Friday, May 1, 2009

Verse of the Day - John 3:17

God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. ~ John 3:17 (NLT)


After I got married and officially became an "adult" (yet still a teen), I'll never forget the first time I was driving along and saw a cop in my rear view mirror. My first instinct was, He's a bad guy...someone to pull me over and give me a ticket or otherwise harass me. That had been my reference in high school toward cops -- they were out to throw the book at you and slam down the gavel! But, it was weird. As I drove along, it suddenly occurred to me that this cop is really a friend of the citizen, to protect people and keep the streets safe. It was an epiphany, really. Suddenly, I had a change of perspective of police -- not to be feared, but be thankful that they're out doing their job, because they're out here for me (my benefit), not out here "for me" (to get me).

Jesus was trying to get people to understand and grasp that same perspective about Him, too. He came not to get people, in the sense of condemning them, but came to get people, in the sense of rescuing them. Just as a cop would say,Yes, I wear a uniform and carry a tazer and a gun, but you don't need to fear me...I'm hear for the good of the people, Jesus is saying the same thing. I'm God, true. I hold all power, true. You are sinful before a holy God and deserve death, true. But I hold out to you salvation from death, not condemnation to death. See the difference? Can you change your perspective and see Me for who I really am?

I pray that you know Jesus for who He really is and for what He really came to do for all of humanity. His compassion overflows for people and runs down the cross as proof. Believe it today and be saved forever! Hallelujah!


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