Saturday, November 22, 2008

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 13:3

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
~ Proverbs 13:3 (NIV)


Talking has always been a big problem for me. Too much, for sure, as all my teachers were quick to point out on report cards. And no matter what they did to try to curb my propensity for communication, it went relatively unchecked. One time, my 5th-grade teacher thought she'd fix me by putting me in the back of the class surrounded by boys, thinking surely that would work. But I just talked to them! No problem there.

Later on, it was not only the amount of talking that got me in trouble, but the content of my words. Don't ask me what I thought I was doing by calling a girl on a bus a 'slut' behind her back in junior high -- news of that spread like wildfire in a matter of seconds, and I almost got the ** beat out of me! Of course, then on top of slander, I added lying, by saying, "I never said that!" Boy, was I guilty of rash words, which were bringing me to ruin! Over time and with the Holy Spirit's counsel, I believe that God has worked on me, to help me guard my tongue more, to be more careful and think before I speak -- although, my old propensity still sometimes gets away from me. : \

A new Christian told one of my friends recently that he used to just say whatever he wanted, but now he thinks before he speaks, because he wants to say things that honor God, rather than dishonor Him. Wow -- what a great example He sets, huh? It just goes to show how God works in people's lives, transforming them into the likeness of Christ!

If you struggle with keeping control of your tongue, you are not alone. Besides the many people who struggle also, you have Jesus, who desires that what you say be a blessing to Him and others, instead of a curse. He knows how devastating words can be to another person's heart, and how dangerous it can be for you, from many different angles. And He also knows that words are an outpouring of the heart. If you spew junk out of your mouth, it's an indication that it's coming from junk in your heart.

The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. ~ Jesus, in Luke 6:45 (NIV)

As you seek to be Christ's disciple and learn from Him, your life will reflect the honor of His glory, and what you say will come from a heart that is being changed by Him, the Living God. So, turn your heart over to Him, and your tongue will follow suit...


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