Saturday, December 13, 2008

Verse of the Day - John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ~ John 10:10 (NIV)


Have you seen those TV shows that highlight dumb criminals? Like the guy who had to call 911 because he was caught in the ceiling while trying to rob a store?!? Or the guy that took pictures of himself with a stolen camera and then left the camera at the crime scene? I know crime is no laughing matter, but these kind of criminals are rather hysterical -- what dummies!

But there is a criminal who is no dummy. This thief is very sly and crafty. On top of his thievery, he is a killer. Diabolical and hungry for a killing. Beyond that, he thrives on destruction, enjoying immensely when lives are simply left in ruins, where tears of pain, loss and sadness run like rivers. He is a criminal beyond all criminals. He is the devil.

No one in his right mind would willingly allow a thief to saunter into their home and steal their plasma TV, their jewelry, and their car. No one with breath in their body would allow a thief to steal their children. No one with any fight within them would allow a thief to simply stick a gun to their head and pull the trigger. That's insane! They would recognize the criminal for who they are, and protect the right, right?

Yet Satan, in his craftiness, dupes the masses with his ploys and schemes. He pulls the wool over their eyes and leads the sheep to slaughter. Many have no idea the stealing, death and destruction that awaits them as they swallow what he feeds them. Like a cyanide cocktail.

Jesus stands up and says, I have come that you may have LIFE, not death! I want righteousness for you, not wickedness, which leads to death. Please listen to Me -- I am the God who can save you. Turn your back on the deceiver of your soul, the devil. Don't listen to him and his pack of lies -- believe Me, he is not interested in your welfare. He is the Great Malevolent; I am the Great Benevolent. The difference is clear; don't be deceived.

Yet, so many are deceived. They run after false righteousness, false teachings, false gods. They believe that earthly pleasure is the highest goal . . . that materials make the man . . . that it doesn't matter what you do in this life, because after this, there's nothing but cosmic nothingness.

...stealing...killing...destroying. Do you see it?

Read for yourself in the Gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and see what Jesus says about Himself, mankind, and the devil. Do you see the life He offers, which so clearly contrasts the death that the devil deals? If you are seeking, I pray you can see with objective eyes at reality.

The devil plays dirty and will cheat you out of all that you have. His cards are marked and his die are weighted. Walk away from that cheater's game and embrace Jesus, who will NEVER deal you a bad hand or try to send you to the spiritual poor house.

The devil = death
Jesus = life

Choose life -- choose Jesus!


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