Saturday, July 25, 2009
VOTD news and decisions
After some consideration, I feel the need to take a much-needed break from my daily devotional postings. Not sure what God is wanting from or desiring for me, but I feel like I'm sort-of in a writing desert right now, and I need to step back, regroup, and get some refreshment from God. Perhaps He wants me to try writing a long-term project (a book, perhaps?), or restructure the VOTD to be POTW (passage of the week?), or ? ? ? Only God knows at this point, and I plan on seeking Him for direction and guidance. I covet your prayers in that endeavor. :-)
Thank you to all who have shared with me their support and appreciation for this ministry. I pray it has been a blessing to you. Since I have posted on my blog for about a year-and-a-half, you can always read past posts if you so desire. Otherwise, I encourage you to seek other ways of getting into God's word and communicating with Him on an ever-increasing level.
In service to the Lord,
Friday, July 24, 2009
Verse of the Day - Genesis 2:3
~ Genesis 2:3 (NIV)
(originally published 7/24/07)
I think alot of us struggle with this -- both in understanding and application. Some worship and observe the Sabbath on Saturday, doing no work, as in Old Testament times. Others worship on Sunday, termed "The Lord's Day" by the New Testament church, and the 'no work' rules don't seem to be applied by them. I was brought up with church on Sunday, and my mom worked hard on Sunday in the kitchen for a big mid-day meal. So what is our responsibility in "keeping the Sabbath"? Big question for a tiny brain such as mine.
I found this in Isaiah 58:13-14:
"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Okay, let's just start with this. I, for one, do as I please after church. I might do some laundry, go for a walk, take a nap, or watch some mindless TV. In essence, I seem to consider that my time. I often don't give God my attention until I head back to church for prayer crew. And I wonder why sometimes my head isn't in the game to pray . . .
I wonder what our relationship with God would look like if we laid down on our day of worship the things that please us and the idle words (relatively pointless, of no real consequence) we speak so often. What would it look like if we really gave God our full attention on that day, and not just when we're in the church building, to truly give Him the honor and glory and praise He is so worthy of? Somehow, I can't help but believe we would be changed, more connected, more in tune with our Creator.
Jesus brought a radical understanding of the Sabbath to the world. When the religious leaders condemned Him and His disciples for picking grain when they were hungry and healing the disfigured on the Sabbath, He got down to the heart of the matter . . . just like He always does. Basic needs, such as hunger, can be met -- the heart is not craving excess, just essentials. Doing good for others is always on God's heart -- we should be doing those things, regardless of the day. Jesus said this in Matthew 12:3-8:
Jesus said to them, “Haven’t you read in the Scriptures what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He went into the house of God, and he and his companions broke the law by eating the sacred loaves of bread that only the priests are allowed to eat. And haven’t you read in the law of Moses that the priests on duty in the Temple may work on the Sabbath? I tell you, there is one here who is even greater than the Temple! But you would not have condemned my innocent disciples if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!”
Oh Lord, we ask your forgiveness for doing as we please every day of the week and not stopping to rest from our self-absorption. Help us to set aside our day of worship for You. Not just while we're in church but the whole day. We need You more than we know, and You are so worthy to be honored with a portion of our time. You ask us to keep You in the forefront of our minds for one day a week. Help us to do that. You are really looking for people whose heart seeks Your heart. And your heart is pure and loving and merciful. We ask for change so that we can be like You. Amen...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 2:1-5
I remember my daughter's first day of Kindergarten. She had wanted to attend a full year prior but was only four and was too young. At five, she was READY! She had her backpack with a notepad and pencils and everything! She wanted to learn so badly. And after the third day of school, she came home and said with frustration, "Mom -- they're still learning their shapes!" Not sure if she thought she was going to learn astrophysics or calculus, but she wanted MORE than 'shapes'! :-)
Have you known someone who was so hungry for something that nothing would stop them? Maybe it was the chance for a better life and they went after an education, maybe it was the love of a sport and a desire to be the best at it. Their hunger drove them to pursue, to acquire, to achieve. And let's face it -- without this hunger, many things in life simply go unpursued, unaqcuired, unachieved.
The same is true for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The same is true for knowing God.
How many of us are floating on the surface of our spiritual life, like a piece of driftwood, aimlessly rolling along, with no direction, no purpose, no drive? Worse than being spiritual driftwood is being content to be spiritual driftwood. Where is our hunger for God? Where is our passion for His presence and influence in us? What makes us content with the mediocre?!?
I think there's a large percentage of believers in Christ that do not hunger for Him, that do not crave His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They don't seek Him as if He were hidden treasure. They don't pursue Him at all costs, as if nothing else in the world mattered more. So I have to ask myself: Am I like that? Am I spiritual driftwood? I think you have to ask yourself the same. Why? Because God deserves an honest answer out of all of us. He gave everything to have an intense, intimate relationship with humanity, and if we're Christ followers, we should desire that intense intimacy out of our love for Him. If it's not there, something's wrong with our spiritual insides. Something's wrong with our hunger.
This isn't meant as a guilt trip, but rather as simply a call to a deeper life -- a life that hungers after God, that pursues His heart and character and essence. That pursues Him and Him fully.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Verse of the Day - Philippians 2:13
Did you ever really read this verse before? Aren't you glad to know that you aren't expected to live your Christian life on your own?
Let's face it -- God's call to believers to walk in His ways is not for wimps. It's tough! I just started a book, entitled, "Jesus Did it Anyway," by Kent Keith, so I don't have much yet to say about it, although a friend from church just finished it, and she said it was very good. The author penned "The Paradoxical Commandments for Christians" back in 1967, while he was attending Harvard:
* People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
* If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
* If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
* The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
* Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
* The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.
* People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
* What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
* People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway.
* Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
The inside book cover says, "We're called to a paradoxical life...Jesus did it anyway. Will you?"
What God asks of us is not to have pious motives and stellar abilities to be a "Super Christian", but simply the will to have Him change our selfish motives and puny abilities into people that love Him and love others. Willingly. Passionately. In grand fashion.
Don't think you have to do this Christian life by yourself. And don't think you can, either, because you can't. It is God who does it in you. All you need to do, and all you can do is show up. He'll do the rest.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 119:30
We like to think we're pretty smart, don't we? We pride ourselves on our higher education and civilized ways . . . but we are so often duped and deceived. How can we not see the truth, huh?
For all our supposed savviness, we choose the way of the lie over and over and over again . . .
~ Recreational drugs and alcohol won't hurt me...
~ It's not cheating if I'm just having virtual sex in an on-line chat room...
~ I can text message and drive just fine...
Real life has a piercing way of revealing real truth, doesn't it? If you don't think so, just ask a drug addict or alcoholic. Talk to the promiscuous man or woman picking up the pieces of a dissolved marriage. Interview the distracted text-messaging accident victim who can't feel their legs. Real truth doesn't lie.
So, since we can't help but admit that our discernment compass has a serious case of spiritual EMI (electromagnetic interference), we need to consciously choose God's ways, knowing that His ways are perfect and righteous and lead to life...not the slow and painful (or quick and tragic) death of Satan's lies.
Choosing God's ways is a choice for life and peace and joy. Any other choice in life is a costly ticket to the long running spiritual show, "The Art of Deception". Trust me -- despite being a box office hit, it's not what it's cracked up to be. Everyone who leaves that proverbial theatre leaves the worse for wear! (I know you can say 'amen' to that, because we've all seen that flick innumerable times...)
Choose life, that you might live
the life that He gives
He gives you forever
Choose life, the way that is true
from the one who chose you
your Father in Heaven
. . . Choose life.
~ from Choose Life, by Big Tent Revival
Monday, July 20, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 126:5
(rerun from July 20, 2007 -- I pray you are encouraged as you lean on God for your strength.)
This Psalm talks about the Israelite exiles returning to their land by God's power, and how their sorrow was turned to joy.
When we pour out our sorrow to God and ask for His help, there will be a harvest of joy at some point. Why? Because God is good and He loves His children. At some point, you will be blessed in your spirit with His spiritual riches, and your tears will turn to laughter.
Are you in the midst of really tough times? Does your heart just cry out in despair? Please cry out to God, and not give way to crutches that won't hold you up...overeating, alchohol, unhealthy relationships. These are deceptions and won't bring joy...just more pain.
When you trust in God 100%, truly believing that He is capable of providing for you even when (and especially when) the circumstances feel like an exile to a foreign country, then you will experience the supernatural joy that defies understanding.
It's like bungee jumping...or downhill skiing...or para-sailing. There is exhiliration for those who are willing to take the risk.
God says, "Take the risk with Me -- you will have the ride of your life! I can turn your tears into laughter...will you let Me?"
And don't forget...harvesting takes time. Seeds don't grow overnight. Be faithful to God, knowing that He will produce the harvest in you.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 29:25
The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that. ~ Proverbs 29:25 (The Msg)
(A reprint from July 19, 2008 . . . good reminders from God's word today!)
Wow -- this is pretty telling, isn't it?
How many of us have fallen into the trap of trying to please people over God, of worrying about what others think, instead of what God thinks?
Being a people-pleaser is a weight that's hard to bear. No matter how hard we try, we will never measure up to people's standards and opinions, which are often unrealistic, unbiblical and self-motivated. You will never please all people all the time...or even some of the people some of the time. God says that's a trap, and I'm sure you can attest to that.
Where does our self-worth and significance lie? In man's opinion, or God's? Where does our loyalty lie -- with man, or with God?
God says that He's the One we need to be concerned with, not mere man...
Don't be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands. ~ Matthew 10:28 (The Msg)
Whether it's approval we're after, or an avoidance of uncomfortable pressure, we need to trust and obey God over man. He is the one we're accountable to, above all else. And if we're in His will, we have nothing to fear...the rest is just gravy.
Peter and John had in right...
...they called the apostles back in and commanded them never again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” ~ Acts 4:19-20 (NLT)
I pray that you can trust God for your significance and your safety, as you walk with Him and talk of Him. Being a follower of Christ is not always popular in public opinion...but it's the safe place to be. Safe and secure with God.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 119:4-5
~ Psalm 119:4-5 (NIV)
Some people's idea of a relationship with God is that it's all about love. But that's not really true. It's about correction, too. It's about change. It's about being different than we are . . . and that rubs some people the wrong way.
Many people want God on their terms. They want God to accept them exactly how they are, in the sinful life they're living. But God says, Um, excuse me. Can I just take a moment to remind you that I made the universe, and I made you. I made the rules. You may not like them, but that's because they're holy and you're not. So, I ask you: Who needs to change? Me, or you?
But here's where the love component comes in. God doesn't want us to change -- to conform/transform -- because He's a meanie and an ego-maniac. He wants us to be in line with His ways because He loves us. Because that is where peace is. That is where growth is. That is where community with Him is.
If you had a friend who was stealing from the grocery store, would you simply say, "I accept you as you are. I do not want to change you, because that would be intolerant. That would be judgmental. That would be imposing. Just be who you are. Oh, and when you go to jail for your behavior, I'll come visit you. But I won't counsel you about change, because I'm your friend..."...?
If you had a friend who was bowed over 90 degrees because of untreated scoliosis, would you simply say, "I accept you as you are. I won't see medical treatment to change you, because that would be stepping on your rights to see the world through the eyes of the ground only. You are who you are, and if you're in pain from your debilitating disease, I will hold your hand, but I won't find a surgeon for you, because I'm your friend..."...?
Face it, folks, we have issues. We think wrong thoughts, we do wrong things. Are we audacious enough to think we are okay, and don't need change, for our benefit and the benefit of the world? Who are we kidding here?!? God, as usual, has it right -- we need His help. We need to humble ourselves and accept His Word as good and right and helpful and loving, instead of believing the lie that it's constrictive and mean and not fun. Satan, as usual, has tricked us.
When we humble ourselves before God and seek to obey His Word, there is peace...there is joy...there is blessing. I pray you can know these things. But it's your choice --
Friday, July 17, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 103:13
(Summer re-runs continue....this one originally published on 7/17/08. May you be blessed by the meditation of God's word today.)
Dads have a tough job. They are, I believe, given the strength role in the home, giving children the firm direction they need (sometimes firm on the bottom, when needed :-). Yet, they love their kids so much, and often go soft when little eyes look up for a hug or a piece of candy from the grocery store. Deep down, dads can be real softies.
That is the balanced character of God. He disciplines those He loves (Proverbs 3:12), and yet has abundant mercy and compassion on them, too (Psalm 103:8). People who think that God is an angry God with a celestial bat, waiting to knock people's head off are ignorant of God's character. They just don't know Him. They haven't really read the Bible to see how He gives people chances over and over and over again to turn from their destructive lifestyle. They haven't seen the love He showed on the cross, as He gave up His Son to die for them. They haven't experienced the amazing mystery of His forgiveness in their hearts and minds, for all the wrong they've done. They don't know my Dad like I know Him.
He [Jesus] came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
~ John 1:10-13 (NLT)
If you have laid down your will to God and asked for Jesus to come into your life and be the center, you are a child of God. He's no longer a big, bad bully up in heaven -- He's your Father. And you have the opportunity and the responsibility to give unbelieving people a picture of what your Heavenly Father is really like. All we who are children of God need to shine a light on Him, so that the world can see what He's really like. He's full of compassion and mercy, not giving us what we deserve. He's faithful and patient in our weaknesses. He's gracious and kind in His spiritual gifts. Do you talk about Him with others, so that they hear it from your mouth? When difficult circumstances come your way, are you able to give Him praise to others, because you've experienced His love that never leaves nor forsakes? When the Holy Spirit guides you through this life and you know it's your Father's hand, do you share that with people around you?
Our God is an awesome God. And He is also a loving Father. You know it, but the world is clueless. God wants the world to know of Him, so that they can really know Him. Let us open our mouths and let the world know the loving kindness that He has for all those who will come to Him with an honest, humble heart.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Verse of the Day - Colossians 2:8
Wow, this verse makes me think that Paul was able to see into the future -- to see the 20th and 21st century, where and when we're living, huh?
Spirituality is the new "black" in terms of religiosity. It seems that everyone is spiritual. And if we lived 100 years ago, I think people who claimed spirituality would have been more likely to have been grounded in some form of evangelical Christianity (notwithstanding the cults that arose out of the late 1800's in America.) But today, we are more like the Greeks of old, a society that embraces all spiritual thoughts and ideas, often meshing pieces and parts of various religions and coming up with some strange sort of tossed religious salad! And so many don't seem to even know to ask the question that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus: "What is truth?" They just accept it all as truth.
Well, the truth of the matter is that there is only one truth -- Jesus Christ. He is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), the Author and Perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). And just as Paul asked the Colossians to make sure they weren't allowing false thoughts and ideas come into play but staying true to the Truth, he calls us to the same today.
But I have to ask you this: How do you know if a lie is a lie, if you aren't clear about what the truth is? If you have no clear reference, wouldn't it be easy enough to be swayed away? If a bottle says poison on the label, but you haven't educated yourself to know what the word poison is, wouldn't it be pretty easy to harm yourself with it? People, we need to be in God's Word if we're going to be savvy to the world's false teachings! The devil is very busy making his lies attractive and compelling, making them sound so good and wholesome, that we can be deceived, if we aren't on the solid ground of the Word of God.
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. ~ 1 John 4:1-3 (NIV)
A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth. ~ Proverbs 17:24 (NIV)
If some of the thoughts and ideas of Jesus, yourself and the world that you've been embracing or pondering go against God's word, you need to trash 'em -- they're lies, plain and simple. And as God's word says, they can hold you captive. But the only captive you want to be is a captive of Christ. His chains of love and truth are worth clinging to, not running from.
Read for yourself what God has to say in the Bible about His Son, Jesus . . . and stick to the truth, the whole truth, and nothin' but the truth, so help you, God!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 37:5-6
~ Psalm 37:5-6 (NIrV)
(Well, today I have different issues. See, it's about my alarm clock, and it's inability to read my mind and know that I want it to ring at 4:30am, even when I don't push the "set" button. And I thought technology was getting smarter these days...don't believe it. ;-) Here is a re-run from 7/15/08. God bless you richly today!)
You realize that the Christian life is not about us, per se, right? I mean, it's not just for us that we are saved from sin and set on a new path, right?
God didn't open our eyes to the truth of His good news gospel, just so we could be set free and then hang out, "chilaxing", 'til Jesus comes back and takes us to where He is. No, we are called to be a light to the world...
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can't be hidden. Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand. Then it gives light to everyone in the house. "In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven.
~ Matthew 5:14-16 (NIrV)
~ When we commit our way to the Lord, we turn over the keys of our life to Him. We are acknowledging that how we think and act is not up to par, not good or right, but flawed and distorted. We surrender to His thinking and His ways, and allow Him to be the guiding influence in our daily walk.
~ When we trust in the Lord, we are putting our weight fully on Him, believing that He will hold us and not break apart like sandcastles in the incoming tide. We are relying on the fact that He is truth, and nothing and no one is more trustworthy than He.
The Word says that when we do these things, God causes our life to shine -- a light to the world, bright like the sun on a summer day! Living a life that submits to God and rests in His leading is a life of goodness and right living. It stands out like pink in a sea of gray, like the graphic technique that is so popular because of the 'pop' that color gives to a black and white world...

The point God is making is that He is the one who causes us to shine. Like the moon that simply reflects off of the sun, we reflect off the One we gaze at and focus on. And that shines to the world, making an impact that causes people to look to God.
I pray you can commit your way to God today and every day, trusting that He knows what He's doing and has things in control, and know that your life, as a result, will give light to a dark world, to those searching for lasting truth that can only be found in God Himself.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Verse of the Day - John 15:10
~ John 15:10 (The Msg)
(Guess this is the summer of re-runs! And I've decided not to feel guilty about it. :-) This VOTD, originally published on 7/14/08, spoke to me afresh today. May God speak afresh to you today, as well.)
How many of you have either been a rebellious teen, or had one? Can I see a show of hands?....hmm...seems to be a rather large consensus in the group here today.... :-)
There's nothing like a disobedient teenager to stir up a hornet's nest in a home, amen? I can say that, 'cuz I was one once. Rules? Well, let's just see if I can wiggle my way around 'em to get what I want. And what do you think that did to my relationship with my parents? Did they stop loving me? No, of course not. But, the intimate connection got whacked. Distance was created because there was something standing between us --
When you allow disobedience toward God in your life, you create a gap in the relationship. He says I can't even talk to you the same when you do this. You've got a bad attitude and you're disrespecting Me. Obviously, you've forgotten who's in charge, and I'm sorry for that, because now, you've distanced yourself from our closeness. Is the sin you want so badly worth all that?
Fellowship, I've heard (though not validated), comes from the idea of "fellows in a ship". Sounds reasonable to me. When you're in a boat together, you work together in harmony to keep it sailing. You're headed in the same direction, and share in the adventure. But if one person decides that they want to go East, instead of West, and decides to try switching sails or rudder, there's gonna be trouble. Suddenly, self has risen above the relationship. Now there is a strain between the two and chaos on the ship. So there the ship sits, floating aimlessly, while they could be going somewhere, together.
Selfish decisions always put oneself above God's ways, which He knows are best for us, and best for the relationship. When we choose to go East when God says to go West, the proverbial ship stops. He doesn't leave us or stop loving us. Please understand that. But the harmony...the gone.
I'm sure you've been a part of a strained relationship sometime in your life. Someone does something against the other, and all of a sudden, the chatty-ness is gone, and in it's place is short, civil conversation. The fellowship has been lost. Forgiveness and relational restoration is needed, and until the fence is mended, the strain remains.
A teenager that's not following the house rules doesn't like spending much time at home, do they? They know they're doing wrong, they know they've created a strain. It's just easier to stay away than face the sad look on their parents' faces. And yet, somehow, their selfish lifestyle is more important than resting in an good relationship with their mom and dad.
So, where are you in your relationship to God? Do your sinful desires in life keep your ship from moving forward with Him? Are you staying away from "home", avoiding your Father in Heaven, because you just can't bear to look in His eyes when you know you're breaking His ways, and breaking His heart? All of us sin, please know that. We all fall short, and go our own way. And the beauty of God is that He understands that, and still offers His loving hand of forgiveness and restoration, if we will lay down our will and be healed of that. Daily, we need to confess our self-led decisions, turning our back on them, and returning to the God who desires our fellowship.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
~ 1 John 1:9 (NIV)
Nothing is worth more than our solid connection with Him. No amount of sinful pleasure or pursuits can compare with remaining in God's love. You have a choice, whether to sail together with God, or let your ship float aimlessly, or worse, let a leak enter your boat and end up bailing water, instead of enjoying your adventure. I pray that we can value a healthy, intimate relationship with God over selfish thoughts and actions that threaten to strain that relationship.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 32:10
(Rerunning VOTD from 7/13/08)
...the woes of the wicked...
What, or who, do you think of when you hear the word 'wicked'? Evil fictional characters, like the Wicked Witch of the West, from The Wizard of Oz? Or serial killers, like Jeffrey Dahmer?
But isn't wickedness simply the absence of God? If we don't have God in us, we are ungodly. Wicked. And those without God leave themselves to their own devices...what a lot of woe that brings...
A lot of people think they don't need God, that they're doing just fine without Him. But if they take an honest, reflective look at themselves, they've just got to see the ill effects of sinful living, of living outside of a dependent relationship with God...
~ What good can greed bring? It brings thoughts and actions of getting, getting, getting, to the exclusion of most everything else. We even break the law, potentially putting oneself (and others) in danger, in order to get what we want. It brings distrust of our friends when we do get what we want, because we wonder if they're really our friends, or just trying to steal our stuff. Talk about stress...!
~ We want people to give us attention, and so we break our moral compass and head off into ungodly parts unknown, searching for people to love us, in all the wrong places. That leads to no end of heartache and residual pain, long after "the lovin's gone..."
~ Death is usually a very scary thing for those who choose to ignore or reject God. We strive for health and that eternal fountain of youth, trying desperately to avoid the inevitable thoughts of our mortal decay. Funerals are avoided at all costs, because of the uncomfortable emotions they bring, with all their fear and uncertainty.
Woes? An understatement, really.
The flipside of that is a life with God. A life of submission to the One Who is love revealed, Who desires a relationship with us, on godly terms. Godly terms, because His terms are perfect, and right, and good. And His word says that He wraps His arms of loving-kindness around those who come to Him desiring that kind of relationship. When you are in God's arms, you are embraced with all that He is about...completely.
When you look at the two sides of this coin, doesn't it seem like a no-brainer as to which we would choose? One would think so, but the reality is that so many choose the way of woe over the way of wonderful. Rebellion is a relentless addiction, and many choose this poison over and over again.
Which one are you?
A choice is set before you now
living or dying, blessing or cursing
You know, the time has come around
to turn from your fighting
and rest in his mercy
Choose life, that you might live
the life that He gives
He gives you forever
Choose life, the way that is true
from the one who chose you
your father in Heaven
Choose life
Trust the Lord with all your heart
all of your soul and all of your being
Hold on, listen and obey
surrender your life into His keeping
And the weight you're under
will be lifted away
And the world will wonde
rwhat happened here today
then you'll stand right here and say
Choose life...
~Choose Life, by Big Tent Revival
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Verse of the Day - Matthew 4:4
~ Matthew 4:4 (NIV)
What does Jesus mean here, exactly?
...that life (or the semblance of life with our eating and drinking), as we know it, doesn't even exist without God speaking into existence everything that we see and hear and know?
...that we are dead spiritually and bread just keeps our dead bodies walking, but that life -- real life -- is the spiritual component that only God can provide?
...that food cannot satisfy the deep things of our heart, no matter how much we try, and that God and His sustaining Word is where real satisfaction comes?
I'm thinkin' yeah, yeah, and yeah.
As I thought about this verse today, it just didn't have the simple one-answer connotation to me. And as complex as God is, I try not to limit Him to a single dimension in my mind -- He's too big for that. So what does this verse say to you, today? What is your issue over the physical versus the spiritual?
~ Do you know that God is vital to your daily life -- that without His Word, you flounder, at best?
~ Do you question that there is more than this physical life, that there is a spiritual component to your being? And do you think God could be the key to that facet?
~ Do you place such great weight on food and serve at the altar called "refrigerator", yet have neglected the source of real contentment, that dusty altar called "Bible"?
In Matthew 4:4, Jesus was confronted by the devil and tempted to make bread out of stones when He was hungry. But Jesus didn't take the bait -- He quoted from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 8:3), putting the devil in his place and reminding us of all that this verse implies, that God and His word are what give us real life, of what sustains us in this life, and is of utmost value in this life.
Whatever our struggles and issues are, God is the answer. For those who don't know God, they say that's a cop-out; for those who claim Jesus as their Savior, they say that's completeness. We need to take a lesson from Jesus and reevaluate our thoughts about the physical versus the spiritual, because our lives -- our real lives -- depend on it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Verse of the Day - Isaiah 50:4
~ Isaiah 50:4 (NIV)
(NOTE: You may start feeling like you're watching TVLand with me these days, with so many re-runs! I'm just going through a real dry writing period these days. Don't know why, but it is what it is. So, I offer you my VOTD from two years ago, 7/11/07. May God bless you today)
Boy, did I have a hard time waking up this morning! I reset my alarm for 15 minutes and laid back down, and I fell right back to sleep! Lots of dreams...none of which I can remember, but my mind was sure busy in the dream state.
And mostly, when I wake up, I confess that my heart is not set on the Lord. What I'm after is not a teaching moment from God, but ... coffee! Got to get to the kitchen and get that stuff brewing, amen?!?
Isaiah is a great example of a man who knew his purpose and was serious about it. In Chapter 50, he talks about being on mission, of God giving him "an instructed tongue", of having his ears opened by God, and of being obedient to tell the people God's message. Isaiah didn't shirk his calling, even though it caused him humiliation and harm at the hands of those who rejected God and His message. He took his calling seriously.
So -- are we intent in our purpose, like Isaiah? Do we wake up in the morning, expecting to hear from God and intentionally listening for Him? Or does our mind just begin racing with all that the daily grind holds?
I think we all need help in focusing on the Lord in the morning. Prayer, Bible reading, and listening to music that lifts up the Lord are all good ways of setting your mind in the direction of God. But in this rat race we live in, you'll have to make it a priority or there won't be time. I get up at what most would say is an ungodly hour, but unless I want to shortchange the God things in my morning, it's necessary. And even if you don't do full-on Bible study in the morning (I realize that some aren't morning people like me :-), make sure you talk to Him before the world goes crazy on you. (To be honest, He's better than a cup of coffee...hopefully, I haven't sent Starbucks stock plummeting on Wall Street with that revelation! :-)
Make yourself available to Him, and He will "waken your ears to listen, like one being taught."
Gotta run -- I think my Professor is calling...! :-)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 12:25
~ Proverbs 12:25 (NIV)
Anxiety . . . we all have it at times, and to varying degrees. With all that goes on in the world on the large scale and the issues of our own personal circumstances, we can get totally weighed down with worry and concern. I don't even have to ask for an amen on that, now do I? And even when we turn to God for the issues that weigh heavy on our hearts, sometimes there is no instant relief -- the burdens are real and they are heavy...
~ Employment woes that are very tangible -- layoffs, furloughs, wage reductions...
~ Health crises that threaten our earthly existence -- cancer, organ failure, stroke...
~ Relationship turmoil that strikes at the core of our heart -- parent to child, spouse to spouse, co-worker to co-worker...
It's a no-brainer to agree that anxiety weighs us down. But it is amazing how a kind word can cheer us up. A text on our cell-phone from a friend who says, "am thinking of u", or an email with a smiley face. A personal smile and a "hello" from someone passing in the hall. A snail mail encouragement card or letter in the mailbox -- with a postage stamp and everything! (These are officially on the endangered species list and are becoming more rare with each unveiled new form of communication technology.) A little encouragement makes a difference to someone who's under the weight of the world's challenges. It helps them know that they're not alone, that someone cares enough to reach out and try to lift even a little of their burden, to give them hope that things can be different, in time.
If you're under anxiety's weight right now, I hope you can allow those around you to cheer you with a kind word -- let that kindness penetrate the brick wall of woe that you're locked behind. And if you are one who sees a soul under the world's weight, consider how you can lift their burden even a little -- and then do it. Give that smile or hug, send that text or email, sit down and write that card or letter. It is never time ill-spent, and could mean all the difference to that person in need.
We all need encouragement, and we all receive joy in being encouragers. Today you may be on one side, and tomorrow you might be on the other. It's all part of God's human welfare system!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Verse of the Day - Jeremiah 23:24
~ Jeremiah 23:24 (NIV)
(NOTE: I'm not trying to be lazy -- really, I'm not. But this morning, Jeremiah 23:24 popped up on one of my perusal sites, and I knew I'd written on it before (8/14/08). Reading it again today was a great reminder of God's power and His love. I pray it encourages you today, also.)
Our church has started a rather unique ministry, something we call PraiseFingers (our choir is PraiseSingers, and the bell choir is PraiseRingers . . . so it sorta fits ). It's black light hand miming, and is rather amazing. The first time I saw a video of this, I was stunned -- I just couldn't figure out how it was done! But it's amazing what can be created with music, white gloves and a black light! (check out these links of Christmas and this one done recently [some gloves in this video were painted red, which looked great as a live performance, but didn't show up well on the video]
Sitting in front of a black light is pretty cool. Eyes and teeth look scary greenish-white, a french manicure glows like crazy, and every little tiny piece of lint -- that's right, lint -- shows up in the black light! Last Tuesday, I realized that I even had lint on my bare arms. What?!? Lint, on my arms?!? It truly is amazing, because to the naked eye, those specks are invisible. That night, this verse came to mind . . .
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. ~ Luke 8:17 (NIV)
God is like a black light. He sees what seems invisible. If we think we're getting away with something we shouldn't be doing, we need to think again, because God's black like picks it up like invisible lint. Nothing escapes His eyes, because like the Word says, He fills heaven and earth. He is everywhere!
And the same God who sees the dark side of our lives also sees the deep side, the things of our heart that we don't let others see. Maybe it's painful or embarrassing . . . maybe it's shameful or otherwise so uncomfortable that we just lock it away in our hearts and minds. He sees and knows you through and through . . . and He LOVES you. And He will shed light on those areas that need to be revealed for your healing. He loves you too much to let you go through life with hidden "lint" in your soul. The question is: Are you willing to see what He reveals to you, or are you just going to shut your eyes and say, "I'm not listening . . . I'm not listening . . . "?
Sergeant Schultz from the old TV Show, Hogan's Heroes, used to always say, "I see nothing, I know nothing!", when he'd become privy to some shenanigans the prisoners were up to. He simply did not want to know the truth of what was going on around him. He was content to be oblivious. Are we like Schultz?
God loves His children, and He's not content to let us run amok in sin or run around oblivious to what's going on in our hearts and minds. And so He shines His light on our lives through His Word and through the Spirit of Truth. If we are desiring to live godly lives in honor of our Lord, and if we want to be whole on the inside, we need to let God reveal to us the hidden things. We're not fooling Him -- why do we try to fool ourselves?
God is a gracious God, and loves us in spite of all of our failings and weaknesses. Turn to Him and let Him shine His beautiful, loving light on your life, so that through His Spirit, you can be cleansed and changed, moulded into the image of Christ, our Savior. God bless you today as you allow Him to turn on His "black light" . . .
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 115:1
I think, as human beings, we need the regular reminder to give God the glory, and not take glory on for ourselves. We may be very good at what we do, but who should get the glory for that? Isn't God the One who gives us our knowledge and abilities to do what we do? And if people praise us for our loving heart and giving spirit, can we honestly say that is something we have created within us? God is the source of all things good, and we simply cannot take credit where it isn't due. Well, actually, we can...and we do. But we are foolish and sinful when we steal God's glory and make ourselves out to be some sort of shining example of human worth.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
~ Psalm 100:5 (NIV)
God deserves all glory because of His enduring love and faithfulness toward us. Can you testify to His love and faithfulness toward you? Do you see it? Then give Him the glory today. Let someone know the magnificence of your God -- He is great, and greatly to be praised! And if you don't see God's love and faithfulness evident in your life, I ask you to change your prescription and get a new pair of glasses, because He is always at work in your life, spurred on by His love and faithfulness. Look for it . . . and then give Him the glory that is due His name!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Verse of the Day - Psalm 18:20
I was talking to a couple of people yesterday who certainly gave a passionate testimony about God's ways, and how His way is the only way. They have both experienced and known the tragedy of walking their own way and openly testify to the blessings of walking God's way. They adamantly say, "His way is the ONLY way!" It is very refreshing to talk to people who are so open to talk about God and their relationship with Him -- I was very blessed!
When you come to God and decide to "be under His roof", He is an amazing refuge. No, things might not be perfect -- you might lose your job, you might get sick, you might lose a loved one. God never said that His children were exempt from trials and tribulations. But there is a peace deep down when you walk with the Truth, amen? I know I've walked away from the truth many times in my life and chosen my own way, and every time it's been the wrong way . . . a dead end . . . "not a through road".
I stand on God's word as absolute truth. I have experienced and known the joy of choosing the truth and walking in it. I pray that you can embrace God's perfect word as truth and walk in His ways, desiring Him as your shelter. There is no better place to be -- I can testify to that. I hope you can, too.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 18:12
~ Proverbs 18:12 (NIV)
(NOTE: For some reason, I'm having a real hard time this morning . . . my brain just isn't engaging, or something. So, I hope sending you my VOTD from one year ago today will still be valuable to you, even if is one you've already read. Thanks for your understanding...)
In the world of recreational sports, there is a rather comical phenomenon that occurs -- it's call "trash-talk". You probably know what I'm talking about...
James: "I sure hope you're ready to get your tail kicked in horseshoes, Joe, 'cuz I'm gonna give you a whoopin' today...!"
Joe: "Yeah, right -- you're gonna get skunked so bad, you'll feel like road-kill. I hope you've been practicin', 'cuz you're gonna need it..."
Jessica: "Don't get too high-and-mighty, boys, 'cuz us girls are gonna beat your behinds bad...!"
And on and on the competitive banter goes! It's all in fun, but often, the wisdom of Solomon comes in to haunt the haughty. This 4th of July, while playing a very fun game, called Slingball, one of my friends said, "I think I'll wait until after I win to talk trash -- it didn't work so well for me the other way around the last game I played, and lost..."
In this life, we want praise...we want to be noticed...we want the accolades. Sometimes we even praise ourselves out loud to others, just in case the gleam from our trophy didn't catch their eye. And God warns us that pride is a trophy-toppler, plain and simple. When we revel and glory in our accomplishments as something we've done, we really set ourselves up for a fall. The bottom line is that all we're able to accomplish is because of God...we couldn't even take our next breath without His doing, let alone scale mountains and conquer our little corner of the world.
Do you think God can simply remove His hand of blessing, in order to help us understand our real weakness in life? You betcha! It's called discipline, and if we're not careful, it can be rather painful.
Thinking more highly of yourself than you ought isn't good for relationships, either. Who wants to hang around a braggart? It gets real old real fast to hear someone talk about how good they did this, or how great they did that. "Don't brag about yourself-- let others praise you." (Proverbs 27:2)
And if people don't praise you and that bugs you, then you've identified a pride problem. The converse of pride is humility -- not the false kind that says, "Oh, stop saying how well I did. Really, I'm not very good. But can you help me carry my 12 gold medals to my room -- they're rather heavy..." True humility recognizes its own real weakness, and God's blessings. It removes ownership of glory and gives it to God, where it needs to be.
Pride is a deep heart issues that require God's intervention. Without Him, we are all prideful people, wanting glory and honor for ourselves. But God's Word reminds us that only God is deserving of honor and glory and praise. Does that mean that we shouldn't accept a compliment for a job well done? No, of course not. Does that mean that we shouldn't clap for those who work hard and accomplish goals? No -- as Proverb 27:2 says, we should commend others for good effort, so they don't feel they have to. Being an encourager, as God tells us to, includes giving people positive feedback on their efforts.
I'm sure you can think of people you know on both sides of this fence -- those that brag about themselves and make sure everyone knows about their accomplishments, and those who quietly go about their business, doing great things but staying out of the limelight. Which people are dearer in your hearts? Which attitude is dearer to God's heart?
God says He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34), and James and Peter both reference this Scripture in their books (James 4 and 1 Peter 5). This is an issue in the world and in the church, and we need to be mindful of how we view ourselves. It's not just what comes out of our mouths; it's what's in our hearts. And God sees our hearts.
Let us examine soberly how we think about ourselves and our accomplishments. Let us get on our knees in submission to God, who is the Giver of all things. We are not great on our own; only by God's grace are we able to do and be anything. Let us humble ourselves before Him, and give Him the praise and glory He is due -- Amen!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Verse of the Day - Acts 13:38-39
Over and over in the New Testament is the sound of the Good News! Believe in Jesus and you have forgiveness before God. Believe in Jesus and you have eternal life. Believe in Jesus and you are a new creation. Believe in Jesus and you have love...
Jesus said He was God come to earth, born to die for the sins of mankind, and raised again to life eternal. He said that there no other way for man to have eternal life except through Him. Do you believe Him?
It seems like we can sometimes complicate our faith so much with doctrinal sludge that we lose sight of the simplicity of faith in Jesus. We can get bogged down in the intricacies of how to live out our faith that we forget the basics of the faith itself! Or worse yet, after receiving the Lord into our hearts by faith, we add legalism to our spiritual diet, thinking somehow we must add to God's grace. Sludge, I tell you . . . boggy sludge.
Jesus kept it simple for us...I am the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6). Let's keep the Good News of Jesus Christ simple --and not be distracted by ideas (whether good or bad) that muddy the waters of the pure Gospel.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Verse of the Day - Philippians 1:20
Yesterday, as I drove to the beach, I heard a song on the radio that just had me weeping. It was Mark Schultz' song, entitled, "Letters from War", with well-wishes from loving civilians interspersed in the midst of the song.
Below is a you-tube link of the original song and the lyrics. I hope you will pray for the men and women who, this very day, are in a land far away, being courageous in the face of mortal odds. Only by God's grace can they stand, amen?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
She walked to the mailbox
On that bright summer's day
Found a letter from her son
In a war, far away
He spoke of the weather
And good friends that he'd made
Said, " I'd been thinking 'bout dad
And the life that he had -- that's why, I'm here today"
And then in the end, he said, "You are what I'm fighting for"
It was the first of his letters from war
She started writing...
You're good and you're brave
What a father that you'll be someday
Make it home, make it safe
She wrote every night as she prayed
Late in December
A day she'll not forget
Oh, her tears stained the paper
With every word that she read
It said, "I was up on a hill, I was out there alone
When the shots all rang out and bombs were exploding
That's when I saw him, he came back for me
And though he was captured a man set me free
And that man was your son, he asked me to write to you
I told him, I would, Oh, I swore..."
It was the last of the letters from war
And she prayed he was living, kept on believing
And wrote every night just to say...
You are good and you're brave
What a father that you'll be someday
Make it home, make it safe
Still she kept writing each day
Then two years later
Autumn leaves, all around
A car pulled in the driveway
And she fell to the ground
And out stepped a captain
Where her boy used to stand
He said, "Mom, I'm followin' orders
From all of your letters and I've come home again"
He ran in to hold her, dropped all his bags on the floor
Holdin' all of her letters from war
Bring him home...
Bring him home...
Bring him home.
Have a happy 4th of July, and thank God for our independence!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Verse of the Day - Galatians 6:2
I was talking yesterday to a friend about burden-bearing, and how the body of Christ is meant to function in a way so that our needs are met through corporate ministering to each other. And I encouraged her to open up and share the needs in her life with some new believers she's met, so that they can participate in her life and know the joy of following the Lord by being servants.
And then she said, "But I think pride gets in the way...sometimes, I'm embarrassed to share..."
She's right, and we need to lay aside our pride when it comes to sharing with other believers the things that are going on in our lives. But I wonder . . . is it possible that the church itself has spawned this pitfall of pride? Has the stern criticism of the pious created an environment that tells others they need to look as good as, act as good as, talk as good as "them" in order to be accepted, and that to be any less than "them" is grounds for condemnation and judgment?
How can we bear one another's burdens if those burdens aren't revealed? Yet, how can a person in need reveal those burdens if they feel unworthy of acceptance in the midst of those burdens? It's almost a Catch-22...
My pastor likes to say, "God loves us who we are, where we are, how we are . . . but He loves us too much to leave us as we are." I know Christ's prayer is that His followers would model the unconditional love He has for humanity, so that they can fulfill His law . . . the law of love, bearing one another's burdens and building people up to know God, so that they can love Him and live for Him. That is my prayer, too.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Verse of the Day - James 3:2
~ James 3:2 (NIV)
I'm glad that James is real and honest, rather than pretentious and holier-than-thou. It helps us realize we're all in this same boat in life, struggling to fight the spiritual battles within us.
I don't know what you're struggling with, but you do. And God does, too. Be real with yourself and with God. Don't try to put on false pretenses, like everything's fine and you have your act together. It's when we can look our struggles in the face and admit they are a part of us that we can look God in the face and see His love in spite of them. That is when we can really grasp the amazing grace of God.
I hope you can lay aside whatever pride you may have about the personal struggles you face, and honestly come to God with all that you have. Let God show you the depth of His awesome love for all who turn to Him with an honest heart.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Verse of the Day - Ecclesiastes 10:18
~ Ecclesiastes 10:18 (NIV)
Most of this life is built around maintenance. It seems like everything needs maintenance or it goes into disrepair. I guess that's because we live in a world of decay, stricken with death and dying since the fall of man.
I work in the medical equipment maintenance field, and it's often necessary for devices to be preventively maintained so that you don't have unscheduled repairs. For example, one device may need their o-rings replaced every six months, simply because these parts wear out over a period of time and will cause a failure if they're not replaced. If there is no system in place to maintain it routinely, you run the risk of a failure on a patient.
Today's verse uses our homes as an example of the decaying world we live in, and our need for vigilance in maintaining them. Home Depot and Lowe's stay in business because of the maintenance required in our homes due to decay. (Oh, okay, let's just admit it -- they stay in business because men like to build things....LOL :-) If we aren't vigilant to repair/replace things that wear out or decay, like roofs and fences, we leave ourselves open to damage during the winter months. We simply can't dupe ourselves into thinking that things in our home will last forever without us getting off our duff to do something about it, because they just don't.
We seek many conveniences in this world that make life easier, but can assist us in being lazy. We have a remote control for our TV, a microwave for our meals, automatic sprinklers for our lawns, answering machines/voicemail for our phones -- all allowing us to sit on the couch and veg our lives away. Automation and streamlining our lives can be a very good thing, but we need to be careful that we don't get lulled into laziness in the process. Don't be fooled into thinking that decay is a thing of the past. It still causes havoc all around us, and we need to pro-actively work to repair and rectify those areas we're responsible for -- our bodies, our homes, our environment.
Gee, after today's message, I guess I have no excuse for not cleaning the cobwebs on the outside of my house that the friendly neighborhood spiders have so generously spun, huh? :-)
...."Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...."
(today's message sponsored by The Seven Dwarfs -- :-)