Friday, January 16, 2009

Verse of the Day - Hebrews 13:15-16

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. ~ Hebrews 13:15-16 (NLT)


We have so many things on a daily basis to praise God for! Please think for just a minute of all the blessings God has given you...

But are we praising Him for these things? Do we really give Him the honor that is due Him for His outpoured love and care on our lives? And do we make the sacrifice of sharing that praise with others?

It's easy to talk to others about blessings in our lives, but much harder to step out and make the sacrifice of praise to God, the Giver of all blessings. We tend to "thank goodness" or "thank heavens" or worse yet, to say that was such good "luck". Where is our allegiance to the One who pledged His allegiance to us on the cross? Why are we sometimes so fearful of speaking His praise to the world?

And the writer of Hebrews reminds us that uttering praise with our mouths is not the only sacrifice we should be offering. Our lives, for the sake of others, is also a pleasing sacrifice to God. Doing good because God calls us to goodness, and sharing our resources with those in need because God calls us to be generous is a life of sacrifice to God. It's about not holding on to what's "ours", but rather giving up our ego and our precious time and resources to others as they have need.

As part of our church's desire to help our members understand God's heart for people in need and to be out where we can have an impact for God's kingdom, we are encouraged to seek ministry opportunities in our community, to simply come alongside others and bear burdens, giving a helping hand because God loves them. So my friend and I have signed up for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday to work downtown in cleanup efforts in the homeless region! We are excited to see how God will use us to help the needy and reflect His love to those we meet. I'll let you know next week how our sacrifice to God goes -- I'm sure I'll have some great stories to share.

Give your allegiance to God -- through your lips, your heart and your hands. Make the sacrifice for Him who sacrificed for you.


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