Saturday, August 9, 2008

Verse of the Day - Luke 12:6-7

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
~ Luke 12:6-7 (NIV)


While on my vacation, my stepdad and I visited a neighbor lady down the road, and as we walked around her house, looking at her potted vegetables, I saw a sad sight - a dead bird, lying in the grass. When I said, a little shocked, "Look, a dead bird...", the neighbor lady said, somewhat non-chalantly, "Yeah, he probably hit the window..."

A single bird in the grass on a rural piece of property in a box canyon in a very small town in the Pacific Northwest of America . . . and yet, God...the Maker of all things...the giver of all life...knows about that bird. That one little bird. Pretty amazing, huh?

That is the beauty and power of God! Nothing in all His creation is out of His view or His concern. And the Word says that, if God sees and cares about a little wild bird that gets confused by a clear glass window, how much more does He see and care for you -- you, who are made in His image, who have the capacity to love and be loved by Him?

A friend emailed me earlier this week that Jesus is a "FABULOUS FRIEND!" I couldn't agree more! I pray that you can know and trust in what God has to say about how He feels about you. You are just one person in a vast sea of humanity . . . but He loves YOU! Everything about you is His concern, and He is not content with just a superficial or sub-standard relationship with you. He desires something that's intimate and vibrant. He stands ready -- 24x7 -- to be the best friend you have ever had.

The question is: Is that your greatest desire? Is your friendship with God the most important thing to you, or is He just a dead bird to step over in your life, just something to be dealt with when you get around to it? Hmm . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you have had some light bulb moments - a FABULOUS FRIEND is a wonderful gift.

A brother