Monday, February 2, 2009

Verse of the Day - 2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
~ 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)


The other day I was in the "In -n- Out" drive-thru line, and I only saw three or four cars in line. My lucky day, I thought. If you know anything about this fast-food chain, you know they are busy....ALL THE TIME. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's 11am or 11pm, the joint is hoppin'! I drove up to the speaker almost immediately and gave them my order and was feeling pretty good. But then -- nothing. The cars in front of me didn't move. And didn't move. I look out my window, and I'm still staring at the speaker. I keep wondering how the workers know I'm still here and don't think I'm another car, but I guess that's a science I don't really need to learn. The driver of the truck in front of me was becoming visibly irritated and finally honked her horn. I finally said to the speaker, Uh, excuse me... The voice on the other end said, You've given your order already, right? I said I had, but was wondering why the cars weren't moving, as there were now about 10 cars behind me! (I'm thinking they must've had a french-fry machine malfunction, or an armed robbery -- something disastrous like that to keep us waiting so long). Just at that moment, the cars began to move. Sheesh! Impatient irritation was beginning to seep out of my pores.

We, as a society, are so geared for speed and efficiency. We have the self-check lines in the grocery store, so that we don't have to wait for the slow checker who wants to talk about whatever. We have microwave EVERYTHING -- heaven forbid you'd have to turn on your conventional oven (do they even sell those anymore?!) Bigger freeways, faster internet connections, and streamlined processes for everything from getting a cup of Starbucks to paying your church offering on-line! (I really did see this on several church websites recently...) Wow, I'm not sure I even need my blow dryer anymore. I think I'll just stand outside with my wet hair, and let the speed of the earth just pass me by!

With this mindset, we look at God and say, "Hey, where's your efficiency? Where's your swiftness? We have issues down here! Can't you just hurry up and rescue your church out of this hellhole?!?" Wars, hunger, poverty, disease, violence and crime. What a mess! And we want out. NOW.

All I can say is I thank God that He is slow to close the final chapter on this world, because maybe I would've been left behind. Or you. Who are we, as believers in Jesus, to say that just because we've been saved by His grace, that the rest of the unbelieving world can go to hell? That is the antithesis of God's compassion on a world that has no relationship with Him! He is patient, oh so patient. He was patient with you. And with me. We need to understand His heart for those who don't know Him, and be diligent in prayer and active witness, rather than bemoaning our lot at this time and place on this earth, and looking at our watch and tapping our feet with impatient irritation, wondering when God is gonna fire up His microwave on this place and get things moving at a pace that suits us.

God's ways and God's timing are not ours, and we need to be very grateful for that. The next time you wish the Lord would hurry up and return, stop and pray for your unbelieving neighbor or relative or co-worker. The work of the Holy Spirit is not done until God says so. So, let's be in partnership with Him, taking advantage of the time we have. His return may be tomorrow -- it may be 100 years from now. Let's not keep looking at our watches, but instead look at the faces, the faces of those who need God, the faces of those who were us before we met Him.


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