Thursday, June 26, 2008

Verse of the Day - John 10:10

A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness. ~ John 10:10 (NCV)


How many people do you know who would want to be robbed? Do we put a sign on our front door saying, "The door's open, and I have lots of valuables -- if you're a thief, boy, do I have a deal for you!"? Do we walk in a dangerous neighborhood holding a sign that says, "I've got $1,000 in my wallet and have no clue how to defend myself -- anyone up for a mugging?"

Silly! We work hard to protect and defend ourselves, our family and our belongings. We install burglar alarm systems and fail-safe locks in our homes and vehicles, we take self-defense classes and try to be aware of our surroundings, we stay away from dangerous situations and environments for preservation's sake. We don't knowingly open ourselves up to risks of harm or being taken advantage of. Yet, people leave themselves wide open and paint a proverbial target on their soul when they believe the lies of the evil one. We get duped into thinking backwards...

~ Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die -- woo-hoo! God just wants to take all the fun out of life...

~ I'm a good person -- I pay my taxes, don't beat my kids, and give to the Boy Scouts now and then. I don't need God to get by...

~ I heard on the radio that we are individually God -- we have divine powers and just need to wake up to these facts. Wow, how cool is that?!? I guess I can give my Bible to the thrift store -- it's obviously outdated and irrelevant with my new consciousness...

The devil is crafty and only interested in one thing -- your deception and death. And not only you, but everyone around you--down the street and around the world. He is bent on destruction, pure and simple. And his bag of tricks is endless when it comes to feeding us lies about ourselves, about real life, about God. But we're so quick to swallow what he shoves in our faces! Why does it taste so sweet to be consumed with buying that expensive car (too expensive for you, but hey, aren't you worth it?), or getting grand attention from the opposite sex (hey, if you've got it, flaunt it, right?), or embracing many paths to my celestial afterlife (doesn't it just feel so right to be open-minded?)?

Jesus says You've got it backward and upside down, and you don't even know it! The devil has twisted truth to the point that you think wrong is right, and black is white. I came to show him for what he is -- a liar, a deceiver, and a destroyer. Wake up and smell the spiritual coffee! Listen to my words and live. Listen to the evil one and die. There's the "black and white" for ya...

And if you're not reading God's word, you won't know what Jesus has to say. You'll listen to yourself or others who seem to make sense, who sound godly, and end up adopting half-truths and lies as part of your faith and hope. Please beware of the wisdom of is flawed by nature.

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? ~ Isaiah 2:22 (NLT)

Jesus loves you. He wants you to understand real life and experience it in Him. Not in material possessions, not in partying, not in esoteric higher consciousness. In Jesus. He is the real deal, and the devil is a fraud. Don't be duped -- be delivered!


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