Thursday, October 30, 2008

Verse of the Day - Isaiah 57:15

For this is what the high and lofty One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy:
"I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. ~ Isaiah 57:15 (NIV)


I think some people in this world who hold lofty positions can be elitist in their attitude toward others. Their status seems to go their heads, and they wouldn't be caught dead rubbing shoulders with "common folk". Me, talk to a janitor? Are you kidding? Do you know who I am?!?

Maybe that's only in the movies, but I have a feeling there are some out there that are like that. If you're a waitress at a fancy restaurant, or a mechanic at a European car dealership, or a bellhop at a five-star hotel, you will probably face your share of snobbery from some of your customers. Sad, but true.

Good news for all of us -- GOD IS NOT LIKE THAT! He is the Holy One, the Almighty, and He knows in full the loftiness of His position and place. Yet, He says that He communes and comforts those who are humble before Him, who recognize their own sinfulness, who don't try to elevate themselves with their own self-righteousness. Wow...that's sort-of like the Queen of England hanging out at the local McDonald's, chatting it up with the clerk behind the counter, discussing the day's news with the patrons, and maybe even buying someone's lunch who doesn't have the money...

contrite (adj.)
1. caused by or showing sincere remorse.
2. filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent: a contrite sinner.

Those who go to God in contriteness and humility are guaranteed by the Holy One to be listened to, comforted, and lifted up. He will never turn up His nose at a bowed knee. Isn't it amazing to know that God isn't a snob, that He's approachable?

I hope you have an open relationship with Him. If you don't, all it takes is a contrite spirit and a humble heart. But then again, that's not as easy as it sounds, is it? Humbling ourselves and acknowledging our sinfulness can be the hardest thing in the world to do. But if you're able, you can enter into an eternal friendship through Jesus Christ with the most lofty Person you will ever know -- "He who lives forever and whose name is holy..."


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