Thursday, February 21, 2008

Verse of the Day - 1 Samuel 16:7

[God says,] "...The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
~ 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

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This is one of my oft-quoted verses! And it's funny, because when I go to look for it (memorizing the exact reference isn't exactly my forte), I always go to Proverbs -- doesn't it sound like it would be in Proverbs? But I forget the context --

After Saul was rejected as king by God, God sent the prophet Samuel to Jesse's house to anoint a new king from one of Jesse's sons. When Samuel saw the first son, Eliab, he thought, this must be the one. But God told Samuel not to look at Eliab's appearance or height -- he was not the chosen one. Why? Because of Eliab's heart. God saw on the inside and knew he wasn't the one. It's kind of a Cinderella story, because all of the rest of Jesse's sons are paraded in front of the prophet, and God reveals to Samuel that none of these men are to be king. So Samuel asks if Jesse has any other sons. (I'm thinking glass slipper right about now...) Jesse says there is one more son, but he's out in the fields, tending the sheep. (In case you don't know the rest of the story, the boy in the fields is David, and the glass slipper fits perfectly... :-)

Based on what God said about knowing the heart and not looking at appearances, do you think David was a geek with a good heart? Well, the Bible says that he was tanned (ruddy), with fine features and a handsome appearance! (Hmm...sounds like any number of young leading men in Hollywood today, huh? Maybe like Mel Gibson or Brad Pitt or Russell Crowe...)

But, I thought God didn't look at outward appearances -- huh?!

So, looks can be deceiving. Here's a guy that had a good heart, that happened to be good looking. But the heart was what God was after. That was and is first and foremost for God. God saw David's heart when he was tending sheep in the fields, and it was pleasing to Him. His occupation and standing in life had no bearing on what God had planned for him (although his experience as a shepherd, I believe, was God-ordained, giving David an understanding of the Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and us, as constantly straying sheep...) And, despite his failures and poor choices in adulthood, he was called "a man after God's own heart".

Don't be deceived by pearly whites, great hair and a nice body-- the inside could look like a garbage dump. Conversely, those we could consider "plain" or average in appearance could be diamonds in the ruff on the inside. It pays to get to know people and not be swayed either way by outward appearances. Because the laws of gravity and the passing years are not nice to good looks, and a makeover can do wonders for "plain". Either way, the outside can and does change, for the good and the not-so-good.

Or how about the way we judge those outside what we consider "normal"? Those with dyed hair in pretty shades of purple, green or blue? Piercings and tattoos? Eccentric clothing? Do we even consider that they may be a person "after God's own heart"? Doubtful, I'd say. Somehow, I think mainstream looks at alternative as not God-fearing, not God-seeking, not God-serving. We need to think again, my friends...because God doesn't look at outward appearances...He looks at the heart.

Bottom line: Don't judge a book by its cover.

We're all created differently, but God sees beyond our exteriors to our hearts and minds. So, what is our makeup on the inside? Selfish and prideful, foolish and rebellious? Or compassionate and forgiving, selfless and giving? Whatever we are on the inside, God sees it. Maybe no one else sees, but God sees. And that's His biggest concern for all people.

Let's make it a priority to work on our "inside" by submitting to the Lord daily, and looking at other people the way God does...from the inside out.


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