Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Verse of the Day - Deuteronomy 20:19

"When you are besieging a town and the war drags on, do not destroy the trees. Eat the fruit, but do not cut down the trees. They are not enemies that need to be attacked!"
~ Deuteronomy 20:19 (NLT)

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This verse comes from some instructions God gave to the Israelites in preparation for taking the land of Canaan that was promised to them. In order to scale the walls of some cities, siege ramps needed to be built, and what do you think they needed to build these ramps? Wood. So they would cut down the trees around them to create these ramps.

(I think it's kind of funny when God gives instructions to people, knowing what they will do or will think of doing. He often leaves nothing to chance, but addresses all of the options we might consider as we go through life...good, bad, or otherwise.)

You've heard the old saying, "don't cut off your nose to spite your face"? That's what God was saying to them. The fruit trees "are for the benefit of man" (NIV footnote). Duh....how else are we supposed to get our 2-3 servings of fruits every day like the nutritional pyramids tells us?!? :-) But sometimes people just don't think rationally when tackling a project or job, especially when conquer is the motive and plan. Good things can get bowled over in the effort, and then when looking back and you see the destruction of the good for the sake of conquering, you're left saying to yourself , What was I thinking? Now I've conquered, but what do I have left to sustain me? God said, "Use your head. Think! Don't destroy the good of this land that I've created to keep you alive -- you're going to live here when this is all over--that is, unless you kill off your food supply in the process!"

Sometime in our conquest for money, technology or habitation, we have destroyed that which God has given us to sustain life. Recently on my vacation, while at an information center at Lake Tahoe, I read that, due to commercial fishing overharvesting during the booming mining and railway days of the 1860's, the native Lahontan Cutthroat trout was obliterated by the 1940's. Obliterated...wiped out...no more. See what I mean about cutting off your nose to spite your face! People just don't see long-term sometimes when the conquer mindset comes into play. Some things just don't come back. We've done it to the land. We've done it to the animals. We've done it to people. What are we thinking? Are we thinking?

And is it possible that we continue to do that today, in the 21st century world we live in? We overharvest our time in order to conquer the almighty dollar. We suck dry our finances in order to conquer materialism. We cut down people to conquer our ego. What are we thinking? Are we thinking?

Lord, forgive us when we have lost sight of Your will and purpose for us. Forgive us for trampling the resources You've given us. Help us to recognize the treasures around us and moderate our use of them. Lord, help us to have a godly perspective of where we're going, and how we need to get there. Teach us respect for Your creation...land and animals. Teach us respect for Your provision...time and money. And teach us respect for other people, for whom You love with an unending love. Amen.


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