Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 40:1

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. ~ Psalm 40:1 (NIV)


Yesterday, I was waiting in what I thought would be a fairly quick line at Target, as there was only one woman in line, and she was already paying. Unfortunately, she was using one of those archaic methods of payment -- writing a check! :-) And to top it off, she was engaging the cashier in a conversation about her mother-in-law, or some such thing. So, I began to fidget. I looked at the other register beyond her, to see another short line with only one person at the checkout, but he too seemed to have issues and was taking a LONG TIME. Fidget, fidget...antsy, antsy. And I do believe the word "patient" actually came into my mind. And so, I just waited (and tried not to look impatient). The clerk was very nice to the woman, even though she took a long time. He never gave any indication that he'd grown impatient with her. I should've thanked him for his great attitude, because this time of year often becomes the season of frazzled nerves instead of festivities.

When I get what I call the "terminal hourglass" on my computer while I wait for something I clicked on to pop up, I tap my fingers impatiently on the desk. I've even yelled out loud at it, with impatient frustration! (Did I just hear an 'amen' from out there?) If a red stop light takes more than 1.25 minutes to give me a green, I'm probably chomping at the bit. If my freeway route home gets a little bogged, I'm often tempted to get off and try to take surface streets...which usually ends up taking at least as long, if not longer. My impatience doesn't make anything go faster -- it just makes me more irritated.

They say that timing is everything. Try rushing a turkey to cook in the oven by pulling it out too soon, and you end up with undercooked bird. Try pulling a carrot out of the ground just because you see a green shoot, and you end up with a scrawny root. Time is vital. But in our lives, we just think that God should hurry up and make it snappy, especially when trials are severe and seemingly unending. We want a green light, a quick checkout, and a 30-minute turkey!

God's ways and His timing are definitely not in sync with our ways and timing. Learning to be patient while He does His work in us requires that we trust Him in what He's doing, so that we can wait without fidgeting while we endure hardships and trials. God does have His reasons for what he does, and they are always for the good. Just because we don't understand them doesn't make them bad. When will we ever stop fidgeting and accept from His hand what He gives us?

Please be open to whatever God is trying to teach you while you wait on His help...

"My son, think of the Lord's training as important. Do not lose hope when he corrects you. The Lord trains those he loves. He punishes everyone he accepts as a son." —(Proverbs 3:11,12)

Put up with hard times. God uses them to train you. He is treating you as children. What children are not trained by their parents? God trains all of his children. But what if he doesn't train you? Then you are like children of people who weren't married to each other. You are not truly God's children.

Besides, we have all had human parents who trained us. We respected them for it. How much more should we be trained by the Father of our spirits and live!

Our parents trained us for a little while. They did what they thought was best. But God trains us for our good. He wants us to share in his holiness.

No training seems pleasant at the time. In fact, it seems painful. But later on it produces a harvest of godliness and peace. It does that for those who have been trained by it.

~ Hebrews 12:5-11 (NIrV)


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