Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Verse of the Day - 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Dear brothers and sisters,we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing. ~ 2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NLT)


Paul identifies some clear benchmarks for a thriving church as he begins his second letter to the Thessalonian believers. Faith and love...

Funny how we tend to use a different set of benchmarks. Attendance is really big in most churches, and it can become the goal and focus in ministry. Counting the numbers...how many in Sunday School, how many baptisms, how many...how many...

But numbers are truly meaningless if the individuals are not growing up spiritually! Mega-churches tally weekly attendance numbers in the thousands and ten-thousands, but are these believers walking closely with the Lord? Does anyone know, or really care? How do we measure faith in a body of believers? And can we see love growing between the members?

The Thessalonians were undergoing great persecution, and their lives were being tested. But they held firm to the the gospel of Jesus Christ and kept doing good. How they lived out their faith in the midst of trials and corporate affliction were the markers that measured spiritual growth. And that was key for Paul. That is key for God.

We can focus much on getting our numbers up, and that's not a bad thing. It says that people are staying committed to meeting together as the Word says, learning more about God and encouraging others in their walk. It indicates that others are being drawn to that body of believers, whether they are saved or not. But we need to be careful that programs don't overshadow people. God wants all of us to be on a path of spiritual growth, going into the deep waters of faith and love, not just playing around in the baby pool where there is little challenge to be what God wants us to be.

Committing to a daily personal walk with God is key to a healthy believer, and a healthy church. God strengthens those who consume His word and apply it to their lives. He gives us love to commune with other believers in a local church, giving us opportunity to put into practice His ways of servanthood and humility, forgiveness and grace.

Numbers are all well and good, but spiritual development is where we see if God is really making a difference in our lives, if we are really growing. We need to encourage each other to dive deeper into Christ, not being content to be a "once-a weeker", showing up for a church service, and then not giving God another thought for the rest of the week. Let us pay attention to believers around us, and ask them how they're doing spiritually. Let us exhort each other to choose faith over fear when hard times come, and lifting up God's love as the way to behave with people, rather than lifting up self. Testify with each other your spiritual battles and God's victory in your life. Make it known to your brothers and sisters in the Lord what He is doing in you as you seek to know Him and serve Him!

May God bless you today as you examine where you are spiritually. May you choose to commit to a deeper walk for yourself and to spur on your fellow believers in Christ to the same. And pray that faith and love be evident to all who see you and your church body -- the real evidence of growth.


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