Friday, August 8, 2008

Verse of the Day - Romans 12:16

Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!
~ Romans 12:16 (NLT)


I just got back from 10 days' vacation in rural Washington State visiting my parents! Pretty laid-back lifestyle there, as far as the hustle and bustle of city living goes. Yet people work hard living life, with gardens to tend and farms to maintain -- ordinary, by most standards.

And yet, I got an amazing glimpse into "ordinary" people and their worship of God one Saturday night at the home of a large family (seven in all) who'd invited many from their small home church for a music night, complete with potluck! This family has a small farm they maintain, as well as homeschooling all of their kids (as do all the families in their home church). Although they aren't Quaker or Mennonite, there are some lifestyle similarities (so it seemed to me), and it was an interesting experience being with alot of people who live differently than I do. I got a nice tour of their huge garden and saw the goats and the cow. Later, we had a nice dinner, and then the music began. Who knew you could pack so many musicians and instruments into one living room?!? Piano, guitar, upright bass, mandolin, flutes, violins, cello, and even a harp! Mind you, the oldest musician was no more than, maybe, 21 years old! And could these kids play! We had request night out of the hymnal and the room was filled with songs and music in worship to God! We left around 9pm, but they were just kicking into high gear when we left, with another guy just showing up with several guitars in hand! Kids and adults alike -- ordinary people -- making extraordinary worship to their God! What a blessing it was for me to be a part of this worship gathering!

Are we too proud to be with "ordinary" people, or people who "do it" differently than we do? And what is "ordinary", anyway? I found these rural people's hospitality and love for God to be extraordinary!

Maybe I'm the ordinary one . . .

We like to label people as "ordinary" and/or somehow less-than-stellar if they live on a farm and don't wear the latest fashion trends . . . or if they work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart . . . or if they don't live in the best neighborhoods. And does that prejudice keep us from knowing and loving people?

Did Jesus let "ordinary" get in His way, when he loved people? Did social status or wardrobe selection keep Him from falling in love with humanity? His compassion and friendship for the tax collector and prostitute, the fisherman and widow, the Centurion and well-to-do, seem to say 'no'. People are people to God. He loves them all, and desires a relationship with every one.

Lord, forgive us when we stick our noses up in pride at those we consider "ordinary". Help us to understand our own "ordinary" condition and that, in Your eyes, we are all the same -- ordinary, and yet extraordinary! Lord, strip our hearts and minds of the pride that tries to set us up above others, which builds walls, instead of bridges, between people. Help us live in community with all people, and desire Your glory and Your kingdom above all else. Amen.

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