Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 12:17-18

If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
~ 1 Corinthians 12:17-18 (NIV)


Despite what evolutionists may say, I don't think God created any parts of our human body that are useless or good-for-nothing. Even the epiglottis, that thingy that hangs in the back of your throat and only gets noticed if you say 'ahggh' while looking in the mirror! Maybe it's just comic relief for physicians and cartoon artists -- I don't know. But God knows. I believe that everything God makes is purposeful in some way. That's because He is a purposeful God.

So, in the body of Christ -- the church -- some may feel like an epiglottis. Just hangin' around in the back with nothing to do. No real purpose or agenda. They may feel like being an epiglottis is a bummer, and would rather be an eye or a hand. So they strike out to become that eye or hand, maybe failing miserably. Back to the back they go, frustrated that they couldn't be out front and visible, where people recognize and applaud their work. But let me tell you something -- if God makes you an epiglottis, it is for His good pleasure and purpose! Your mission for the church is assigned by Him, not you, and He doesn't make mistakes. So why do we keep trying to reinvent God's wheel?

I think there is true beauty and pleasure when we relax and be who and what God has designed us to be in His church body. Maybe you don't think you have a purpose, but you always chat with the greeters at church -- they're so friendly, and have so many great stories to tell. Did it ever occur to you that maybe your purpose is to encourage those people specifically, because they're always greeting others, but don't feel greeted themselves? Maybe you feel unused, but you always stop by the nursery and smile at the babies. Is it possible that you are the direct minister to those infants, and more importantly, to the workers there, who are knee-deep in crying, diapers and formula? Perhaps encouragement is your gift, your ministry, and you're using it without even knowing it. And I would wager that most people would say that being encouraged by others is one of the key things that keeps them going when discouragement and fatigue set in. Hmm...

God knows what an epiglottis is for. God knows what you are for. Trust the Creator and be all that you are and can be in Christ's body, because you have purpose -- God said so. :-)


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