Sunday, June 7, 2009

Verse of the Day - Psalm 90:2

Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
~ Psalm 90:2 (NIV)


Sometimes on Sunday, before going to church, I like to just blow my mind with God's greatness, to stand amazed at His awesomeness, to be mystified at the wonder of who He is...

He is from everlasting to everlasting. Just blow your mind with that! Before a sundial ever cast a shadow, before a clock every tick-tocked, God was. Before the mountains were revealed and the seas were filled, God was. Before this rock we call earth was even formed, God was. The immortal is so difficult to comprehend, but that's what God is. From everlasting to everlasting. wow...!

I think, as believers in Christ, we sometimes vacillate between being too casual or too austere with God. Sometimes we think of Him as being our buddy, sitting around the table, eating pizza and watching TV. On the other end of the spectrum, we think of Him as the untouchable king who would never allow a commoner to enter His presence, so lofty is He. We have a unique challenge and responsibility to recognize and acknowledge that God is both lofty and lover. He is grandiose and gracious. He is the big and the small, the invisible and the visible, the endless and the present. When you enter into faith in God, you open your mind to the endless wonder of the fullness of the divine.

If you're in awe of God, good. You should be. But don't let that keep you from getting close to Him. Jesus came with skin on, in part so we could know that He is touchable, and desiring to have one-on-one contact and communication with us. The immortal God seeks communion with us, the mortal. That, in and of itself, is a mind-blower!

Give God praise today for all that He is and does -- we can never run out of things about Him that will blow our minds.


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