Monday, May 4, 2009

Verse of the Day - Titus 3:2

They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.
~ Titus 3:2 (NLT)


The Lord stepped into a difficult situation on Saturday evening, and helped me and my friends remember the essence of this verse.

We had a ladies event at church last Saturday and the singing group that my friends and I comprise were providing the worship music. We arrived an hour before the event, to do a sound check and warm up. Unfortunately, from the beginning of the sound check, we had problems. Big problems. Couldn't get all four mics to be live at the same time, and even when we did, they were cutting out on us. One song used a CD track, and that was cutting out. We couldn't even get through one song for warmup because of the sound problems. Talk about stressful! And it was easy to fling our frustration on the sound guy, who was doing his very best to figure out the problem. It wasn't his fault, but our stress was no respecter of persons, and it was easy to affix blame on him.

As the clock kept ticking with no solution, I stood up and gathered my friends and told them we needed to get our heads together and not put blame on the sound guy. We needed to work with what we had, and if we had no sound, we simply needed to tell the ladies in the room to sing LOUD :-) And then we went to pray (which ended up being in the bathroom, since one of our gals was still putting on makeup... :-) ....believe it or not, God hears our prayers even when spoken in a bathroom..... :-) We asked God to give us peace about the situation, to forgive us for stressing out to our sound guy, and to help us be good with whatever happened that evening.

(btw, I did call for some troubleshooting backup 15 minutes before the event was to begin, and our youth pastor graciously jammed down to the church to find that there were some cable connections that appeared to be loose...)

When stressful situations occur, it's so easy for us to get hyped up and lay blame on others, sometimes being demanding and less-than-kind. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about this issue that night, and the Lord helped us all seek humble hearts in the face of a difficult situation. And God was soooo faithful! The sound that night went off without a hitch -- it felt like a miracle! But even if it hadn't, God worked on our hearts, so that we could be kind and gracious and go on in spite of whatever challenges we might face. That truly was a miracle, God's intervening in our spirits.

I thank God for how He constantly provides teaching opportunities for us to grow in our spiritual walk...that is, if we're willing to listen to His voice. I challenge you to open your spiritual ears and listen to Him today.


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