Saturday, June 14, 2008

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 17:10

A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool. ~ Proverbs 17:10 (NLT)


My kids are very different. When my son was little, a single stern look from either parent would bring him to tears! No spanking was generally necessary -- the fact that his parents were displeased with something was enough prompting to bring repentance and a change in behavior. My daughter, on the other hand, was another story. I always say that she got more spankings before she was two years old than my son got in his whole life! (She laughs 'cuz she knows it's true...even though she can't remember back that far) She always tested the limits and pushed the boundaries, and spankings did little to curb her penchant for rebellion. When she turned three, I told her the "terrible two's" were officially over and it was time to quit....(as if somehow one magical birthday makes all the difference, huh? :-)

There's a saying that goes You don't have to tell me twice! This applies well when someone says there's cake at the office kitchen area, or Baskin Robbins is having ".39-a-scoop" night! But what about other things, where we seem so hard-headed that we take "lashings" over and over again, and still don't get it? Repeated reprimands on annual evaluations for unwise behavior at work...chronic conflict in relationships over the same ol' thing...a stack of parking tickets bulging out of the glove box because you just think you can beat out the parking meter dude before he cites you...

We often don't learn from our mistakes and their consequences. We're like the defiant toddler that gets their hands spanked over and over again for playing in the toilet water, but keeps going back to play in the "baby pool" 'cause it's just so much fun! Wisdom says that negative consequences are undesirable, and learns from them. Foolishness forgets the consequences, or works on ways to get around the rules, ending up in the same boat time and again.

They say that crime doesn't pay...and it doesn't. Neither does rebellion and insubordination. Our God desires His people to obey--not only Him, but those in authority over us. It speaks highly of Him when we do, even when it's difficult, and it makes many things in life more peaceful. Working within established boundaries, whether in civil law or relational ground rules, is much less stressful and promotes peace, rather than conflict and painful consequences.

Wisdom says I've made a mistake, I accept the consequences, and I've learned my lesson. Moving on now...

Foolishness says Huh?!? What?!? Cookies from the cookie jar? I didn't do anything wrong...and pay no attention to the cookie crumbs on my face...I was framed, I tell ya, framed...!

We are wise to take a good look at our behavior and listen to wisdom, learning from negative consequences, and moving into the direction of obedience to established boundaries. Wisdom honors God and makes for much smoother sailing on the waters of your life!


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