'm sorry to bear down hard on the redeemed today, but I just feel as if we give lip service to our faith, but we don't put shoes on it and walk the streets with it! Christian, you have a treasure with your relationship with God, and He is Master of the universe, and capable of ALL THINGS! Beyond that, He is sovereign and doesn't always work the way we think He should. Your responsibility and privilege is to choose to believe that His being in charge is a good thing, and that He will take care of all things in His time.
Believer, do you believe that?
When we can honestly say that we can let God be God, resting in His will and accepting all things from His hands, we can know joy! But if we keep wringing our hands at the difficulties in life and worrying about this and that and round and round it goes, we are the unbelieving. Please listen to that. If you say you are a believer in God, then "get to gettin' "! Start BELIEVING, instead of disbelieving.
Give God the honor He is due by placing ALL your faith -- not just for your salvation -- in Him. He says that when your heart and mind give in fully to Him, you will have a joy that is gonna make a difference. A joy that speaks volumes to you and the world around you.
This is a sit-down talk with all believers in Jesus, okay.
I read this verse and then think about the church and wonder, Where is the joy? Where is the hope?
Yeah, we say we believe in Jesus, that we have faith in God. Hmm...I just really wonder how strong that belief is, how deep that faith is.
If you only trust Jesus to save you from your sins, but don't trust Him for your life situations and the world at large, do you really trust Him at all? Do you think His power ended at the empty tomb, or that He's up in heaven playing cards with Moses, and just doesn't have time to take care of world concerns?
How different are we really than all the unbelievers walking the streets, who are stressed to the max over everything--the war, inflation, terrorism, Christmas? Where is our joy in the Lord and the hope that comes from trusting -- really trusting -- in Him?
I'm sorry to bear down hard on the redeemed today, but I just feel as if we give lip service to our faith, but we don't put shoes on it and walk the streets with it! Christian, you have a treasure with your relationship with God, and He is Master of the universe, and capable of ALL THINGS! Beyond that, He is sovereign and doesn't always work the way we think He should. Your responsibility and privilege is to choose to believe that His being in charge is a good thing, and that He will take care of all things in His time.
Believer, do you believe that?
When we can honestly say that we can let God be God, resting in His will and accepting all things from His hands, we can know joy! But if we keep wringing our hands at the difficulties in life and worrying about this and that and round and round it goes, we are the unbelieving. Please listen to that. If you say you are a believer in God, then "get to gettin' "! Start BELIEVING, instead of disbelieving.
Give God the honor He is due by placing ALL your faith -- not just for your salvation -- in Him. He says that when your heart and mind give in fully to Him, you will have a joy that is gonna make a difference. A joy that speaks volumes to you and the world around you.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. ~ Psalm 40:1 (NIV)
Yesterday, I was waiting in what I thought would be a fairly quick line at Target, as there was only one woman in line, and she was already paying. Unfortunately, she was using one of those archaic methods of payment -- writing a check! :-) And to top it off, she was engaging the cashier in a conversation about her mother-in-law, or some such thing. So, I began to fidget. I looked at the other register beyond her, to see another short line with only one person at the checkout, but he too seemed to have issues and was taking a LONG TIME. Fidget, fidget...antsy, antsy. And I do believe the word "patient" actually came into my mind. And so, I just waited (and tried not to look impatient). The clerk was very nice to the woman, even though she took a long time. He never gave any indication that he'd grown impatient with her. I should've thanked him for his great attitude, because this time of year often becomes the season of frazzled nerves instead of festivities.
When I get what I call the "terminal hourglass" on my computer while I wait for something I clicked on to pop up, I tap my fingers impatiently on the desk. I've even yelled out loud at it, with impatient frustration! (Did I just hear an 'amen' from out there?) If a red stop light takes more than 1.25 minutes to give me a green, I'm probably chomping at the bit. If my freeway route home gets a little bogged, I'm often tempted to get off and try to take surface streets...which usually ends up taking at least as long, if not longer. My impatience doesn't make anything go faster -- it just makes me more irritated.
They say that timing is everything. Try rushing a turkey to cook in the oven by pulling it out too soon, and you end up with undercooked bird. Try pulling a carrot out of the ground just because you see a green shoot, and you end up with a scrawny root. Time is vital. But in our lives, we just think that God should hurry up and make it snappy, especially when trials are severe and seemingly unending. We want a green light, a quick checkout, and a 30-minute turkey!
God's ways and His timing are definitely not in sync with our ways and timing. Learning to be patient while He does His work in us requires that we trust Him in what He's doing, so that we can wait without fidgeting while we endure hardships and trials. God does have His reasons for what he does, and they are always for the good. Just because we don't understand them doesn't make them bad. When will we ever stop fidgeting and accept from His hand what He gives us?
Please be open to whatever God is trying to teach you while you wait on His help...
"My son, think of the Lord's training as important. Do not lose hope when he corrects you. The Lord trains those he loves. He punishes everyone he accepts as a son." —(Proverbs 3:11,12)
Put up with hard times. God uses them to train you. He is treating you as children. What children are not trained by their parents? God trains all of his children. But what if he doesn't train you? Then you are like children of people who weren't married to each other. You are not truly God's children.
Besides, we have all had human parents who trained us. We respected them for it. How much more should we be trained by the Father of our spirits and live!
Our parents trained us for a little while. They did what they thought was best. But God trains us for our good. He wants us to share in his holiness.
No training seems pleasant at the time. In fact, it seems painful. But later on it produces a harvest of godliness and peace. It does that for those who have been trained by it.
~ Hebrews 12:5-11 (NIrV)
Yesterday, I was waiting in what I thought would be a fairly quick line at Target, as there was only one woman in line, and she was already paying. Unfortunately, she was using one of those archaic methods of payment -- writing a check! :-) And to top it off, she was engaging the cashier in a conversation about her mother-in-law, or some such thing. So, I began to fidget. I looked at the other register beyond her, to see another short line with only one person at the checkout, but he too seemed to have issues and was taking a LONG TIME. Fidget, fidget...antsy, antsy. And I do believe the word "patient" actually came into my mind. And so, I just waited (and tried not to look impatient). The clerk was very nice to the woman, even though she took a long time. He never gave any indication that he'd grown impatient with her. I should've thanked him for his great attitude, because this time of year often becomes the season of frazzled nerves instead of festivities.
When I get what I call the "terminal hourglass" on my computer while I wait for something I clicked on to pop up, I tap my fingers impatiently on the desk. I've even yelled out loud at it, with impatient frustration! (Did I just hear an 'amen' from out there?) If a red stop light takes more than 1.25 minutes to give me a green, I'm probably chomping at the bit. If my freeway route home gets a little bogged, I'm often tempted to get off and try to take surface streets...which usually ends up taking at least as long, if not longer. My impatience doesn't make anything go faster -- it just makes me more irritated.
They say that timing is everything. Try rushing a turkey to cook in the oven by pulling it out too soon, and you end up with undercooked bird. Try pulling a carrot out of the ground just because you see a green shoot, and you end up with a scrawny root. Time is vital. But in our lives, we just think that God should hurry up and make it snappy, especially when trials are severe and seemingly unending. We want a green light, a quick checkout, and a 30-minute turkey!
God's ways and His timing are definitely not in sync with our ways and timing. Learning to be patient while He does His work in us requires that we trust Him in what He's doing, so that we can wait without fidgeting while we endure hardships and trials. God does have His reasons for what he does, and they are always for the good. Just because we don't understand them doesn't make them bad. When will we ever stop fidgeting and accept from His hand what He gives us?
Please be open to whatever God is trying to teach you while you wait on His help...
"My son, think of the Lord's training as important. Do not lose hope when he corrects you. The Lord trains those he loves. He punishes everyone he accepts as a son." —(Proverbs 3:11,12)
Put up with hard times. God uses them to train you. He is treating you as children. What children are not trained by their parents? God trains all of his children. But what if he doesn't train you? Then you are like children of people who weren't married to each other. You are not truly God's children.
Besides, we have all had human parents who trained us. We respected them for it. How much more should we be trained by the Father of our spirits and live!
Our parents trained us for a little while. They did what they thought was best. But God trains us for our good. He wants us to share in his holiness.
No training seems pleasant at the time. In fact, it seems painful. But later on it produces a harvest of godliness and peace. It does that for those who have been trained by it.
~ Hebrews 12:5-11 (NIrV)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 16:20
Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.
~ Proverbs 16:20 (NIV)
Have you ever known someone who simply won't ask for or take any help for a project, such as a model airplane or a jigsaw puzzle? "I can do it myself, thank you very much!" is their reply, while the instruction booklet and tiny pieces and parts are strewn all over the floor. Several hours later you come back to find this person is no where to be found and either the pieces and parts are still lying there with forlorn looks on their faces, or they've been shoved back into the box, perhaps never to be seen or heard from again. Poor little pieces and parts... :-(
People who won't heed instruction consider themselves to be "self-made", but unfortunately what they make sometimes is a flop. None of us is all-knowing, and I think we're wired to glean from each other. More importantly, we're wired to glean from God.
If not taking instructions is bad, getting instructions from the wrong place is almost as bad, if not worse. Can you imagine what your model airplane would look like if the instructions were in a language you didn't speak, or if you let your 3-year old tell you how it goes together? All I can say is that it's a good thing it's just a model, and not a real plane. I wouldn't be buying a ticket to fly in that thing!
God's word says that we need to 1) be willing to accept instruction for our life, and 2) we need to go to the right source for that instruction. God says we are blessed when we go to Him and trust His instruction. He is the keeper of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding -- He's the Master of all instruction booklets! Do you believe that?
If you feel as if your life is just a bunch of pieces and parts all over the floor of your world, choose to humble yourself before God, acknowledging that you can't figure out how to put yourself together, and then trust Him to give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you need to move forward in turning pieces and parts into something functional that makes sense.
(BTW, you may think your pieces and parts will end up being a model airplane, but God may decide that they make a better race car! Don't try to limit what God is doing -- He just chuckles when we try to put Him in a box. :-)
~ Proverbs 16:20 (NIV)
Have you ever known someone who simply won't ask for or take any help for a project, such as a model airplane or a jigsaw puzzle? "I can do it myself, thank you very much!" is their reply, while the instruction booklet and tiny pieces and parts are strewn all over the floor. Several hours later you come back to find this person is no where to be found and either the pieces and parts are still lying there with forlorn looks on their faces, or they've been shoved back into the box, perhaps never to be seen or heard from again. Poor little pieces and parts... :-(
People who won't heed instruction consider themselves to be "self-made", but unfortunately what they make sometimes is a flop. None of us is all-knowing, and I think we're wired to glean from each other. More importantly, we're wired to glean from God.
If not taking instructions is bad, getting instructions from the wrong place is almost as bad, if not worse. Can you imagine what your model airplane would look like if the instructions were in a language you didn't speak, or if you let your 3-year old tell you how it goes together? All I can say is that it's a good thing it's just a model, and not a real plane. I wouldn't be buying a ticket to fly in that thing!
God's word says that we need to 1) be willing to accept instruction for our life, and 2) we need to go to the right source for that instruction. God says we are blessed when we go to Him and trust His instruction. He is the keeper of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding -- He's the Master of all instruction booklets! Do you believe that?
If you feel as if your life is just a bunch of pieces and parts all over the floor of your world, choose to humble yourself before God, acknowledging that you can't figure out how to put yourself together, and then trust Him to give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you need to move forward in turning pieces and parts into something functional that makes sense.
(BTW, you may think your pieces and parts will end up being a model airplane, but God may decide that they make a better race car! Don't try to limit what God is doing -- He just chuckles when we try to put Him in a box. :-)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Verse of the Day - Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. ~ Colossians 4:2 (NIV)
Devoted people are pretty obvious, aren't they? A devoted husband may be known for bringing flowers home regularly, or giving full attention to his wife wherever they go. A devoted fan of a music group will probably have the band's posters on the wall, and their iPod crammed full of all their albums. Visible expressions of devoted people are plentiful, not because they need others to know they're devoted, but just because they are. They can't hardly help themselves. They're in love.
So Paul exhorts us to devote ourselves to prayer. To be in love with communicating with God. To cling committedly, with all that we have, to thanking and petitioning the Lord. To be loyal. To be diligent. To be devoted.
Why is it so hard for us to do that? Why is it that sometimes the only time we bow our heads is over our meals and (maybe) at bedtime? How ritualistic have we become in the act of prayer?
The first-century church seemed to do a lot of praying together. It wouldn't surprise me if they prayed hour after hour! The Book of Acts records their devotion to prayer -- check it out sometime. But we often think that two minutes of prayer is sufficient and start rolling our eyes and checking our watches if someone has the nerve to pray five minutes...heaven forbid ten! Where is our devotion? Where is God in our schedule and our priorities?
A year or so ago, several of my friends began gathering once a week to pray. We decided there were no rules, no schedule. We just wanted to pray, to bring our hearts before God and thank and petition Him as the Holy Spirit moved. Those times were the most meaningful times I've ever spent in prayer. Tears were regular, as we just talked to God. We didn't take turns in a circle and make some feel uncomfortable. Anyone prayed who wanted to pray, and not just once. As many times as the Lord laid something on someones heart. And some requests were prayed over more than once. Repetition was okay, because we were just talking to God, and He's okay with us repeating ourselves. Sometimes when we felt spent, we'd close with an 'amen' and look at the clock. Wow -- an hour? Gee, who knew? And who cared?
Cultures outside the U.S., many who have immigrated here, have very different ideas about time and devotion to the Lord. Church services and prayer times can last for hours, but they don't seem concerned. Their devotion to God and to prayer outweigh the clock. I feel ashamed when I realize that our schedules and our watches claim our devotion, rather than the God who loves us and wants our attention through prayer.
One more example that has stuck with me: I read in a book once about Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's habits. They gather together for a full hour to pray before their three-hour rehearsal! Wow, that impressed me. That is devotion to prayer, not just a quick two-minute "nod to God".
Devotion to prayer can take many forms. It can include long periods in a quiet place alone . . . communicating with the Lord "on the fly" as you go about your day . . . or gathering with other believers to corporately speak to the Lord. God simply wants your communication with Him to take precedence in your life. He wants devotion. So I challenge you to evaluate your heart and see what is claiming devotion in your life. Is it God and prayer with Him, or something else?
Devoted people are pretty obvious, aren't they? A devoted husband may be known for bringing flowers home regularly, or giving full attention to his wife wherever they go. A devoted fan of a music group will probably have the band's posters on the wall, and their iPod crammed full of all their albums. Visible expressions of devoted people are plentiful, not because they need others to know they're devoted, but just because they are. They can't hardly help themselves. They're in love.
So Paul exhorts us to devote ourselves to prayer. To be in love with communicating with God. To cling committedly, with all that we have, to thanking and petitioning the Lord. To be loyal. To be diligent. To be devoted.
Why is it so hard for us to do that? Why is it that sometimes the only time we bow our heads is over our meals and (maybe) at bedtime? How ritualistic have we become in the act of prayer?
The first-century church seemed to do a lot of praying together. It wouldn't surprise me if they prayed hour after hour! The Book of Acts records their devotion to prayer -- check it out sometime. But we often think that two minutes of prayer is sufficient and start rolling our eyes and checking our watches if someone has the nerve to pray five minutes...heaven forbid ten! Where is our devotion? Where is God in our schedule and our priorities?
A year or so ago, several of my friends began gathering once a week to pray. We decided there were no rules, no schedule. We just wanted to pray, to bring our hearts before God and thank and petition Him as the Holy Spirit moved. Those times were the most meaningful times I've ever spent in prayer. Tears were regular, as we just talked to God. We didn't take turns in a circle and make some feel uncomfortable. Anyone prayed who wanted to pray, and not just once. As many times as the Lord laid something on someones heart. And some requests were prayed over more than once. Repetition was okay, because we were just talking to God, and He's okay with us repeating ourselves. Sometimes when we felt spent, we'd close with an 'amen' and look at the clock. Wow -- an hour? Gee, who knew? And who cared?
Cultures outside the U.S., many who have immigrated here, have very different ideas about time and devotion to the Lord. Church services and prayer times can last for hours, but they don't seem concerned. Their devotion to God and to prayer outweigh the clock. I feel ashamed when I realize that our schedules and our watches claim our devotion, rather than the God who loves us and wants our attention through prayer.
One more example that has stuck with me: I read in a book once about Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's habits. They gather together for a full hour to pray before their three-hour rehearsal! Wow, that impressed me. That is devotion to prayer, not just a quick two-minute "nod to God".
Devotion to prayer can take many forms. It can include long periods in a quiet place alone . . . communicating with the Lord "on the fly" as you go about your day . . . or gathering with other believers to corporately speak to the Lord. God simply wants your communication with Him to take precedence in your life. He wants devotion. So I challenge you to evaluate your heart and see what is claiming devotion in your life. Is it God and prayer with Him, or something else?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things -- and the things that are not -- to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
~ 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (NIV)


~ 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (NIV)
On one episode of my now-favorite TV show (Extreme Edition: Home Makeover), a teenager with cerebral palsy showed me and the world that God not only doesn't abandon the weak, but He lifts them up as precious and beautiful and of great value. The mom said that when you look at her son, how can you not smile, because he is smiling all the time. God has given this boy, who in the eyes of the world could be considered a cast-off and certainly not someone who could teach us anything about anything, a beautiful spirit and a love for family and baseball and plenty of other things. Though he cannot talk or walk or even sit up by himself, he communicates love and joy that transcends what the world considers valuable and worthwhile.
When the news comes to parents that their child has been born with or develops a major disability, the shock is obvious. But I believe that many come to realize that they hold in their arms a treasure of great value. I have heard parents say that their handicapped child teaches them more than the parents teach the child. They have an insight, a wisdom, a love that often far exceeds those of us who are "regular". Parents of a handicapped child often feel they are the blessed ones, not those who have "regular" children...
When the news comes to parents that their child has been born with or develops a major disability, the shock is obvious. But I believe that many come to realize that they hold in their arms a treasure of great value. I have heard parents say that their handicapped child teaches them more than the parents teach the child. They have an insight, a wisdom, a love that often far exceeds those of us who are "regular". Parents of a handicapped child often feel they are the blessed ones, not those who have "regular" children...


Individuals and governments who have desired to eliminate the handicapped, either through abortion or euthanasia, don't have a clue about the sociology of God's kingdom. Their idea of perfect and desirable is flipped on its head when God's light shines on it.
"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." ~ Mark 9:35 (NIV)
Do you think that runway model would willingly submit herself to serving the cerebral palsy girl in the wheelchair? Would she feed her, change her, bathe her, love her? No one really knows, but I do know that that is the kind of attitude we all need toward those we consider foolish, weak and lowly, because God chooses them.
"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." ~ Mark 9:35 (NIV)
Do you think that runway model would willingly submit herself to serving the cerebral palsy girl in the wheelchair? Would she feed her, change her, bathe her, love her? No one really knows, but I do know that that is the kind of attitude we all need toward those we consider foolish, weak and lowly, because God chooses them.
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. ~Proverbs 3:34 (NIV)
Jesus wasn't the perfect idea of what the Jewish people and the world could embrace for their Messiah. In fact, the whole concept of Christianity in many people's eyes is a handicapped religion, where Jesus is just a crutch for those who are weak and helpless. Anyone with a good sense of self can get to heaven on their own merit -- they don't need an oatmeal marshmellowy God like Jesus, who got the crud beat out of him and died like a criminal, never once lifting a single finger to save himself. That's what some people think. And those same people will stand before God on Judgment Day and boast about all that they are and how good a job they did while on earth. But they have it backward. Their wisdom is foolishness to God. one may boast before Him.
Let us seek the wisdom of God in all things, which seem foolish to the world, but is the key to life.
Jesus wasn't the perfect idea of what the Jewish people and the world could embrace for their Messiah. In fact, the whole concept of Christianity in many people's eyes is a handicapped religion, where Jesus is just a crutch for those who are weak and helpless. Anyone with a good sense of self can get to heaven on their own merit -- they don't need an oatmeal marshmellowy God like Jesus, who got the crud beat out of him and died like a criminal, never once lifting a single finger to save himself. That's what some people think. And those same people will stand before God on Judgment Day and boast about all that they are and how good a job they did while on earth. But they have it backward. Their wisdom is foolishness to God. one may boast before Him.
Let us seek the wisdom of God in all things, which seem foolish to the world, but is the key to life.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 Peter 4:8
Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. ~ 1 Peter 4:8 (NASB)
Sometimes, modern translations don't quite capture the essence of a passage or concept, and this is one of them. The New American Standard Bible was originally published in 1960, and was probably one of the "modern" translations of its time, a modernizing of the ASB (American Standard Bible) which was first published in 1901. At any rate, when I look at today's verse in other modern translations, like NLT, NCV or even the NIV, they translate "fervent" as "deeply", and I just don't think that does the translation justice, with regard to how we are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Holman Bible does a better job, by saying "keep at full strength", because the word "fervent" means extremely hot, glowing, or boiling! When I read "love each other deeply", I get the sense of a quiet commitment, maybe with some tears thrown in for good measure. But to think of loving our Christian brothers and sisters like a pot of boiling water or the hot, glowing coals of a campfire? "Deeply" just doesn't say that to me. I think God, through Peter, is telling us that Christian love is to be on fire! And of equal significance is that it is intentional; hence, the verb "keep".
How many in your local church would you say you have "trouble" with, those that just grate on your last nerve, huh? Yeah, I'm sure you could name a few. I know I can, too. Well, guess what? Peter tells us to "keep fervent" in our love for them. Ugh -- do I have to? Glowing fire love for that person in my Sunday School class who always eats too much and too loud? Boiling water love for that person in the church who always comes late and leaves early, and acts like they're too good to chit-chat with anyone? Oh, Lord -- help me!
Well, that's where we need to go -- the Lord, because He can give us that boiling-up love for our brothers and sisters who don't suit us, who get under our skin. God can help us see beyond the quirks and idiosyncrasies of others, to see the soul within that He loves so dearly. Oh, and one more thing: if you're thinking you're not the irksome one to someone else, think again. We all have our quirks and idiosyncrasies that don't mesh with someone else. A humble heart and grace in abundance is needful in order to keep harmony in the family of God.
Take a step this week to bubble up with some heat the kind of love that God desires for His family. Learn to accept with open arms those who are different from you, and let God love them through you...fervently!
Sometimes, modern translations don't quite capture the essence of a passage or concept, and this is one of them. The New American Standard Bible was originally published in 1960, and was probably one of the "modern" translations of its time, a modernizing of the ASB (American Standard Bible) which was first published in 1901. At any rate, when I look at today's verse in other modern translations, like NLT, NCV or even the NIV, they translate "fervent" as "deeply", and I just don't think that does the translation justice, with regard to how we are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Holman Bible does a better job, by saying "keep at full strength", because the word "fervent" means extremely hot, glowing, or boiling! When I read "love each other deeply", I get the sense of a quiet commitment, maybe with some tears thrown in for good measure. But to think of loving our Christian brothers and sisters like a pot of boiling water or the hot, glowing coals of a campfire? "Deeply" just doesn't say that to me. I think God, through Peter, is telling us that Christian love is to be on fire! And of equal significance is that it is intentional; hence, the verb "keep".
How many in your local church would you say you have "trouble" with, those that just grate on your last nerve, huh? Yeah, I'm sure you could name a few. I know I can, too. Well, guess what? Peter tells us to "keep fervent" in our love for them. Ugh -- do I have to? Glowing fire love for that person in my Sunday School class who always eats too much and too loud? Boiling water love for that person in the church who always comes late and leaves early, and acts like they're too good to chit-chat with anyone? Oh, Lord -- help me!
Well, that's where we need to go -- the Lord, because He can give us that boiling-up love for our brothers and sisters who don't suit us, who get under our skin. God can help us see beyond the quirks and idiosyncrasies of others, to see the soul within that He loves so dearly. Oh, and one more thing: if you're thinking you're not the irksome one to someone else, think again. We all have our quirks and idiosyncrasies that don't mesh with someone else. A humble heart and grace in abundance is needful in order to keep harmony in the family of God.
Take a step this week to bubble up with some heat the kind of love that God desires for His family. Learn to accept with open arms those who are different from you, and let God love them through you...fervently!
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