Monday, June 30, 2008

Verse of the Day - Matthew 18:4

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matthew 18:4 (NIV)


Why is it that God's ways are always backward from ours? Ours makes sense to us, and we struggle to grasp kingdom values.

This whole ranking thing, for example. In this world, we work our fannies off to "make it" -- go to college, get your degree, get a good job. Or bust your tail, get your skills, get a good job. You climb that corporate ladder, you climb the social ladder. You earn promotions, you schmooze with the higher ups, making your way to the top. And when you get there, you look down with satisfaction and say, "Ah...I made it! I'm on top...finally!"

But are you, really? Which kingdom is gonna stand in the end, and which one will fall? Which kingdom values really make sense, and which ones are full of holes?

Where God lives and how he runs things is all that will last. What we see here is temporal and failing, at best. Jesus told us to pray that God's kingdom would be done on earth as it has always been done in heaven. To that end, we are supposed to live.

So, this idea of ego-boosting and personal glorification is just one example of God turning us on our heads. He says That just doesn't fly in my kingdom. Your pride and arrogance tell you that you deserve praise for what you've done in life. If we're gonna crunch the numbers, who's done more to deserve praise -- you or Me? Go ahead, I'll let you think about it....

This ladder never ends
I climb up then we slide down again
Still they say you’ve not arrived
until you reach the top
But Your kingdom’s upside
is the servant who wears the crown
First is last and last is first
and You’re all that I’m not
‘Cause I’m weak, You’re strong, I’m empty ‘til You fill me...

It is Your love that defines me

and Your love that reminds me
it’s not what I do
This life I live, You have given
and in You I am hidden
This is what I know is true
that the definition of me is You.
~ from Definition of Me, by Steven Curtis Chapman

When, and only when, we acknowledge our own weakness and inability in the spiritual realm and God's divine strength and ability to love us and save us, will we come to the place of humility. Bottom of the ladder. Upside down in our understanding, but exactly where God says we need to be in His kingdom.

Can you say you're "bottom rung" and be content with that? Does submission to God give you a sense of fulfillment, or do you chomp at the bit for notoriety and glory?

If you live with the King, you live in the kingdom. If you live in the kingdom, you follow kingdom ways. The King's ways. It may seem upside down, but it is the way of life and freedom and joy. Don't get fooled into thinking you're rightside up when you're upside down...


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