Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Verse of the Day - 2 Kings 17:33

They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought. ~ 2 Kings 17:33 (NIV)


Straddlin' the fence . . . one foot in California, one in Nevada . . . a little bit of this, a little bit of that . . . don't wanna put all the eggs in one basket, ya know...

Hmm. Is this how we live our Christian life? Is this how we worship the Lord?

I think it's interesting, and yet sad, that some believers dabble in what I'll call idol worship. Horoscopes, for example. How can someone who says they worship the God of the universe be swayed to "consult the stars" for knowledge and wisdom? Which God are they listening to with that?

Or what about those who subscribe to the practice of Eastern meditation? Why isn't communicating with the Creator God through prayer enough to cleanse and refresh their soul? The concepts and philosophy/theology behind many meditation and yoga classes are rooted in Eastern religion -- and trust me, they do not worship the one and only true God.

So, somehow, we have been duped into thinking that mixing our gods is okay -- like mixing our cereals, or mixing our investments. But God says, No! You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can't straddle the spiritual fence with a little Zen Buddhism and and a little Me. Why are you consulting the stars and also reading the Bible? I don't get it. True worship of Me is pure, 100% commitment and reliance on Me -- not some strange mixed bag of spiritual nuts.

The devil is very subtle in how he introduces idolatry. So, be careful and be savvy. Consider your resources and your dependence on them -- be sure you are clinging to God and Him alone, because a watered down worship is tasteless to God and useless to you. But God worship that is pure and unadulterated is pleasing to Him and truly satifies your heart and soul.

Worship -- keep it real and keep it pure for God.


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