Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 34:14

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. ~ Psalm 34:14 (NIV)


The latest fighting in Israel against the Hamas in Palestine splashes across the news headlines, as an ancient war continues to spew violence and hatred. And we shake our heads and say, "What a shame -- how awful...", as if we don't have our own share of warpaint that we put on, as needed.

Many family gatherings during the holidays are anything but peaceful. Aunt Francie shows up late and brings her yapping dog -- Irritant #1. Cousin Sophie talks non-stop about her bitter divorce that was over and done with 5 years ago -- Irritant #2. Brothers Frank and George sit across from each other but don't speak a word because of their joint business venture that went belly up, and they blame each other for the failure. And then there's Great Aunt Flo, who's been standing in the kitchen, telling the ones cooking all the things wrong with how they're preparing this or that. (Did you happen to see a meat thermometer sail past Aunt Flo's head, or was I imagining?!)

Peace? For some, it's a pipe dream, not even close to coming true.

And what about in our everyday lives, apart from holiday family events? Do we seek peace, or stir up evil? When you're running late and traffic is bad, how easy is it to stir up evil in your heart toward other drivers who don't "do it right"? When you are passed up for a promotion at work, do you lay down evil and pursue peace with your boss and the one who did get promoted, or do you gossip behind their back and potentially connive to sabotage the promotee?

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. ~ Romans 12:18 (NIV)

Life is a testing ground, and every day we have opportunity to turn the tide, to change the course. If divisiveness is a problem in your family, you can be a change-maker! Refuse to enter into backbiting conversations but, instead, saturate your loved ones with peace. If you feel offended or irritated, choose to lay it down for the sake of peace, because this pleases God and is in keeping with His character and kingdom. If your neighbor gets on your nerves, choose to be kind in tangible ways, seeking peace instead of war. And if you are peaceable, and others cannot accept that, don't stress. You are only accountable for yourself, and when you seek peace, you're being obedient to God, and that is what matters most.

It's so easy to let self reign and stir up war in our hearts toward others, which is evil in God's eyes. He says, Seek peace and pursue it. In order for that to be possible, self has to step down off the throne and give God His rightful place. Surely today, you will be challenged at some point to stir up war or make peace -- it may be very visible while you engage with others or undetectable to the human eye, in the privacy of your own heart.

Be a change-maker, and choose peace.



Mike Jones said...

Just another "Amen Sister" on this post. I've said many times, Romans is my favorite book of the Bible, and Romans 12 is my favorite chapter IN the book.

To seek peace and pursue it is such a simple, yet as you pointed out so well, difficult, thing to do. I look forward to that day when Christ brings HIS peace to our world, and we live in that place where peace is the currency of the land.

Joelene said...

Thanks, Mike. Perhaps peace is one of the most overlooked blessings of God's kingdom. We talk about no more death, no more pain, no more tears...which all seem self-driven. But as we look at our fellow man, sin has driven such a wedge one between the other. It will be a miracle to behold when no person fights with another--not one. Wow. Praise be to God that He will one day harmonize humanity...for those who lay claim to faith in Jesus.