Monday, July 20, 2009

Verse of the Day - Psalm 126:5

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. ~ Psalm 126:5 (NIV)


(rerun from July 20, 2007 -- I pray you are encouraged as you lean on God for your strength.)

This Psalm talks about the Israelite exiles returning to their land by God's power, and how their sorrow was turned to joy.

When we pour out our sorrow to God and ask for His help, there will be a harvest of joy at some point. Why? Because God is good and He loves His children. At some point, you will be blessed in your spirit with His spiritual riches, and your tears will turn to laughter.

Are you in the midst of really tough times? Does your heart just cry out in despair? Please cry out to God, and not give way to crutches that won't hold you up...overeating, alchohol, unhealthy relationships. These are deceptions and won't bring joy...just more pain.

When you trust in God 100%, truly believing that He is capable of providing for you even when (and especially when) the circumstances feel like an exile to a foreign country, then you will experience the supernatural joy that defies understanding.

It's like bungee jumping...or downhill skiing...or para-sailing. There is exhiliration for those who are willing to take the risk.

God says, "Take the risk with Me -- you will have the ride of your life! I can turn your tears into laughter...will you let Me?"

And don't forget...harvesting takes time. Seeds don't grow overnight. Be faithful to God, knowing that He will produce the harvest in you.


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