Monday, October 6, 2008

Verse of the Day - Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal. ~ Isaiah 26:4 (NIV)


I think rocks are pretty fascinating! While vacationing in Lake Tahoe in April, I collected all sorts of rocks from the beach and embarked on a little craft project of painting them with clear nail polish, to help clarify the colors. Wow, the variety of colors and textures was truly amazing! My daughter, on the other hand, is less thrilled. This summer, she took a college Geology class, and her comment to me was, "All I can say is, rocks don't rock, Mom -- this is sooo boring." Youth...what are ya gonna do with 'em, huh? :-)

Rocks have amazing strength and capture many fascinating elements and facts. Fossils and sedimentary changes are cool for geeks like me! And scientists have learned much about our planet from studying them. But even rock, as solid as it seems, is vulnerable. Just look at the Grand Canyon and the devastation of erosion that water can inflict on "solid" rock! Or think of what an earthquake can do to what seems like "solid" rock. Or how about the amazing 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, and what the elements (force and heat) of a volcanic eruption can do to "solid" rock? Rock seems solid until external forces and elements fragment or liquify it.

Not so with the Eternal Rock, the Lord God. Nothing external can fragment Him! He is solid like earth's rock and that helps us understand His steadfastness, but He's unshakable and cannot be eroded. He is eternal . . . forever the same solid God who protects and defends those who seek shelter in Him. You can trust Him to remain solid, no matter what you're going through or what the future holds for you.

The next time you see a picture of the magnificent canyons of the Southwest, or watch on TV the impact of an earthquake on "solid" structures, remind yourself that God is stronger still and will remain strong and stable long after the solid rocks of this earth are no more.

You can depend on Him to be solid...forever! So trust Him with everything you have. Don't be like people who trust in things that look solid but give way when the forces hit. If you hide in His shelter, you are safe, now and forever more!


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