Monday, April 6, 2009

Verse of the Day - Isaiah 40:31

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)


I think that believers in Jesus can miss the point with this. I mean, we probably know this verse -- maybe we even have it memorized. It might be on a refrigerator magnet in our home or a plaque or bookmark. But what does it mean to hope in the Lord, really?

What I see sometimes are people hoping in things Christian, but not hoping in Christ. Ooh, another Christian book to help me have more faith--I better buy it...Oh, I should attend this seminar so I can learn to trust God more...If I can just read through the Bible in a year, then I'll be closer to God. Well, maybe, maybe not.

All I'm saying is that we need to stop accessorizing our faith and start wearing it solo...

~ Really trusting God in your heart when the daily grind starts grinding you into the ground...

~ Believing in the Lord deep down inside when your teenagers are making poor life choices...

~ Relying on God's love and care for you 100% when others (or you) try to make you feel small and unworthy...

Seminars are nice. Books can be helpful. Reading God's word is needful. But we need to start putting our faith into real action. Where is our hope? Whom do we trust? Do we really believe God is a good God who is trustworthy, or do we just say the words?

If you say the words easily enough, but true faith is lacking, take heart -- you can start hoping in the Lord TODAY! Choose this day to believe in God's ability and desire to care for you, guide you, teach you, grow you into a pillar of faith, a tower of strength -- with Him as your solid foundation. And then put your words of faith in God into actions of faith in God.


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