Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Verse of the Day - 2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)

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I was talking with my daughter recently about whether art imitates life or life imitates art, of how art is an expression of the artist -- an editorial, if you will. And how life itself can become one big editorial, everyone bringing their own opinion, their own expression of reality. I told her that is why we need God's standard, because everyone's gonna have an opinion, but where is the plumb line? Where is the zero?

I think the Lord guided that conversation, as I continue to minister to her and her beliefs in relative truth, even though that wasn't the focus of the conversation. Many kids her age hold to the premise that truth is relative, that zero is different for each person. (It's like trying to understand the "new math", where 2+2 doesn't always equal 4!) What's right for you may or may not be right for me. It's shifting sand, and there is no absolute truth. This pop theology sounds good to them and fits when you don't like the rules or when you don't want to seem dogmatic, but it's really full of holes and doesn't hold water. Using real-life examples seem to speak louder to this generation than just saying, "God said it -- I believe it --that settles it for me."

God's word is truth, and I do believe it because He said it. But it also proves itself true in life. Just like eating too much honey will make you sick, as told in Proverbs -- my nephew was the poster boy for Proverbs 25:16! Some truths in Scripture are yet to be tested, such as a lot of its prophesy. But life has validated so much of God's truth in our lives and the lives of others. When you read the Bible, don't you often find yourself shaking your head 'yes', thinking, that is so true...? That's because truth is true...and it's always true...and it's always from God.

God cannot be mocked: a man reaps what he sows (Galatians 6:7). This is true, whether you're speaking of crops or lifestyles. And I believe it's true, even if we never see the harvest (good or bad) here on earth. God's ways and laws are established...they are truth. The story of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man are a good example (Luke 16:19-31), where a man thought he had the world by the tail, making all kinds of money and giving no thought to the poor (or to God, apparently). Although it appears that he didn't reap any destruction in this life for all of his selfishness, he ended up in the place of eternal destruction, forever imprisoned in torment.

All I'm saying is that sometimes we can say things aren't true just because they haven't been validated before our eyes, in this life. Faith in the God of truth must enter in. We must be willing to believe that who God is is validation enough. Life's track record does bear witness over and over to God's truth, but there may be times when we must look at God's word and simply say, because I know You, God, and believe that everything you say is true, I accept this as truth even though there is no proof.

Are you willing to believe that everything God says is true? Are you willing to stake your life on it? Because if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have staked your eternal life on Jesus' death on the cross, you are banking everything on the truth of the untested Word of God.

I believe with all my heart that He is worthy of that trust, that He will come through on every promise, that He will validate every single truth He has voiced. One day, all critics will be silenced, all scoffers will be shamed before the Judge of all mankind...every knee will bow and and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. (Philippians 2:9-11)

Do you believe the Word of God is true? If so, then learn and live by its truth. If you don't believe, then don't learn and don't live by it truth. But be forewarned: life will validate the truth, and I know that eventually you will realize that what God says is true, is true. I encourage you to trust Him with all that you have, believing everything He says. It is the way of peace!


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