Sunday, May 10, 2009

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 31:30

Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised. ~ Proverbs 31:30 (CEV)


This verse comes from the passage entitled "The Virtuous Woman", which talks about examples of how she lives. But this verse sort of sums up the essence of the passage.

Women have a lot of pressure put on them to look a certain way. There are wrinkle creams and rejuvenating makeup. Endless weight-loss plans and ads for cute clothes at Macy's. And, heaven forbid -- the Size 0 runway models that sashay to and fro in designer clothes and 6" heels. I think women, in our fallen state, more often than not have a less-than-stellar opinion of ourselves, and the comparison game just makes it worse. We desire to please those around us and work hard to feel good enough.

But God has the secret that doesn't come in a wrinkle cream or a designer dress. The secret is in a godly heart, which is regarded much more highly in God's eyes than looking drop-dead gorgeous. A woman that loves and reveres God has something about her that is appealing, both to God and to humanity -- they exude the image of Christ! It matters so little what they look like on the outside when they have a loving heart for God on the inside.

For all you women out there, I say this: When you look in the mirror, ask yourself, "Do I see acne, wrinkles and fat...? Or do I see Jesus?" It might be a stretch at first to use the mirror that way, but reflect on what God does on the inside of your heart and see the beauty of that magnificent transformation, and learn to let the outward picture be less of an issue.

And for you men, I say this: Do you know godly women in your life? Please let them know how wonderful it is for you to be blessed by their presence in your lives! Let them know the beauty you see in them, as they draw close to God and model their lives after Him. Surely, you see the difference between worldly women and those that follow the Lord -- let them know that is BEAUTIFUL to you, because often, a woman's pursuit of God is difficult and can get overshadowed by the temptation to focus solely on their outward appearance.

"I do not look at the things people look at. Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart." ~ The Lord to Samuel, in 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIrV)

Despite what all the advertisements and inner comparisons scream, this is the highest calling for a woman. No amount of external beauty treatments or fancy clothes can compare with the true beauty of a godly heart.

True beauty -- women should seek it, and men should praise it.


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