Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Verse of the Day - Psalm 18:20

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. ~ Psalm 18:20 (NIV)


I was talking to a couple of people yesterday who certainly gave a passionate testimony about God's ways, and how His way is the only way. They have both experienced and known the tragedy of walking their own way and openly testify to the blessings of walking God's way. They adamantly say, "His way is the ONLY way!" It is very refreshing to talk to people who are so open to talk about God and their relationship with Him -- I was very blessed!

When you come to God and decide to "be under His roof", He is an amazing refuge. No, things might not be perfect -- you might lose your job, you might get sick, you might lose a loved one. God never said that His children were exempt from trials and tribulations. But there is a peace deep down when you walk with the Truth, amen? I know I've walked away from the truth many times in my life and chosen my own way, and every time it's been the wrong way . . . a dead end . . . "not a through road".

I stand on God's word as absolute truth. I have experienced and known the joy of choosing the truth and walking in it. I pray that you can embrace God's perfect word as truth and walk in His ways, desiring Him as your shelter. There is no better place to be -- I can testify to that. I hope you can, too.


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