Thursday, February 28, 2008

Verse of the Day - Matthew 6:33

[Jesus says,] "But seek first [God's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

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Putting God's agenda in front of ours -- hmm...kind of puts a cramp on the "me" lifestyle, doesn't it?

How much of our time is spent on thinking about and striving for personal stuff? We spend an exorbitant amount of time thinking about food...and eating it. We wile away many, many hours watching TV, most of it mindless, and mindlessly. We wait and watch and plan for the weekend, with all manner of recreation in store, along with the toys and paraphernalia that go along with it. Life can really look like one big, towering "ME"...

AND --(hold on we go! )...we can rush around as busy parents, going from this soccer game to that band concert to this rehearsal to that PTA meeting to this and that and this and that.....whew! (take a breath)....OR (take another breath)...we rush around as busy parishioners, going from this choir practice to that Sunday School meeting to this function to that fellowship to this and that and this and that...whew again!

God says, "Ahem," as He raises a finger, "um, let's see...where am I in all this?"

So many things in our lives can be good things. Being an active parent is a good thing. Being an active member of a local church is a good thing. But if our bottom line is not God first, we're missing out on the blessing of a God-centered life. When God is relegated to the rings on our Saturn life, we're really not living up to our potential or our responsibilities as His children. God needs to be at the core -- He needs to be the core.

I understand that we have busy lives and we enjoy many wonderful opportunities for staying active and having fun and developing relationships and being fulfilled. But perhaps we are striving for a fulfillment apart from God that is simply waiting to be had with God. Him -- at the core of who you are...Top drawer...Head of the line, in your heart and mind.

Seek first also means this is a conscious effort on our parts to go after and pursue God's kingdom (rule and reign) and His righteousness (perfect ways). If you think that you're gonna be struck with the holy magic wand by the holy fairy godmother, you're mistaken. A God-centered life doesn't just happen. God says throughout Scripture that it's the seekers who find, the searchers who are rewarded, the diligent that get what they're after. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart."

Pursue God like you would if you had a treasure map. Because in essence, you do. It's called the Bible. And the treasure is your God. Do you search for Him as you would for hidden treasure? When He becomes a consuming passion in your life, His kingdom values of righteousness, justice and mercy are going to become visible threads in the fabric of your life. This is what He calls His children to be! Then, whether you're on a boat trip at the lake, or sitting at a soccer game, or waiting in line at the grocery store, you are a walking, talking, living, breathing witness of what God can do in a fallen creature's life and be a messenger of the good news of God's love and forgiveness through His Son, Jesus Christ. THAT is a picture of fulfillment.

So, get fulfilled. Go pursue. Find the treasure...the real treasure!


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