Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Verse of the Day - Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. ~ Colossians 3:17 (NIV)


This seems like a tall order.

But does that mean that we just ignore it, because it's hard?

Jesus would never ask us to do or be something for His kingdom that we were incapable of. On our own, yes -- impossible. Our flesh wants to lash out at angry words with even angrier words. Our carnal nature wants to hold grudges, hoard wealth, lust after the opposite sex, and step on the little guy. But the amazing thing about being a Christ follower is that Christ lives in us. And it is He who works in us. Our job is simply to surrender to His leading, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our being with Himself. Then to do, whether in word or deed, in the name of Jesus (e.g. on His behalf, as an ambassador would speak/mediate on behalf of one country to another) becomes easy.

Or should I say, easier. Because we struggle with the Holy Spirit, don't we? Our flesh likes to rise up and say, "Hey - what about me?!?" We still struggle with wanting our wants and feeding our flesh the carnal things it craves. But when we practice the discipline of living by the Spirit of God on a regular basis, the mind of Christ becomes more and more the standard, the norm. His heart for people becomes our heart for people. His words of love and concern become our words of love and concern. His hands of compassion become our hands of compassion.

Today, you have an opportunity to say and do for God's glory, on behalf of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, you can be an ambassador of the Almighty. I pray you take the challenge today and every day, because it is the calling of the Christ-follower.


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