Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Verse of the Day - Esther 4:14

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
~ Esther 4:14 (NIV)


Ten years ago, after I'd only been at my current church for three months, I considered joining the choir, and observed one of their rehearsals. The church was in the midst of a building program at that time, and the theme song was, "For Such a Time As This"...

For such a time as this
I was placed upon the earth
To hear the voice of God
And do His will
Whatever it is
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His
For such a time as this
~ Chorus of For Such a Time as This, by Wayne Watson

As I joined that choir and sang that song over the next few months many times, the concept of destiny began to sink in. I began to realize that God had placed me where I am for a purpose. It was actually rather epiphanous.

But I would not have been there at that time and place except that some other difficult things had happened in my life to bring me there. I could not and would not have orchestrated that time in my life that way! But, you see, God allows circumstances and uses our own choices (good, bad or otherwise) to conform to His destiny for us, and His ways continue to boggle my mind with their brilliant complexity.

As Joseph would've never been able to save the Israelites from famine if his wicked brothers hadn't sold him into Egyptian slavery...as prophesy wouldn't have been fulfilled for Jesus' birth in Bethlehem if Joseph and Mary hadn't been forced to travel for the census...as you would not know the people you know if your life had taken a different turn than it did, remember that God has a plan. And that plan includes YOU.

You have a destiny and, though it may not unfold the way you would like it (in all comfort and security), God is doing His work through you. Can you open up your mind to the possibility that the road you've traveled, with all it's bumps and curves, is for a purpose, that where you're at is exactly where God wants you? Can you turn the light bulb on in your heart and mind, and see it?

Go ahead, have an epiphany. It'll blow your mind. :-)


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