Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Verse of the Day - Psalm 130:3-4

Lord, if you punished people for all their sins, no one would be left, Lord. But you forgive us, so you are respected.
~ Psalm 130:3-4 (NCV)


This is such an amazing truth -- a holy God not wiping out the planet because of our constant sinful, selfish rebellion. A holy God being able to see the value in us beyond the grime and stench of our sin because we are made in His image and He loves us. that amazing grace, or what?

Yet, do all people turn to him in gratitude and fear/revere/respect/worship Him because of His kindness? Do all acknowledge the condition of their sinful heart and mind and take the gift of God, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, for the wages of their sin, which is death? (Romans 6:23)

No, unfortunately, many turn their backs on God's kindness, on the free gift. It doesn't make sense to followers of Jesus Christ, but sin and his advocate, the devil, are powerful masters. So many are bound in the chains of resistance to God, despite His care for them. It's like hating your parents -- who did all they could to nurture you, care for you, feed and clothe you -- and wanting nothing more than to get as far away from them as you can. It just makes no sense.

Here's a link to the story of the "Prodigal Son" in Luke 15...;&version=76;

I'm so thankful that our God is a loving Father who waits and waits and waits for those He created and loves to "come to their senses" and come back to Him. Those who have journeyed to God and know the forgiveness and new life He offers can testify to the joy of restoration and reconciliation. Those who still travel in the foreign land of life without God don't really know what they're missing. But God still waits...and watches...and speaks to them.

I pray today that, if you know the Lord Jesus and are His follower, you take some time to ponder the miracle of God's forgiveness of your sin. Though you could've been wiped out, God's love covered your sin, through faith in Jesus. It is amazing and awesome and should inspire you to worship the God who loves you! If you've never decided that your sin is real and can't be covered or erased on your own in front of a holy God, I pray you can see your sin for what it really is and reach out for God's hand of forgiveness. Your life will never be the same, and you'll never regret turning your back on your life of self -- guaranteed.

We are all in the same boat. Like the psalmist said, if God counted our sins and called us to account, you'd hear nothing on this planet but a dead calm, like wind in the desert. But His forgiveness is real and available for all who choose Him and His ways over sin and its ways. That's amazing grace, my friends . . . amazing grace.


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