Sunday, April 12, 2009

Verse of the Day - Luke 24:6-8

He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " Then they remembered his words. ~ Luke 24:6-8 (NIV)


Happy Easter to you all! I pray that you can experience God in a unique way today, as you celebrate His resurrection!

...then they remembered His words.

We think, Duh, were you guys all that dense not to know what was coming?!? Why was this such a surprise? But they didn't have a copy of the NIV sitting on their coffee table; they hadn't read the end of the story! And, yeah, Jesus told them things -- sometimes over and over -- but, how often does someone tell us something, and then later, when they say, "I TOLD you such-and-such...remember?!?", we think back and say, "But...I just didn't get what you were just didn't click with me." Well, it didn't click with the disciples and followers of Jesus, either. We shouldn't be too hard on them...after all, we're the apples that don't fall far from their tree.

We read the Bible and listen to sermons, but sometimes God's word just doesn't click with us. He says it, but sometimes we have a disconnect. Maybe it's not enough coffee...maybe too much coffee. Maybe we're just too busy to process the information. Maybe we're distracted with the TV or another good book. Maybe we've been away from God for awhile and we have wax in our spiritual ears.

What God has to say to us should be our top priority. It should be what we hunger and thirst for. It should be what we lean on completely. Unfortunately, we're sometimes like those followers on Easter Sunday who said, "What?!? Who?!? Where?!? I don't get it..." The good news is that Jesus is full of grace, and knows that we're a little thick between the ears sometimes. He has a beautiful way of coming around from another angle, so that we don't miss what He needs us to know. For the disciples that first Easter evening, His angle was unique -- He came into a locked room, right through walls! :-)

I pray we can be sensitive and attentive to what God has to say to us. May it be the air we breathe...

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I . . . I'm desperate for you
And I . . . I'm lost without you
~ from Breathe, by Michael W. Smith


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