Thursday, January 15, 2009

Verse of the Day - Hebrews 12:2b

Because of the joy awaiting him, [Jesus] endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. ~ Hebrews 12:2b (NLT)


What is it that you have a hard time doing for God because of what other people might think, because of the "shame"?

~ Carrying your Bible in public or out on your desk at work?

~ Saying 'no' to an invitation somewhere because it conflicts with your worship service at church?

~ Praying in public, say, at a restaurant?

Jesus was so very public about His love for us. He knew what He had to do to save us, even though it came at a very personal price. People spit on Him, mocked and taunted Him with their words, flogged Him, jammed a thorny crown on His head, beat Him, cursed Him as He hung naked on a cross in plain view for all to see. You wanna talk about shame?!? The God of the universe, the One who is love personified, accepted the shame of it all because He loved you. Because He loved me. Because He loved the whole human race.

Jesus set the example for obedience to God in the face of shame. Are we learning from Him? Are we willing to face purported shame to stand up and be counted as a follower of Jesus Christ? Are we willing to say we love Him out loud to the world?

Now, I'm not saying we need to be obnoxiously outspoken, or acting crazy -- remember you represent the King. If you want the world to think your King is off His rocker, then act that way. If you want the world to think your King is mighty and loving and merciful and capable, then act that way. But if behaving like the King causes you shame, I say, "Who cares?!" What I really think happens more often than not is that they may laugh in your face, but on the inside...they're thinking. Pray that they think about your King and about what they need to do with Him.

Be a standout today, as you serve your King in love. And let people watch and say what they want -- it's no skin off your nose, 'cuz you're just loving your God, and He's the only One you need to please.


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