Monday, February 4, 2008

Verse of the Day - Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment. ~ Ecclesiastes 2:24-25(NIV)

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We come from all walks of life. Teachers, lawyers, clerical workers, stay-at-home moms. Some have worked hard to get through school for a passionate career of their choice, while others have gotten work where they could to pays the bills and keep a roof over their heads. But a degree doesn't necessarily translate into contentment, does it?

I put a lot of stock in finding a job that you're passionate about. To feel fulfilled in your job by pursuing areas that really speak to you. Maybe because that's not how my life unfolded, and I regret it. I go to work every day and do my job, but it's not a field that really grabs me on the inside. I do it because I need to live. It's not a bad just doesn't speak to me on a fulfillment level.

But even those who follow their passions can be unfulfilled. Why? Isn't that the key to contentment in the workplace, that you follow and find your dream job?

If God isn't at the center of your life, no amount of dreams fulfilled can satisfy in the long run. If you have the best job in the world and the perfect spouse and a suburban home with a white picket fence, even these will fall short on the contentment scale, if your spiritual heart is dead. Because dreams do fizzle...the economy goes sour and you get laid off; your spouse isn't as perfect as you thought; your variable interest home loan has put a 'for sale' sign in your front yard; and the fence needs painting. If externals are where you place your contentment, then you will be discontent more often than not.

We all need to work in this life, and whether you love your job or just go because it's a paycheck, God can fill you with purpose and contentment, that overrides even your employer's purpose. God has placed you where He's placed you -- for a purpose, His purpose. You might not see or understand His ways, but that's okay. Trust Him to use you for His kingdom in the midst of customers, receipts, deadlines, children, policies, and staff meetings. Ask God to give you eyes to see the invisible in the midst of your visible world. You will see that you're really working two jobs every day, not just one! But the God job you're on can make the earth job worth every minute of it.

Today, take a look at the people you work with. Pray for them in their struggles, and be a listening ear.

Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have, but answer in a gentle way and with respect. Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak evil of your good life in Christ will be made ashamed. ~ 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NCV)

May God bless you today as you do your job...or should I say, jobs (plural). :-)


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