Thursday, March 5, 2009

Verse of the Day - Nahum 1:7

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. ~ Nahum 1:7 (NLT)


As you may know, I check several websites when choosing a verse of the day. If those don't speak to me that morning, I end up striking out on my own and hittin' the Bible directly for the Lord's leading. But today, this verse popped up on Air 1 Radio's website (, and I immediately thought it came from the Psalms. If you had read this verse without seeing the Scripture reference, would you have thought it came from the Psalms?

This theme seems to be threaded over and over again in the Old Testament! Probably numerous times in the Psalms, as well as other books from the prophets. So, it makes me wonder: Was this just a chant that became so familiar in the synagogues and the temple, that it became an ancient cliche or catch-phrase? It's true that things we hear over and over again become a part of our verbiage and yet may have little real meaning to us. (For an example of this, check out this precious video:

I believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible, so I doubt God would insert cliches that lacked heart, unless He interjected sarcasm or criticism along with it (which He did from time to time...check out your Old Testament -- God is just awesome the way He talks to people!....straight up, He doesn't pull any punches.) Rather, I believe that the writers of the Old Testament knew God and walked with Him. They knew God was good and that He was a place of refuge, being close to those who trust in Him, because they had experienced it for themselves! This wasn't rhetoric for them . . . it was REAL LIFE!

So, my question to you is: Is this verse rhetoric or real life to you? Have you walked with God and known the personal care He's given you as you trusted Him to take care of you, or is this a rather meaningless cliche that trips off the tongue like the National Anthem, whose lyrics get messed up so often because people don't really know the words or the meaning of them?

Some people might say, "Well, when God comes through for me, I'll trust Him." But God says, "Trust Me, and I'll be there for you." Faith is vital to seeing and knowing God for all that He is. (And not faith in faith, either, which people can get caught up in, if that makes sense.) It's believing and trusting in the Living God to not only be able to manage your life, but do it in all love and goodness, regardless of circumstances. Read for yourself how the people of the Old Testament relied on their God, whom they knew personally, to manage their life. No, things weren't always hunky-dory -- check out Jeremiah or Isaiah, David or Solomon. They found out through their trials and failures that God is constant, good and loving. Always. Forever.

I pray you can choose faith in God today for your life; first, for salvation from your sins through the Messiah Jesus, His Son, because without cleansing from our sins, we can't have a relationship with God; second, that you could actively trust God in your daily life, to guide and counsel you, to comfort you, to use you in the midst of this roller coaster we call life.

"The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him." I can say that myself with confidence, because He has proved Himself to me over and over again, as I've put my faith and trust in Him. I hope that is true for you, too.


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