Saturday, August 30, 2008

Verse of the Day - Colossians 1:6

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace. ~ Colossians 1:6 (NLT)


. . . changing lives . . .

This is the miracle of God that cannot be replicated by good thoughts, good words, or good intentions. The transformation of a person's spiritual condition from death to life cannot be accomplished by religion or ritual. The depravity and despair of the world has never been adequately rectified on its own. But the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives!

Can you testify to that in your life? Are you a witness to the power of God to change your life? I have shared my testimony before, and asked others to join me in telling their story of what Jesus has done to change their life. I again encourage you to share with me what Jesus has done in you.

This verse speaks of the global impact that Jesus' powerful indwelling makes on people's lives. How do you think that was possible back then? People. People going. People going and telling. That's the church of Jesus Christ on the move in the world. Not being silent. Not being afraid. Being full of joy. Being full of the Holy Spirit. Was that then, but not now? Never! God's Spirit is as alive and active as He was 2,100 years ago, and will continue to push for reconciliation of man with God until God determines the end has come. Read just a few of the testimonies from around the world . . .

~ Venezuelan missionaries reaching folks south of the equator and offering the good news to change lives...

~ International World Changers (IWC) partner with Athenian missions work to share the good news with Greek nationals and immigrants...

~ Relief workers to China's earthquake survivors offer help and hope in the name of Jesus...

God is a life-changer, and He is on the move. If you've had a life-changing experience by God's miraculous hand, are you in the game with Him, or sitting in the stands? It could be next door, or across the globe. But each one can reach one. And as people who have been changed by the good news truth of Jesus Christ, that is our call . . . that is our privilege.


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