Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Verse of the Day - 1 Peter 2:17

Show respect to all men. Love the Christians. Honor God with love and fear. Respect the head leader of the country. ~ 1 Peter 2:17 (NLV)


Things are really gearing up for the 2008 Presidential elections here in the good ol' U.S.A., and if you thought mud was slinging for the Democratic ticket these past few months, just wait! Between now and November '08, it's gonna get ugly between the parties. It always does. Digging up dirt from candidates' closets, accusations and insinuations flying like bullets meant to kill. It can just leave a bad taste in our mouths. But, I ask you: Are we any better?

I realize this is a free country and we can say what we want about our leaders without risk of imprisonment, but I'm amazed at the number of Christians I hear slinging mud along with the rest of America! When did we decide that slander and hatred was okay? Do politics give us the right the throw away our image of Christ?

Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you are under the authority of our President. And you have a 50/50 chance of your guy getting into office. If he doesn't win come November, what will your attitude be toward the man who takes the solemn oath next January? God says to respect the "king" or ruler in government. What does that look like here in 21st century America?

Okay, I may take some flack here, but here goes. It is my unofficial estimate that most Christians are registered Republican. ( might shock you to know there are Christian Democrats in the world...I even know one as a personal friend! :-) And when Bill Clinton was in office, what was the general discussion around the church water cooler, huh? Sometimes outright hatred came out of the mouths of believers in Christ. And seemingly partisan-based! If Bill had been a Republican, I wonder how much Christian sympathy he'd have gotten when he fell from grace. How would Republicans have rallied around him if he stood under a different partisan banner?

It's wrong to slander and discredit. Period. God says that our attitude for our leader (whether Republican or Democrat) should be one of respect. I, for one, believe that America will vote a Democrat into office in November. I don't have a crystal ball -- that's just my guess. So, for those of us who register under the elephant banner, what will our attitude be? Will we commit to praying sincerely for our new President, knowing it is one of the hardest jobs in the world, or will we simply grumble and backbite against him, tuning into conservative radio programs that rail him, getting in our holy huddle and saying, "Don't blame me, I voted Republican..."?

I may sound harsh here, but believers in Jesus have a responsibility to show the love of Christ, and for some reason, politics always brings out the worst in people. As Christians, we seem to be no different. Why is that? It's a shame, I tell you, a shame.

Our current President claims an open faith in Christ. And Christians have rallied around him in prayer like no body's business! And that is honorable and needful. But what will happen to the prayers of the saints if a man of another faith--or no faith--enters the White House? Will it be Oh, Lord, why have you brought this tragedy on our people?...Or will it be Oh, Lord, give him wisdom and guidance as he seeks to lead our people?

Respect the head leader of the country, James says.

I wonder what would happen if we threw our bi-partisanship out the window and began to pray diligently for both candidates between now and November. Pray for their strength and endurance during what will surely be a very long five months. Pray for civility in the campaigns. Pray for their families, because this job takes a terrific toll on more than just the candidates. Pray that they can hear the voice of God in the midst of the campaign chaos.

Whoever wins needs God's help and our respectful prayers. They don't need divisiveness and disgruntled folks stirring up slander and rebellion. Yes, I realize that we won't always agree with his decisions or policies. Yes, we have the right to judiciously petition through the electoral process when we feel strongly about issues. But God says Watch your heart! Don't forget you are my child, and you represent Me. And, by the way, I love your President and I pursue him just like I pursue you. Don't forget that, my child.

Let us show God's amazing love in our political conversations. Let them be sprinkled with grace and hope as we seek to respect our head leader -- whoever that might be.



Mike Jones said...

Nicely put! And I think dead on the mark, Joelene.

Carole said...

We definitley need to look beyond the party label and pray for all our leaders - I used to have a list I ran through each morning (President, VP, Sec. of State, Defense, etc...) and I realize I need to do that again.

And also look beyond the party labels to the actual party platform. Which one more closely reflects your convictions and beliefs about caring for others, the role of government, and so on? Don't base your vote on one issue, even one as important as abortion. There are pro-life people in all parties.

We're trying to figure out how to breed those Christian Democrats in captivity. The next one arrives in 9 days! :-)

Joelene said...

Thanks, Carole, for your thoughts! God's blessings on you as you prepare for your newest arrival!