Sunday, October 12, 2008

Verse of the Day - 3 John 1:11

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. ~ 3 John 1:11 (NIV)


"Imitation" isn't a word we think too fondly of, usually. If something is imitation leather, it's not real leather; therefore, probably not good quality. And how about imitation cheese or other dairy products? Most would turn their noses up at those second-rate "foods"...unless you're allergic to dairy, like me. See, imitation stuff is usually yucky.

And yet, the old saying goes, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." Hence, if someone imitates you, they are seeing something desirable in you that they long for in their life. This is where John is going with this. Imitate good, not evil. Go after the good that God has already modeled for you in Jesus. He set the example that we should imitate. And by the power of His Spirit, He gives us strength to lay down our fleshly desire to imitate evil, and go after the good.

It makes me think of that TV insurance commercial, where someone sees a good deed done, and then imitates goodness to someone else...which, in turn, is seen by another and perpetuated in another life situation. And the cycle continues.

Are believers in Jesus imitating good and giving God the glory? Do you think that's important? I'll tell you why I think it's important. There are many humanitarians in this world who imitate goodness without any connection to God. Although God still uses their efforts to assist people in need, there's a clear disconnect to the Source of provision and no knowledge given of our need for Him. In fact, I think many secular humanitarian efforts shine light on man's ability to help and heal the world on its own, excluding God completely from the picture.

May that not be so from the children of God. We need to imitate and go after the good, but we need to testify and proclaim the God who is the source and strength of all goodness, amen? Let's model what we've seen in Jesus, and open our mouths and share with others how and why we imitate the good of our Savior, so that we shine light on our God, who is the essence of goodness.

People need to know that goodness isn't man-made; it comes from God, and God alone.


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