Monday, March 30, 2009

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 19:3

People's own foolishness ruins their lives, but in their minds they blame the Lord.
~ Proverbs 19:3 (NCV)


Do you know people like this, people who blame God for all the junk in their lives, yet, if you follow the trail, the issues they're dealing with are really the fallout of their own foolishness?

Or has it possibly been your voice you've heard who's blamed God for the ruin in your life?

It's amazing how humanity is so pridefully accountability-aphobic. We tend to blame others -- anyone will do, really -- for the mess we make in our lives. And when we can't blame any other person for our disasters, we blame God. After all, He is the Creator of the universe and has all power, so this must be His fault! He could do something to fix this, ya know...


It's high time we take a hard look at our lives -- and believe me, we may have to go back a ways -- and be accountable for our foolish choices and decisions. Listening to bad advice from foolish sources or running headlong in a fool's direction can reap consequences that last a lifetime. What you're living through now may be fallout from your own poor choices a year ago...or a decade ago. That's the trouble with sin -- it feels good for the moment, but the moment doesn't last. Yet the fallout can be as long-lasting and devastating as the radiation poisoning from an atomic bomb.

We can't justly blame others or God for our acts of indiscretion. We need to own our choices and live humbly with the consequences if we're going to make any headway in becoming wise. If we can humble ourselves before God, owning up to our own ill-choices and conscious rebellion, we can begin to hear the wise words from the Author of wisdom. And God is faithful to teach us, if we're willing to listen.

The blame game is a loser's game -- you'll walk away empty-handed every time. Accountability and humility before God is a guaranteed win -- you'll walk away with a jackpot of wisdom and direction from God for life's upcoming challenges. They're sure to come, and who wants to be empty-handed in the game of life?

Be accountable; go to God; get wisdom. That's a winning hand.


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