Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Verse of the Day - Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
~ Isaiah 26:4 (NLT)


Sometimes I think we treat God like a buffet. You go to Fresh Choice or HomeTown Buffet, and you take a little of this, and a little of that....and a little more of this, and oh, don't forget dessert, 'cuz that's the yummiest part, right? In life, how often are we going to the 'buffet' to get our needs met or when we're up against the wall, huh? We take a little of God, but if He doesn't satisfy quickly enough or to our liking, we take a little of our friends, a little worry thrown in, and oh, don't forget sinful indulgence (you can pick from a long list), 'cuz that's the yummiest part, right? We simply don't discipline ourselves to trust the Lord first and always. We treat Him like just one option on a grand menu of need-meeters.

How foolish we are...

God is all-sufficient, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving. He's the Master Chef in our lives and if we could just recognize the blessed living that comes from total trust in Him -- it would transform us! Would disillusionment, worry, and frustration fall away in the presence of total trust? I think it is possible, my friends.

What if today, as you face the stressors and difficult circumstances in your life, you said in your heart -- and really meant it -- "I am trusting You, God, to lead me...to comfort me...to govern me. I am Yours, and You are mine. I give myself to You, and won't turn to other menu options to get my needs met..."? What if you did it tomorrow, and the next day? What could your life look like, in the face of trusting God all the way?

They say that practice makes better, and that it takes 28 days to make a habit. I venture to say that if you consistently put trusting God into practice, you will find that it becomes your habit. And I can't think of a better habit to have, can you?

Trust God fully, because He is the Eternal Rock -- undying and unshakable. He is absolutely our best menu option for living this life!


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