Friday, June 12, 2009

Verse of the Day - Psalm 19:1-2

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
~ Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV)


Tuesday night, our co-ed softball team played a double header, and our first game was not until 7:30pm. We've had unseasonably cool weather here in Sacramento this June, with many clouds in the sky, and I was awed by the beautiful sunset as we began the game. So much so, that I was distracted standing in the outfield, when I should've been paying attention to the game. I kept saying to my teammates, "Look at the sunset...! Look at the beautiful sunset...!" Others were less impressed. :-( Yeah, I know. I am rather fanatical about clouds...

I can't explain or describe how or why the magnificence of the skies speaks to the spirits of humanity. But I think it does. And God's word says it does. The beauty of a glorious sunset can take a person's breath away, and I think it causes a stirring in people . . . a spiritual stirring, pointing to the Creator of that glorious beauty. When the massive thunderheads billow up more than a mile above a mountain range, and all we can do is stare in wonder at its mammoth size, doesn't it just cause us to be amazed at all that is beyond our doing and control?

We can understand what atmospheric conditions create cloud formations. We can understand how light is refracted and reflected to create color in the skies. But we can't really create that ourselves. All we can do is stand on planet earth and look up in wonder. God is the Creator of the heavens, and we are simply the witnesses to His power and grandeur.

Watch the skies today and see God. Maybe in your region, you'll see poofy summer clouds. Maybe you'll see a rain storm. Maybe you'll see a clear blue sky, with the bright sun shining down. Whatever you see in the heavens, you'll see God -- because only He can create the wonders in the skies.


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