Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Verse of the Day - Romans 5:1

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. ~ Romans 5:1 (NLT)


We strive for and value many things in this world. We work hard to earn a living, raise our kids the best we know how, and enjoy hard-earned recreation and rest time. We value our friends and family, and our liberty in America. If we are connected to a local church body, we place importance on serving in ministry, meeting needs and sharing Jesus.

But is there anything more important, more valuable, more worth desiring than peace with God? Is this not one of the most basic of all desires of humanity? The countless religions of the world tell us much about man's desire for peace with God, for a right relationship with Him that has no barriers or fear of disconnect.

If you have made a decision to believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and receive the gift He offers of new life from the inside out, you have already attained the greatest treasure that can ever be had on this planet! You are set free, changed from death to life! You are at peace with God, where there is no longer fear of looking into His eyes and seeing condemnation! You can say, "Amen!" -- it's great news!

Perhaps today we need to pare down our thoughts to the profound truth that we have peace with God through the saving work of Jesus Christ. We don't need to clean up our lives first...God knows we are fallen creatures. We don't need to work hard doing good so God will keep loving us....He simply does.

If Jesus is your Lord and Master, you have the greatest treasure of all time! Nothing else should compare with His gift of salvation and our peace with God. Many people in this world are searching high and low, working hard to have peace with God, but missing the mark -- weariness and guilt still plague them, despite all of their best efforts. May we ask God to give us the boldness to share with them the good news of Jesus. If they find Him, they have it all...all that's really important.


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