Saturday, March 1, 2008

Verse of the Day - Exodus 14:14

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." ~ Exodus 14:14 (NIV)

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We have a hard time being still, don't we? We want action from God. We want movement. We want results! And when we don't get them, we get frustrated. We worry. We devise our own solutions. And more often than not, these choices take us further into the hole, further away from God, further down slippery paths.

Most would agree that God's will and ways are perfect. So when God says "do this" or "don't do that", we understand the whys behind that and recognize His wisdom. But what about when He says, "wait"? Oooh, that is a word we don't like to hear! Wait?!? Wait for what? For me to get my legs knocked out from under me by my unscrupulous co-worker? For me to be old and gray before I have any peace in my home? For me to let opportunity after opportunity to pass me by for the career of a lifetime?

Patience is a virtue, so the saying goes. I say it is a discipline. It is a conscious choice to let God do things in His time without stomping the ground, pounding our fists, and chomping at the bit. Is He sovereign in your mind, or not? That's the bottom line. Does He have full control and power in your mind's eye, or do you really not trust Him to make the best decisions for your life? When we choose to resist His timing, we make ourselves miserable and stunt our growth. Resting in God's timing can provide amazing opportunity for building your faith and strengthening your grip on Him.

When things don't go the way you think they should, when this delay and that roadblock drive you to distraction, STOP. Take a moment to rest and remind yourself Who's in charge. Remember His supreme knowledge and divine wisdom. Grab onto the knowledge of His love for you and His ever watchful eye on your life. And then rest. Don't fight His in it.

God loves you and knows your needs. Jesus sits at His right hand, interceding for His children. Never mind Allstate Insurance ... you are in good hands with the Lord!


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