Thursday, October 16, 2008

Verse of the Day - Philippians 1:11

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
~ Philippians 1:11 (NLT)


I drove through Taco Bell the other day and saw a sign promoting a fundraiser for world hunger. So I googled it today. Two people from an MTV reality show have teamed up for the second year in a row to raise awareness and money for world hunger. 100% goes to the World Food Programme, which is the food aid branch of the United Nations. It is encouraging to me to see people getting outside themselves and taking action to help the needy around the world.

Many people are on the bandwagon for helping others. And this is a good thing! Yet, I don't know that these MTV stars are giving God any credit for their goodwill efforts. When you show the fruit of your salvation to others, how do they know that it's spurred by Jesus in you? How can they tell that it's God in you that causes you to care and love them? Do you believe that it is God in you, or do you think you're basically a good person and kind to all (or most), even if you didn't know Jesus?

People need to see our love in action. And they need to hear and know why we care, because humanity is basically selfish. I see the secular humanitarian efforts, and I applaud them, but I sometimes wonder what spurs people to participate in them. Is it real caring, or just trendy to be humanitarian? Are people being "green" because they really care about the world we live in, or just trying to do research for a school paper, or to get a plaque on the office wall for the most aluminum collected? What prompts people to care and to give and to act?

I hope believers in Jesus know that it is God in them that causes them to act... is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. ~ Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

He needs to get the credit for whatever good we do for others. And they need to hear honestly from our hearts about how God has changed us on the inside from selfish, greedy people to people who love others for real from the inside out! Because only God can do that. They need to know that God is your heart-changer and lover of your soul. And most importantly, that He can be their heart-changer and lover of their soul, too.

Why not get involved in a secular humanitarian effort in your community, and be godly salt and light to the needy, as well as your fellow workers! If you're an animal lover, volunteer at an animal shelter. If you have a heart for the elderly or shut-ins, volunteer for a meals-on-wheels program. Let people in the world around you pick the fruit of your salvation, and may they taste and see that the Lord is good. And may God get all glory and praise as we seek His kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven.


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